El documento menciona varios lugares notables de Portugal e España como Nadal, Peñafiel, la Catedral de Salamanca, la Casa de las Conchas en Salamanca, Ciudad Rodrigo, Toro, Castelo Rodrigo, Bragança, Pinhel, y la Catedral de Zamora.
The document describes a trip to various national parks in the western United States from August 6-28, 2003. It lists locations visited including Sequoia National Park in California, Yosemite National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, Death Valley, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Navajo National Monument, and Natural Bridges National Monument. Specific sights mentioned within the parks include Moro Rock, General Grant Tree, Mariposa Grove, Vernal Fall, Emerald Pool, Glacier Point, Mono Lake, and Inspiration Point.
This document provides information about locations in several southeastern U.S. states from 2006, including Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Washington D.C. It lists cities, parks, beaches and other places across these regions such as Seminole State Park in Georgia, Pensacola Beach in Florida, Hilton Head Island in South Carolina, and Daytona Beach in Florida.
The document appears to be a travel log from a trip to the United States in August 2003. It lists locations visited in Canyonlands National Park, Arches National Park, Dinosaur National Monument, Mesa Verde National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument, Wupatki National Monument, the Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree National Park, and locations in Hollywood and southern California like Laguna Beach and Malibu Beach. Specific sights mentioned include arches, cliffs, and ancient dwellings at the national park sites.
El documento menciona varios lugares notables de Portugal e España como Nadal, Peñafiel, la Catedral de Salamanca, la Casa de las Conchas en Salamanca, Ciudad Rodrigo, Toro, Castelo Rodrigo, Bragança, Pinhel, y la Catedral de Zamora.
The document describes a trip to various national parks in the western United States from August 6-28, 2003. It lists locations visited including Sequoia National Park in California, Yosemite National Park, Kings Canyon National Park, Death Valley, Bryce Canyon National Park, Zion National Park, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Navajo National Monument, and Natural Bridges National Monument. Specific sights mentioned within the parks include Moro Rock, General Grant Tree, Mariposa Grove, Vernal Fall, Emerald Pool, Glacier Point, Mono Lake, and Inspiration Point.
This document provides information about locations in several southeastern U.S. states from 2006, including Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Washington D.C. It lists cities, parks, beaches and other places across these regions such as Seminole State Park in Georgia, Pensacola Beach in Florida, Hilton Head Island in South Carolina, and Daytona Beach in Florida.
The document appears to be a travel log from a trip to the United States in August 2003. It lists locations visited in Canyonlands National Park, Arches National Park, Dinosaur National Monument, Mesa Verde National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument, Wupatki National Monument, the Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree National Park, and locations in Hollywood and southern California like Laguna Beach and Malibu Beach. Specific sights mentioned include arches, cliffs, and ancient dwellings at the national park sites.
2. • Els nostres cosins ens varen felicitar l’aniversari i ens varen regalar una estada de cap de
setmana a l’hotel Estival Park de Salou.
• El viatge incloïa:
– Tres nits a l’hotel Estival Park de 4*
– Règim de pensió completa.
– Utilització de la zona d’aigües ( sauna, piscina, bany de vapor, ...)
– Classes dirigides de gimnà s.
– Classes de balls llatins ( son cubà , merengues, mambo )
– Aperitiu de benvinguda.
– Ball amb orquestra, dissabte nit.
– Espectacle de delfins a l’Aquapolis.
Com que els balls llatins no han sigut mai el somni de la nostra vida và rem decidir
canviar aquesta bona idea per:
Tres nits a l’hotel Ahotels Prisma de 4*, amb règim de dormir i esmorzar.
2 entrades a Caldea per poder gaudir de 3 hores de la seva zona d’aigües.
Excursions a dojo per Andorra i l’Alt Urguell:
Estanys de Juclar i la vall d’Incles
La vall de Sorteny
La casa del corb a Peramola