You can control another Android device remotely using SMS messages to find its location, turn WiFi on/off, play ringtones, and more. The app requires registration and login to view request logs detailing sent and received messages. A confirmation message is received whenever a remote request succeeds such as locating the other device or changing a setting.
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Android controller by SMS [control one android phone from another]
2. Summary
You can control one android device to another device using SMS service.
You can manage to find location of another device user by sending sms.
Can turn WiFi on/off.
Can play other device ringtone.
To use the app you have to register and login every time.
There are logs to maintain sender, receiver request details, like which message you have send and at
what time, to whim are save and you can view them.
A confirmation message is receive every time when request is successful.
7. Download link for this app is in description.
Download the app install this on your android phone, friends and family
and test the controller.
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