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Betty, alittle Jack Russell whogrew up inParis, arrivedin
Corr竪ze twoyears ago. A paradise for dogs. A freedom
without limits until the day when...
C辿cile told me the news on WhatsApp:"Betty was attackedby a Rottweiler.
She almostdied! Shesall stitchedup, cant walk, wontget out of her
The said sonof a bitch hadescaped from the yard of its owner, the one C辿cile
calls "BreakingBad," a shaggy beardedman with skull ringson his fingers.
A week later, Betty is muchbetter. Her body still covered with a thick
bandage, she managesto extract herself from her basket and waddle around
the garden. Yesterday, she even went down the woodenstaircase to the first
floor by herself.
Breaking Badcame tosee C辿cile and said he hadchained up hisdog. He has
three appointmentswiththe veterinarian, Dr. Couderc, who treatsBetty and
mustalso evaluate the dangercategory of the mongrel in question.
Chain or not, I have decided not gofor a walk on the roadto Brivezac
anymore, andwill steer clear of Breaking Badsproperty.
Three dayslater. Betty returns from her third visitto the vet. New bandages.
A skin specialist from Toulouseon vacation nearby had been invitedby Dr
Couderc tocome and examine "Bettysdelicate case". Half a dozen medical
staff congregate aroundthe small, woundeddog. The high priestessof skin
applies honey to the raw flesh of Betty. Her skin, necrotic, hadto be removed
on onethird of her mutilatedlittle body. Shethen exposesher underan LED
lamp before re-bandaging.
Arriving home, the freshly swaddled Betty is thirsty. She leans over the pool. A
little too far. Shefalls in.
Pierre, who is standingnearby, divesin like a rugby player and grabsthe
sinkingdog. Pulls her up. But he hears a crack when he throws himself to the
ground. His knee hashit a rock. Pierre is in pain. His knee is swelling.
And Betty is all wet! Her new bandages, thefew hairs sticking outof them,
soaked!Quick!Call Dr. Couderc, put Pierre ona deck chair in the shadeof the
oak tree, bringice for his knee...
C辿cile goes down tothe village to buy somearnica cream. The sky blazes over
the valley; the successionof hills resemble a festoon in the flaming sky, the
crickets are silent.
Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, July 7, 2022

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"Animal Freedom and Dog Warfare"

  • 1. ANIMAL FREEDOM & DOG WARFARE Betty, alittle Jack Russell whogrew up inParis, arrivedin Corr竪ze twoyears ago. A paradise for dogs. A freedom without limits until the day when... THAT SON OF A BITCH ROTTWEILER C辿cile told me the news on WhatsApp:"Betty was attackedby a Rottweiler. She almostdied! Shesall stitchedup, cant walk, wontget out of her basket." The said sonof a bitch hadescaped from the yard of its owner, the one C辿cile calls "BreakingBad," a shaggy beardedman with skull ringson his fingers. A week later, Betty is muchbetter. Her body still covered with a thick bandage, she managesto extract herself from her basket and waddle around the garden. Yesterday, she even went down the woodenstaircase to the first floor by herself. Breaking Badcame tosee C辿cile and said he hadchained up hisdog. He has three appointmentswiththe veterinarian, Dr. Couderc, who treatsBetty and mustalso evaluate the dangercategory of the mongrel in question. Chain or not, I have decided not gofor a walk on the roadto Brivezac anymore, andwill steer clear of Breaking Badsproperty.
  • 2. THE EXPERTS INTERVENTION Three dayslater. Betty returns from her third visitto the vet. New bandages. A skin specialist from Toulouseon vacation nearby had been invitedby Dr Couderc tocome and examine "Bettysdelicate case". Half a dozen medical staff congregate aroundthe small, woundeddog. The high priestessof skin applies honey to the raw flesh of Betty. Her skin, necrotic, hadto be removed on onethird of her mutilatedlittle body. Shethen exposesher underan LED lamp before re-bandaging. Arriving home, the freshly swaddled Betty is thirsty. She leans over the pool. A little too far. Shefalls in. Pierre, who is standingnearby, divesin like a rugby player and grabsthe sinkingdog. Pulls her up. But he hears a crack when he throws himself to the ground. His knee hashit a rock. Pierre is in pain. His knee is swelling. And Betty is all wet! Her new bandages, thefew hairs sticking outof them, soaked!Quick!Call Dr. Couderc, put Pierre ona deck chair in the shadeof the oak tree, bringice for his knee... C辿cile goes down tothe village to buy somearnica cream. The sky blazes over the valley; the successionof hills resemble a festoon in the flaming sky, the crickets are silent. Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, July 7, 2022