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Message	Maps	for	Foodborne	Outbreaks	and	Product	Recalls	
Anatomy of the Message Map	
www.MessageMaps.org	|	Rusty	Cawley,	APR
The	basic	template	
Category	of	stakeholder:	
Ques3on	or	concern:	
Key	message	1	 Key	message	2	 Key	message	3	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-1	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-2	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-3
The	top	Aer	idenA鍖es	stakeholders	and	the	
quesAon	or	concern	the	map	will	address.		
Category	of	stakeholder:	
Ques3on	or	concern:	
Key	message	1	 Key	message	2	 Key	message	3	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-1	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-2	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-3
The	middle	Aer	contains	the	three	key	messages	
we	want	stakeholders	to	understand.		
Category	of	stakeholder:	
Ques3on	or	concern:	
Key	message	1	 Key	message	2	 Key	message	3	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-1	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-2	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-3
The	boIom	Aer	contains	the	three	sets	of	
supporAng	informaAon	for	each	key	message.		
Category	of	stakeholder:	
Ques3on	or	concern:	
Key	message	1	 Key	message	2	 Key	message	3	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-1	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-1	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-2	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-2	
SupporAng	informaAon	1-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	2-3	 SupporAng	informaAon	3-3
The	Rule	of	Three	
≒ To	be	e鍖ecAve,	a	message	map	must:		
Present	three	key	messages.		
Repeat	each	key	message	three	Ames.		
Prepare	three	supporAng	message	for	each	key	
(Covello,	2002;	NCFPD,	2007)
The	27/9/3	Rule		
≒ We	will	limit	each	message	in	the	map	to	27	
words	or	fewer.		
≒ We	will	deliver	each	message	in	9	seconds	or	
≒ Each	map	will	include	3	key	messages.		
(Covello,	2002;	NCFPD,	2007
≒ Covello,	V.	(2002).	Message	Mapping,	Risk	and	Crisis	CommunicaAon:	Invited	
Paper	Presented	at	the	World	Health	OrganizaAon	Conference	on	Bio-
terrorism	and	Risk	CommunicaAon,	Geneva,	Switzerland.		
≒ Covello,	V.,	Minamyer	S.	&	Clayton	K.	(2007).	E鍖ecAve	Risk	and	Crisis	
CommunicaAon	during	Water	Security	Emergencies:	Summary	Report	of	EPA	
Sponsored	Message	Mapping	Workshop	
≒ NCFPD:	NaAonal	Center	for	Food	ProtecAon	and	Defense	(2007;	revised	2016).	
Risk	Communicator	Training	for	Food	Defense	Preparedness,	Response	&	

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