This document analyzes ANTswers, an interactive chatbot at the University of California, Irvine library that has been used by over 2,786 patrons since 2014. It contains statistics on usage of the chatbot and an analysis of the language patrons use when interacting with it. The analysis found that patrons most commonly use interrogative sentences to ask questions, and 17% include opening or closing phrases when chatting. The document also outlines research questions about how patron usage varies by time of day and what types of questions are most commonly asked.
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Analyzing an Interactive Chatbot and its Impact on Academic Reference Services
1. Analyzing an Interactive
Chatbot and its Impact on
Academic Reference
2. About ANTswers
ANTswers went live in 2014
Contains 128 AIML files
2,786 patron transcripts with
over 10,000 questions asked
Provides consistent answers
No personal information is
tracked ANTswers is
Modeled after Peter the
Anteater (UCI Mascot)
Loves everything UCI related
There are a lot of responses
about ants!
Some patrons just want to chat
ANTswers gets asked out
16. Research Questions
1. What language structure do patrons use when
using the ANTswers chatbot
2. Do people use this service at different hours of the
3. Is the assumption accurate that this service point
attracts directional, printing / equipment, library
holdings questions, and / or library policy
18. Opening Phrase
Greetings are a common courtesy
Patrons used and opening phrase 17% of
the time
Hi and Hello were used the most often
Some patrons want to create a
relationship (or pretend to create a
relationship) even with a computer
19. Showing Interest
Showing interest in ANTswers , patrons attempt
to build a connection
248 transcripts included the patron asking
questions about ANTswers
Patrons liked to ask if ANTswers would go out with
20. Type of Question
Declarative statements that tend to end
with a period, they tend to lack emotion
Interrogative - used to ask questions or make
requests, usually end with a question marks
Exclamatory forceful version of a declarative
sentence, conveys excitement or emotion
Imperative give a command or impart
instructions, make a request
21. Closing Phrase
142 transcripts (17%) used a closing phrase
Thank you / thanks was used 5% of the time
24. Research Questions
1. What language structure do patrons use when
using the ANTswers chatbot
2. Do people use this service at different hours of the
3. Is the assumption accurate that this service point
attracts directional, printing / equipment, library
holdings questions, and / or library policy
25. ThankYou
Danielle Kane
University of California, Irvine
Digital Scholarship Services
Data Management & Curation Librarian
Editor's Notes
Remember to mention that the stats are so small for summer 18 because of ANTswers going down for 3 weeks to switch over for our catalog antpac to our discover layer library search.
Out of 2,786 antswers transcripts an opening phrase such as hello, hey, hi, etc were used 460 times or 17%. There are a small number of patrons who just want to chat and they tend to treat ANTswers as if the chatbot is human.
Of the 248 transcripts
48 (19%) asking How are you
24 (10%) wanted to know what the chatbots name is
23 (9%) wanted to know what it does or what he was
33 (13) asked if the chatbot was human, a robot, or an anteater
One of the difficulties is that patrons dont tend to use punctuation when talking to ANTswers
Second layer was used to evaluate user needs:
Coded manually and I used the UCI libraries structure to create the structure
More than one topic can be asked during a conversation so there were a total of 3,536 total requests
About Library
Subject related questions
About uci
1. Interrogative - used to ask questions or make requests, usually end with a question marks
Imperative give a command or impart instructions, make a request
2. While ANTswers is available 24/7 its highest amount of use is during regular working hours. With 1 and 2 PM being the hours with the highest use. ANTswers is used all hours of the day
3. borrowing, vpn, finding books
very few patrons asked what could be considered in-depth research questions
Library supported Solr search ANTswers data was utilized in a tagging project to improve search capabilities
Hours on library homepage
Further research:
Sentiment analysis
Inappropriate questions in comparison to other chat reference services
Do this type of comparison with the reference desk and questionpoint chat