This document describes an Android application for location-based services. It includes system requirements, architecture, use case diagrams, modules, and objectives. The application allows users to create places based on longitude and latitude, set profiles and alarms for places, and broadcast messages to contacts based on location. The system requirements include supporting a single user, security, availability, and reliability. The modules implemented are setting profiles/alarms, broadcasting messages, and setting/viewing files. The objectives achieved are creating interfaces for getting location, creating places, broadcasting messages, and setting/viewing files and profiles/alarms.
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Project guide
Mr. Imran khan, B E,M.Tech
Asst Professor
Dept. of IS&E
Project associates:
Prashanth C.B
Niranjan Murthi B E
Krishna Mohan kumar
Punith J C
2. Contents
? Feasible solution and system requirements
? System architecture
? Use case Diagram
? Data Flow Diagram
? Sequence Diagram
? Flow Charts
? Activity Diagram
? Modules
? Objectives achieved
? Nowadays the location became a new
? In The olden days it was not possible to find
the location so easily.
? But as the technology developed the finding of
location became easy using geo location and
android phones.
4. ? It provide easy to get the location based on
longitude and latitude.
? So our project make use of this technology and
developed the app which can be use full for
various situations.
5. 1. Functional Reqiurements:
?User needs to create place.
?After creating place set the profile and
?Set the broadcast for particular user.
These are the following modules come
under this application:
?Setting profile, alarm according to longitude and
?Broad casting Messages.
23. Objectivies Achieved
? Created user interface for getting android
?Created user interface for creating place
based on longitude and latitude.
?Created user interface for broadcast
?Created user interface for setting, viewing
24. ?Created user interface for profile
?Created user interface for setting the
alarm based on place.