1. Film posters usually show the main characters and stars to attract audiences and give insight into the narrative.
2. Key locations, genre-reflecting fonts and images, and taglines are also included to further set the scene and tone.
3. Credit blocks at the bottom typically list stars using distinctive fonts to draw in fans and influence viewership.
2. Poster will usually show the
main characters of the film Tag line shown at the top of the
on the poster this allows poster that helps to give a snap
the audience to get an shot of the film.
understanding of the Star system used with
narrative but all are able to key names. Used to
see the stars of the film attract fans of these
which may influence them characters or the
to see it . director.
Key locations are also
placed on the poster to set
the scene as well as give an
indication of the genre of
the film. Title of the film written
in house style font
should be largest text
The font steel tongs are on the page to stand
used within a credit block at out. Font used should
the bottom of the page and reflect the narrative or
acts as a star system to genre of the film
attract audiences to see the
film because of the actors
3. Star system used with key Background image
actor names. Used to reflect the narrative of
attract fans of these the film along with the
actors. genre
All key protananists are Title of the film written
shown. Characters shown in house style font
will also attract fans of the should be largest text
marvel comics along with on the page to stand
giving an insight into the out. Font used should
narrative to the film. help to create a brand
for the film and should
Release date shown in be recognisable
house style font larger
than surrounding text
helps it to stand out along Steel tongs are used
with the contrasting within the credit block
colours with the at the bottom of the
background. Made to page can be used as a
stand out so that the Displaying the USP of 3D entices star system. This font is
audience is aware when audiences to watch the film a conventional feature
they can see it from because of this. for film posters