The document contains diagrams and labels of the major human body systems including:
1) The digestive system showing the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and anus.
2) The skeletal system listing various bones such as the frontal bone, ribs, femur and phalanges.
3) The muscular system naming muscles like the biceps, quadriceps and trapezius.
4) Labels for the brain, respiratory system, female reproductive system and internal organs.
5) A diagram of the male reproductive system is also included.
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4. Boca Esófago Intestino delgado Estómago Intestino grueso Ano SISTEMA DIGESTIVO 20/06/10 jhp.
5. Frontal Temporal Esternón Costillas Cúbito Radio Pelvis Tibia Peroné Maxilar Húmero Vértebras Falanges de las manos Falanges de los pies Fémur ESQUELETO 20/06/10 jhp.
6. Pectoral mayor Bíceps Cuádriceps Maseteros Trapecio Deltoides Recto del abdomen Gemelo Trapecio Deltoides Dorsal Glúteo Gemelo MUSCULATURA 20/06/10 jhp.