The document describes components of an operating model including business units, processes, people, ownership, and metrics. It provides examples of operating models from Shell Chemicals, GlaxoSmithKline, and John Deere. The operating model expresses how an organization operates across business and technology domains to guide investment decisions and enable growth.
Solver Workshop 規劃求解工作坊 (2010.06.12 @ CCL)Calvin C. Yu
規劃求解工作坊 Solver Workshop
運用多種網上平台推行事工 Employing Multiple Online Platforms for Missions
Calvin Yu @ CCL / 2010.06.12
This presentation introduces the solution of employing multiple online platforms for a particular mission of CCL as well as the underlying thinking process. I hope the sharing can not only let CCL colleagues understand the reason for the tool selection, but also the strategic thinking process and principles so that they can employ the same methodology in the preparation for other missions.
Solver Workshop 規劃求解工作坊 (2010.06.12 @ CCL)Calvin C. Yu
規劃求解工作坊 Solver Workshop
運用多種網上平台推行事工 Employing Multiple Online Platforms for Missions
Calvin Yu @ CCL / 2010.06.12
This presentation introduces the solution of employing multiple online platforms for a particular mission of CCL as well as the underlying thinking process. I hope the sharing can not only let CCL colleagues understand the reason for the tool selection, but also the strategic thinking process and principles so that they can employ the same methodology in the preparation for other missions.
25. Community
?“Who write the code, who get the power”
–聲望在社群之的重要性 -- 機會
–Community 改 code 的方式
–用 patch 得到特定領域的主導
–每個 patch 都有一個也只有一個特定的目地
?upstream 才是王道 ? Yes/No
?Follow up to upstream