1) The document discusses using augmented reality (AR) technology with Andrex packaging to surprise shoppers and consumers.
2) By scanning triggers on Andrex packs, users could bring the brand's CGI puppy character to life through their device cameras.
3) This would add value to each pack and drive in-store disruption, product collection incentives, and bespoke retailer promotions.
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Andrex ar slides for sales conference
1. Andrex: Using new technology to
Text & Visuals for Sales Conference
2. Making new technology work for Andrex
Technology provides us with the opportunity to surprise shoppers and consumers
with something that they havent seen before
Reinforces Andrex as a market leader that embraces technical innovation
Everyone has heard about Augmented Reality (AR) to date no major FMCG brand
has harnessed the potential in a way that connects with all of their consumers
The Andrex CGI puppy is perfect for AR, and these slides give examples of how it
can be used to breakthrough by:
- Adding value to every pack
- Disrupting the shopper in-store
- Generating kiddie-power, and in-home visibility
- Bespoke retailer activity
- Supporting retailer initiatives
- Driving an individual product line
- Supporting Puppy Points
3. How would it work?
Shoppers / consumers download the App to their phone, iPad or computer
Device must have a built in camera or webcam
Camera is then pointed at a TRIGGER symbol that it has been programmed to
This triggers a 3D sequence to appear on the screen, as if it is really there in the
camera view
When the user moves the camera or trigger object the perspective on the 3D
animation changes allowing a realistic 360 degree view
This demo is has only been produced to give an idea, if the campaign goes live
a whole range of new sequences will be developed
App has been loaded onto a iPad
iPad is pointed at the Andrex logo on the front of a standard pack
Puppy comes to life
Experiment with the perspective that you can get on the puppy by changing the
angle of the camera
5. Breakthrough with the unexpected
Use AR to add value to every pack
Offer shoppers / consumers AR puppies to collect & play with
Up to 8 unique puppies to collect
Puppies each perform a different sequence that shows their individual character
Different trigger symbols for each puppy (see pack visual)
Any 2 trigger symbols scanned at the same time
will trigger a sequence where the puppies play with
each other. EG one has a ball they both play with
the ball (see demo video of Star Wars characters,
by clicking link below)
6. Recognising the trigger on pack generic
Underlying message Scan the pack & bring the puppies to life Collect & Play
7. Recognising the trigger on pack generic
Reverse, shows numbered trigger symbols
Collect all 8 to enter prize draw, or receive a reward
Marker on
could link to
Puppy Points
8. Disruption in-store
If Tesco introduce wireless broadband in-store, consumers can pick up a pack and
play with the puppies at POP
9. Disruption in-store Retailer tailormade
Screens can also promote retailers
bespoke promotion:
Shopper buys any pack in-store or
Code printed on receipt to be
entered online
Marker downloaded & scanned to
reveal if a prize has been won
Prizes awarded in random sequence
11. Be different & surprise Breakthrough
Seamless integration with TV advertising
Works across multi-platforms
Offers unlimited flexibility to tailor to retailers and particular product lines
Once set up, cost effective to refresh and evolve
Innovative mechanics innovative brand
Fun & engaging for shoppers and their families, giving an on-going brand presence
in the home