numbers which we use everyday. note: you will notice that the 7 has a line through the middle of it. That was the way the Arabic 7 was originally written, and in Europe and certain other areas they still write the 7 that way (I remember my German teacher did). Also, in the military, they commonly write it that way. The nine has a kind of curly tail on it that has been reduced, for the most part nowadays, to a simple curve, but the logic involved still applies.
2. The numbers we write are made up of algorithms, (1, 2, 3, 4, etc) called arabic algorithms, to distinguish them from the roman algorithms (I; II; III; IV; etc.). 013456 1 2 4 5
3. 013456 1 2 4 5 The arabs popularise these algorithms, but their origin goes back to the phenecian merchants that used them to count and do their commercial contability.
4. 013456 1 2 4 5 Have you ever asked the question why 1 is one, 2 is two, 3 is three..?
5. 013456 1 2 4 5 What is the logic that exist in the arabic algorithms?
6. 013456 1 2 4 5 Easy, very easy! There are angles!
7. 013456 1 2 4 5 Look at these algorithms written in their primitive form and check it up!