Some people unknowingly subject animals to cruelty through neglect and improper care of their pets. They may keep dogs in inadequate shelters exposed to the elements, leave them chained for long periods, or use harsh discipline methods without understanding the harm caused. Some animal hoarders take in more pets than they can properly house or care for, unintentionally creating unhealthy and unsafe conditions. However, animal cruelty will not be stopped with money alone but requires motivating people to recognize and change inhumane behaviors.
2. Many of these people dont know what there doing is
cruelty For example, some may keep a dog in their yard with a
doghouse that is on the ground and gets flooded with water
when it rains, or they keep their dog on a short chain all of the
time without realizing that the dog needs better shelter . Some
people will try to keep their pet under control by using cruel
types of discipline. They may think that punishment and
intimidation are the best ways to solve a problem, when in fact
they aren't.
3. Some people hurt animals even
though they think they're helping them by
taking in more pets than they can handle.
These people are called hoarders. The
motivation comes from a good place, but
unfortunately, the animals end up living in a
place that's cramped, dirty and unhealthy.