Anexa 3 - Anunt Selectie membri pentru infiintare Structuri Economie Sociala in cadrul Asociatiei Centrul de Cercetare si Formare al Universitatii de Nord Baia Mare.
Descarcati si anexele aferente pentru un dosar complet.
Makalah ini membahas struktur kalimat yang baik dan benar dalam bahasa Indonesia, khususnya untuk penulisan karya ilmiah. Dibahas pola dasar kalimat bahasa Indonesia dan ciri-ciri kalimat yang baik seperti memiliki subjek dan predikat yang jelas serta keutuhan bagian kalimat majemuk."
DevCon Summit 2014 #DevelopersUnitePH: The "What" and "Why" of NoSQL by Matia...DEVCON
This document provides an overview of NoSQL databases by telling a story about a company that needed a new database solution to support growing user numbers, data size, and write throughput for a social media aggregation project. It explains that traditional SQL databases may not meet the needs of modern web applications that generate large amounts of structured and unstructured data very quickly. It then gives brief descriptions of different NoSQL database categories including key-value stores, document databases, BigTable databases, and search engines.
Practice Leads Reid Kerr and Russ Rogers hosting a live webinar on Financial Data Management Enterprise Edition on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014. The slides highlight the functionality of this release, upgrade considerations and implementation highlights.
Includes the drill back and audit functionality of FDMEE that is helping organizations create seamless data flows from source to reporting in an easy to use, administer and maintain package.
In less then 60minutes you will gain:
An Understanding of FDMEE
Comparison of FDM and FDMEE Variations
FDMEE functionality
Exciting and Informative Live Demo (hint: drillback)
Things you need to know to get started with FDMEE
Next Steps:
Take the 4 hour Conservative approach or 2 Day Deep Dive Exploration to learn how FDMEE works in your environment
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang desa di Indonesia, termasuk pendapat ahli bahwa desa bersifat asli dan bukan buatan. Dokumen juga menjelaskan definisi desa menurut beberapa ahli dan unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi struktur sosial masyarakat desa.
Galatia 3:14 menjelaskan bahwa Kristus melakukan sesuatu agar berkat yang dijanjikan Allah kepada Abraham dapat diberikan juga kepada orang-orang non-Yahudi yang percaya kepada Allah dan menerima Roh yang dijanjikan. Berkat di sini merujuk kepada janji dan hadiah yang diberikan karena iman dalam taat dan patuhnya Abraham kepada Allah.
If you are tired of chasing after one internet marketing program after another, you may need to concentrate on marketing and follow these four steps instead of joining another program.
Cum intocmim Bugetul companiei folosind un sistem ERP: 6 pasi simpli. 1. Sablonul de buget. Descarcati Sablonul de Buget 2014 format Excel din sistemul Pluriva ERP. Sablonul tabelar XLS descarcat din aplicatie, din Modulul Contabilitate, contine Centrele de cost si Articolele de buget pentru fiecare linie de business specifice firmei dvs., dupa cum au fost definite si cum sunt utilizate in sistemul Pluriva ERP. Bugetul poate fi realizat si urmarit lunar sau trimestrial.
Masurarea impactului social al proiectelor de CSR prin metoda SROIThe Azores
La nivel mondial este recunoscut faptul ca organizatiile au nevoie de solutii mai bune pentru a gestiona si masura impactul social, economic si de mediu pe care il au. SROI poate fi folosit ca un instrument pentru planificare strategica, cu scopul de a imbunatati felul in care comunica despre impact, pentru a atrage noi investitii si pentru a lua decizii de investitie cu ajutorul valorilor monetare atribuite acestui impact.
Acest material a fost realizat prin proiectul "Dezvoltarea capacitii ONG-urilor i a grupurilor informale", finanat prin granturile SEE 2009- 2014, 樽n cadrul Fondului ONG 樽n Rom但nia.
Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint 樽n mod necesar poziia oficial a granturilor SEE 2009-2014.
Pentru informaii suplimentare despre proiect, accesai Detalii despre finanator gsii pe i pe
Practice Leads Reid Kerr and Russ Rogers hosting a live webinar on Financial Data Management Enterprise Edition on Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014. The slides highlight the functionality of this release, upgrade considerations and implementation highlights.
Includes the drill back and audit functionality of FDMEE that is helping organizations create seamless data flows from source to reporting in an easy to use, administer and maintain package.
In less then 60minutes you will gain:
An Understanding of FDMEE
Comparison of FDM and FDMEE Variations
FDMEE functionality
Exciting and Informative Live Demo (hint: drillback)
Things you need to know to get started with FDMEE
Next Steps:
Take the 4 hour Conservative approach or 2 Day Deep Dive Exploration to learn how FDMEE works in your environment
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang desa di Indonesia, termasuk pendapat ahli bahwa desa bersifat asli dan bukan buatan. Dokumen juga menjelaskan definisi desa menurut beberapa ahli dan unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi struktur sosial masyarakat desa.
Galatia 3:14 menjelaskan bahwa Kristus melakukan sesuatu agar berkat yang dijanjikan Allah kepada Abraham dapat diberikan juga kepada orang-orang non-Yahudi yang percaya kepada Allah dan menerima Roh yang dijanjikan. Berkat di sini merujuk kepada janji dan hadiah yang diberikan karena iman dalam taat dan patuhnya Abraham kepada Allah.
If you are tired of chasing after one internet marketing program after another, you may need to concentrate on marketing and follow these four steps instead of joining another program.
Cum intocmim Bugetul companiei folosind un sistem ERP: 6 pasi simpli. 1. Sablonul de buget. Descarcati Sablonul de Buget 2014 format Excel din sistemul Pluriva ERP. Sablonul tabelar XLS descarcat din aplicatie, din Modulul Contabilitate, contine Centrele de cost si Articolele de buget pentru fiecare linie de business specifice firmei dvs., dupa cum au fost definite si cum sunt utilizate in sistemul Pluriva ERP. Bugetul poate fi realizat si urmarit lunar sau trimestrial.
Masurarea impactului social al proiectelor de CSR prin metoda SROIThe Azores
La nivel mondial este recunoscut faptul ca organizatiile au nevoie de solutii mai bune pentru a gestiona si masura impactul social, economic si de mediu pe care il au. SROI poate fi folosit ca un instrument pentru planificare strategica, cu scopul de a imbunatati felul in care comunica despre impact, pentru a atrage noi investitii si pentru a lua decizii de investitie cu ajutorul valorilor monetare atribuite acestui impact.
Acest material a fost realizat prin proiectul "Dezvoltarea capacitii ONG-urilor i a grupurilor informale", finanat prin granturile SEE 2009- 2014, 樽n cadrul Fondului ONG 樽n Rom但nia.
Coninutul acestui material nu reprezint 樽n mod necesar poziia oficial a granturilor SEE 2009-2014.
Pentru informaii suplimentare despre proiect, accesai Detalii despre finanator gsii pe i pe
Finante pentru non-finantisti, EvolutivSimona Lucaci
Viitorul companiei noastre poate fi citit cu o acuratete rezonabila in cateva fisiere Excel. Acolo se transeaza, de fapt, deciziile pe care le asteptam. Ni se va aproba proiectul de investitii sau nu? Vom putea angaja la anul inca doi oameni? Sau vom face concedieri? Da, avem acces la unele raportari financiare. Stim si ca acolo sunt raspunsurile, dar ele sunt intr-o limba pe care n-o intelegem.
Programul Finante pentru non-finantisti ii ajuta pe participanti sa inteleaga conceptele-cheie din spatele limbajului financiar, sa-si puna in ordine cunostintele acumulate intamplator si sa afle care e relatia dintre foile de sanatate financiara ale organi-zatiei. Echipati cu aceste instrumente, vor intelege mai bine impactul propriei activitati, cauzele deciziilor financiare din companie si rolul pe care acestea il joaca in performantele firmei.
Ghid 1 practic model canavas suport curs start up d.a.c.i.a ast 2021 djstTomoniu Antonio
SITE WebDacia
BLOG WebDacia
Social Media webDacia
Pagina WebDacia Facebook
GRUP WebDacia Facebook
Pagina WebDacia linkedin
Misiunea Centrului de Resurse pentru Cetatenie Activa (CRCA) este de a promova spiritul civic, educatia, cultura si responsabilitatea in randul populatiei din Romania prin crearea de programe care sa sprijine dezvoltarea culturala si socio-economica a Romaniei.
Credem ca fiecare individ are un rol important in progresul societatii din care face parte. De aceea, promovarea cetateniei active prin crearea instrumentelor necesare pentru stimularea implicarii active a fiecaruia dintre noi in spatiul public reprezinta cea mai importanta valoare a noastra.
Youth is the agent of change by Rotary International Representative to United...Adrian Dan Pop
`Youth is the agent of change by Rotary International Representative to United Nations, Dr. Michel Jazzar, the District 2452 Governor Elect
Rotaract Global #ModelUN in Beirut, Lebanon
Civic education and Peacebuilding - is the customized district area of focus and the District 2452 theme 2018-2019 will be "Youth is our Future" The 5th Rotaract Global Model United Nations edition, in Beirut 2017 is organized around the topic of Free Nuclear World.
Young professionals from all around the world will meet in Lebanon to simulate the following United Nations committees:
United Nations Security Council
Topic A: Rearming: The future of the strategic arms slimitation talks (SALT)
Topic A: Establishment of a Nuclear Free Zone in the Middle East
Economic and social council
Topic A: Economic and social challenges in achieving Sustainable Development Goal 9 (Industrial Development) with special focus on economically developing nations.
Topic B: Accountability and inclusion of nations towards a nuclear free future in the area of renewable energy
United Nations Environmental Programme
Topic A: Building a nuclear free world: moving away from nuclear energy and nuclear weapons
Topic B: Animal agriculture and energy
Invitaci坦n sessi坦n de trabajo 4 y 5 de eneroAdrian Dan Pop
Sras. y Sres. Activistas de Paz
Representantes de la Comunidad de ONGs
Representantes de Universidades
Estimados Amigos del Foro Mundial de la Paz,
Es un placer poder compartir con Uds. esta invitaci坦n a dos sesiones de trabajo en el Honorable Congreso de la Naci坦n los proximos dias 4 y 5 de Febrero 2016.
Contaremos con la presencia de representantes de los grupos nacionales del World Peace Forum de muchos pa鱈ses de Europa, America y Africa.
Junto a una importante delegaci坦n de Brasil queremos preparar el X. World Peace Forum que se celebrar叩 del 22 al 25 de Septiembre 2016 en Florianopolis, Brasil.
Por favor pasen esta invitaci坦n a quienes pueden estar interesados en participar.
Gracias a Todos!
Dominicus H. Rohde
Invitaton to wpf executive meeting - Buenos Aires 4-5 FebruaryAdrian Dan Pop
It is our pleasure to invite you as our Guest of Honour to the World Peace Forum Executive Meeting, which will be held on February 4th and 5th 2016 at the National Congress Building in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
The Schengen Peace Foundation is a Non Governmental Organization, approved by His Majesty the Grand Duke Henri of Luxemburg. Created with the purpose of promoting the message of peace in Europe and the world, the Foundation contributes for the development of a more peaceful world by spreading the Spirit of Schengen into all world regions.
Since 2007 it organizes the World Peace Forum, which gathers scholars, peace activists, executives, journalists, students, religious leaders and politicians, as well as any citizen having an interest in participating. Among the patrons of the Forum are the Sorbonne University of Paris, the former Presidents of the European Commission, Jacques Santer as well as Jose Manuel Barroso and Nobel Peace Laureates like Archbishop Desmont Tutu among others.
In 2015 the World Peace Forum took its first real steps into the world and organized the 1st Youth World Peace Forum in Cairo, Egypt followed by the World Peace Forum in the city of Baia Mare, Romania working on the topic of Finding Common Global Values.
It will be a pleasure to count on your important presence and contribution on programme of the Forum on Thursday and Friday, in order to participate in our planning process for the 2016 World Peace Forum edition that will be hosted in Florianopolis, Brazil under the motto We believe and extending our network in South America.
The document summarizes the details of the 2015 Luxembourg Peace Prize ceremony, which will be held on October 2nd and 3rd in Luxembourg. It will recognize outstanding individuals and organizations working to promote peace. On the first day, the ceremony will be held at the European Parliament, where prizes will be awarded in categories such as Outstanding Peace Activist and Outstanding Peace Education. The second day will involve workshops, presentations and discussions on topics like global peace prospects and non-violent protest, held at the Lyc辿e de Schengen in Perl, Germany. The event aims to bring together peace activists from around the world.
Legal committee-topic-area-b rotaract global model un 2015Adrian Dan Pop
The Legal Committee, also referred to as the Sixth Committee, is one of six major
committees in the United Nations General Assembly (GA). The general Assembly is
one of the main policy-making bodies in the UN, and the Legal Committee is
responsible for dealing with the delicate issue of International Law that includes a
number of areas including human rights, economic and social development,
international security, and issues dealing with United Nations Organizations
International Law is grounded in the ideas of natural law. These laws are those that
are accepted by the general population as morally sound. International Law
endures regime changes and helps ensure justice no matter what the political
atmosphere is. In times of changing political climates, it can thus serve as a bridge
for shifting understandings of legality. War crimes and crimes against humanity
are examples of injustices that international law has addressed in the past.1
The topics that the Sixth Committee deals with are thus highly interdisciplinary,
and both of this years topics are no exception to this. The Sixth Committee thus
works closely with other General Assembly committees and policy groups to
recommend legislation and solutions.
Study guide legal committee-topic-area-a rotaract global mun 2015Adrian Dan Pop
Terrorism overall, as well as the issue of measures for combating terrorism in particular,
can be seen from a lot of perspectives, i.e. social, political, economic etc.
Among those perspectives is the legal one. Within the context of the legal committee,
the notion of combating terrorism should be seen from its purely legal perspective, so
as the debate to be efficient and to the point under examination. One of the mandates
of the UNGA is the promotion of the international public law, under Article 13 UN
Charter, which writes that The General Assembly shall initiate studies and make
recommendations for the purpose of: a. promoting international cooperation in the
political field and encouraging the progressive development of international law and
its codification; []. That being said, it is of crucial importance that this committee
addresses the notion of combating terrorism by references to the international humanitarian
law as now lies and the international law of human rights, formed by the existing
conventions specialised or not on terrorism and by customary international law
and any other international law sectors involved with this notion. Additionally, proposals
for codifications or concerted practices that could be considered as able to lead
to custom may be discussed. Purely social, political or other but legal observations do
not concern the Legal Committee and will not be accepted.
Study guide human rights-topic-area-a rotaract global mun 2015Adrian Dan Pop
For centuries, protection has been granted to people who flee persecution. However, the
current refugee regime seems to be the product of the last fifty years of the 20th century. The
origins of the modern refugee law can be found in the aftermath of the World World II, due to the
refugee crisis of the precedent years.n refugee regime is largely the product of the second half of
the twentieth century.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (hereinafter: UDHR) guarantees the right to
seek and enjoy asylum in other countries. Other human rights instruments 1 have also guaranteed
the right to seek and be granted asylum in a foreign territory, in accordance with the legislation
of the state and international conventions.2
Study guide ecosoc topic-area-a rotaract global mun 2015Adrian Dan Pop
Rotaract Global Model United Nations; Belgrade 26 30 August, 2015
Chair: Natalia Hermida, Co-Chair: Elisavet Dravalou
Study guide security council rotaract global mun 2015Adrian Dan Pop
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought,
conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have a religion or
whatever belief of his choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others
and in public or private,to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance,
practice and teaching.
Rotaract Global Model United Nations; Belgrade 26 30 August, 2015
Rotaract Global Model UN 2015 Belgrade AGENDAAdrian Dan Pop
Belgrade 2015 Rotaract Global Model United Nations is the 3rd international youth conference organized simulating the United Nations committees: Security Council, Human Rights, Peacebuilding, Legal Committee, Social and Economic, World Health Organization.
Here you can find the event agenda for all 4 days and the post conference trip rafting on Tara River
Anexa 8 - luna iulie - POSDRU: Economia Sociala o Sansa pentru fiecareAdrian Dan Pop
Raportare privind locatiile unde se desfasoara activitatile/subactivitatile relevante din cadrul proiectului "Economia Sociala - O Sansa pentru Fiecare" pentru luna iulie 2015.
Furnizarea serviciilor de orientare profesionala si medierea locurilor de munca in vederea facilitarii accesului pe o piata a muncii incluziva. Se vor organiza 3 targuri de joburi, primul fiind in 24 iulie la Agentia Judeteana pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca Maramures, din Baia Mare.
Furnizarea serviciilor de informare si consiliere psihologica si profesionala
Furnizarea cursurilor de Formare Profesionala in domeniile: Manager intreprindere sociala, ingrijire batrani la domiciliu, operator introducere validare si prelucrare date, operator universal spalator textile si curatitor chimic, pavator, lucrator in tamplarie, lucrator in cresterea animalelor,
World Peace Forum 2015 Programme - Baia Mare, RomaniaAdrian Dan Pop
The first World Peace Forum took place in 2007 to bring together professionals from all walks of life in order to exchange ideas and find ways to help promote the peace effort undertaken by so many individual activists as well as smaller and larger organisations throughout the world.
The World Peace Forum has become a platform for best practice exchange and a market place for peacemakers. Once a year a growing number of peacemakers are invited to present their projects and ideas, their efforts and ways to build a more peaceful world.
A small, yet international group of scholars, researchers, artists, politicians and citizens from around the world organised an initial conference in Schengen, Luxembourg in 2006. From this small event the World Peace Forum has developed into a global platform for peace activists and initiatives. Each year is given a particular theme for discussion, these have included Conflict Resolution, Connecting Peace-Makers and Women, Stability & Peace. The Luxembourg Peace Prize was also initiated in 2012 to award outstanding peace-makers.
The 2015 edition of the World Peace Forum will take place in Baia Mare, Romania with the theme Finding Common Global Values from the 7-10th of May. There will also be a Youth World Peace Forum that will take place in Cairo, Egypt from 4-6th of May 2015.
148909 Anexa 8 raportare lunara locatii implementare activitati mai 2015Adrian Dan Pop
Raportare privind locaiile unde se desfoar activitile/subactivitatile relevante din cadrul proiectului POSDRU "Pai spre incluziunea profesional prin dezvoltarea economiei sociale" pentru luna mai 2015
Anunt selectie membrii ses oarta de jos MaramuresAdrian Dan Pop
Anunt Selectie membri pentru infiintare Structuri Economie Sociala. Comuna Oarta de Jos, Maramures.
Descarcati si anexele aferente pentru un dosar complet.
Anunt Selectie membri pentru infiintare Structuri Economie Sociala. Comuna Oarta de Jos, Maramures.
Descarcati si anexele aferente pentru un dosar complet.
1. Anexa 3
Plan de sustenabilitate al Structurii de Economiei Social
Nume/ prenume aplicant:___________________________
SES: ___________________________________________
1. Obiective: (Obiectivele fundamentale desemneaza acele obiective ce au in vedere
orizonturi indelungate, de regula 3-5 ani si care se refera la ansamblul activitatilor
organizatiei sau la componente majore ale acesteia. Din punct de vedere al
continutului, obiectivele fundamentale se divizeaza in trei mari categorii:
orgnizationale, economice si sociale. Obiectivele organizationale reprezinta viziunea
asupra dezvoltarii organizatiei Obiectivele sociale sunt mai putin frecvente in
strategiile firmelor, dar cu tendinta de crestere rapida in ultimul deceniu si relevante
pentru structurile economiei socialei. Obiectivele economice sintetizeaza si cuantifica
scopurile avute in vedere pe termen lung, de prorpietar, managementul superior si
alte categorii de stakeholderi majori )
Obiective Termen scurt ( 1 an ) Termen mediu ( 2 3 ani) Termen lung ( 4- 5 ani)
1. Strategia utilizata in sustenabilitatea afacerii
2. Managementul relatiei cu clientii
2. 3. Marketingul SES
4. Descrieti va rugam indicatorii de securizare conform :
Indicatori Descrieti modalitate de raportare la Indicatori
1 Relevanta domeniului de
activitate al SES cu
trebuin釘ele i nevoile
grupurilor tint
2 Furnizarea serviciilor /
produselor cu un impact
social sporit
3 Evolu釘ia mediului extern
(finan釘atori, ateptrile
clientilor, concuren釘a, etc)
4 Folosirea resurselor de care
dispune SES in mod
5 Managementul financiar al
6 Vizibilitatea, prestigiul i
recunoasterea social
7 Cresterea gradului de
ataament i dedica釘ie din
partea celor ce lucreaz 樽n
cadrul organiza釘iei
8 Dezvoltarea unui mediu
organiza釘ional intern si
extern favorabil
Msuri de sustenabilitate a afacerii
Contului de profit i pierdere
3. Denumirea indicatorului Anul 1 Anul 2
1. Cifra de afaceri neta
- alte venituri din exploatare
2. Venituri - total
3. Cheltuieli - total
4. Profitul sau pierdere bruta
- profit
- pierdere
5. Impoziti pe profit
6. Profitul sau pierderea neta
- profit
- pierdere
Flux de numerar
An I An II
Proiectia fluxului de
numerar in lei
1 Stoc initial
2 Intrari
3 Iesiri
4 Aport capital propriu
5 Alte surse de finantare