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          I love animals. I have
two cats Sassy and Smudge. I
have had Sassy for about ten
years now and Smudge for                           This is my cat Smudge. She is a
about eight. They are my two                       very shy cat and not very friendly.
most favorite cats I have ever                     She really only likes my mom. She
had. Sassy is a lot more friendly                  runs around the house at night
than Smudge is. They both                          and plays with her toys and its
sleep with my mom at night                         really annoying.
and follow her around the
house every morning.

                                       This is my cat Sassy. She loves
                                       everyone. She is so friendly. She is a
                                       very nice cat and she’s gentle. She is
                                       like a big fluff ball.
           I have a house in Maine
that I go to in the summer. I live
right down the street from the
beach. My mom loves the beach
and so does my whole family. We
are always at the beach. We always
meet up with my parents friends at
the beach which makes it more fun.
           I have cheered for five
years now. I have always cheered
for Pop Warner. When I was little
I always told my mom that I
wanted to cheer but she didn’t
want me to. Once I got into
fourth grade she let me cheer and
I have been cheering ever since
then. Next year will be my last
year cheering because I don’t
want to cheer for high school.
After next year I will start
coaching the littler teams. I have
got better since I started and I am
still improving. Two years ago I
missed nationals by one place.
We needed to get first or second
but we got third.
           I have always gone to my
dad for help. We always get along
together and never fight. He takes
me wherever I want to go. Me and
my dad have always had a special
connection unlike me and my
mom. My dad always takes me
shopping at least twice a month.
We get along very well and I like
our relationship we have.

                                            This is my dad and my Uncle Dino.
                                            My dad is on the left and my
                                            Uncle Dino is on the right.
          I couldn’t live without
electronics. I got my first phone
when I was in fourth grade so I
was nine or ten. I always drop or
break my phone. I have had over
fifteen phones in just three or
four years. I got an ipad for
Christmas this year and I use it
everyday. I always get a new
electronic for Christmas or my
            I love all of my friends so
much. I have two best friends. Their
names are Jillian Burke and Julia Moran.
I have many other friends but those are
my best friends. I have known Jillian
since second grade but we stopped
talking and started talking again in sixth
grade. We have been best friends ever
since. I have known Julia for five years
now. We cheer together and that’s how
we met. The day I met her was the day
we became best friends. She goes to a
different school but we are going to
high school together next year. We
hangout at least two to three times a
week. Me and Jill see each other
everyday in school and hangout about
once a week. They both have helped me
and been there for me when I needed
Gianna DelleChiaie
           I was born on April
23, 1999. I was born in
Leominster. I have two brothers
Tyler and Ryan. I have lived in
Leominster for my whole life.
My parents named me Gianna
because its Italian and my dads
Italian. They liked the name so
they picked Gianna.
           I have lived in my house
my whole life. I love the size of my
house and everything about it. My
family decided to add onto my
house twice. My house was my
great grandparents house before
we lived there. I live in
Leominster. My house is kind of a             The top picture is of my house before
big house but I love it. The size of          my parents decided to add onto the
it for my family is perfect.                  house. On the bottom of the picture
                                              is my house after they added on to it
Ice Cream
           I always go to Sundaes at the
Beach in Maine every year. My
grandparents take my brother, my mom
and I. They pay for my family. We walk
to the place because its right down the
street from my grandparents. We
usually go around like the second week
of August. They take us about twice in
the two weeks we are on vacation for.
We do this every year so its like a
Julia Moran
          She is my best friend. I
have known her for five years and
we met through cheering. We were
never as close as we are now. We
talk every day and we hangout with
each other two to three times a
week. We tell each other
everything and help each other
with everything. She is like a sister
to me. We go every where together
and we go shopping all the time.
Her house and her family is my
second house and family.
Kebret Ketema
           Kebret has been my
best friend for almost my whole
life about twelve years. She is my
neighbor. We became friends the
day she moved here. When she
moved here she literally walked
over to my house and walked
into my house and sat in the
corner and that’s how we met.
My parents think of her as
another daughter. She loves my
family and I love her family. We
don’t see each other a lot even
though she lives right next to
            I was born in Leominster.
I have lived in Leominster my whole
life and lived in the same house my
whole life. I’m not the biggest fan
of Leominster. I don’t really like it.
It’s a very boring city I think. I don’t
like the neighborhood I live in
because there’s a lot that happens.
Leominster is just too much for me.
I don’t like the people here.
           I have a summer house in
Maine that I go to every year. My family
and I take vacations and go to Maine for
a week or two every summer. I love going
to Maine because I like it better than my
house even though it’s a lot smaller. We
go to the beach when we go to Maine. I
live right down the street from the beach.
I take friends to Maine sometimes and we
walk to the beach.
           My nephews name is
Chase. He is a year and three
months old. I don’t see him a lot
but when I do I spend every
minute with him. I treat him as a
little brother and I love him so
much. He is the cutest little boy
           I always dress the best I can. I
always buy my outfits from
Hollister, American Eagle, and Victoria
Secrets. I barely shop any other place
unless I’m buying my shoes and I buy
those at Uggs, Sperrys, and occasionally
like Bobs, Macys, or Kohls. I like to look
my best most of the time. I don’t dress
to impress but I try and buy the best
            Ryan is my half brother. He
is my dads son and he’s twenty nine
years old. I don’t see him a lot but
when I do we spend every second
together. He takes me any where my                             This is my brother Ryan, his
brother and I want to go because we                            wife Carissa, and my nephew
barely see him. He is married and has                          Chase. Ryan is on the
a kid. I always go to him with my                              left, Carissa is on the
problems and issues because he helps                           right, and Chase is in the
me with everything and I trust him. He                         middle.
doesn’t tell anyone anything I tell him.
My brother and I will have my mom
drive us to his house once in a while
just to see him and my nephew. If I
don’t get driven to his house the only
other time I see him is at Christmas. I    This is Ryan and
haven’t seen him since Christmas .         Chase in the snow
                                           at their house in
           My favorite season is
summer. I hate all the other
seasons because there colder.
Summer has always been my
favorite because I love to swim
and go to the beach. I cant go to
the beach or swim in any other
season because its too cold. I
always go on vacations in the
summer. The only time I vacation
is in the summer because it’s the
perfect time and weather too. The
part that makes summer the best
for me is I can do what I want and
I get to go anywhere on vacation.
            Tyler is my brother. He lives
with me and he’s seventeen years
old. He is a very lazy person. My
brother and I always fight everyday.
We fight over the stupidest things
sometimes. I always yell at him
because he never listens to what
anyone tells him. I tell him absolutely
everything and he tells me
everything. Even though we always
fight I trust him with my life. I know
everything about him with things he’s
done and everything. No matter how
much me and my brother fight I’ll tell
him everything because I know he
won’t tell anyone about anything I
don’t want him to. If he leaves the
house I will be lost without him when
he graduates this year.
Uncle Dino
           My favorite uncle is my
Uncle Dino. He does the best things
for my family. He always buys my
family things and takes us out all the
time. He does things for us like we are
his children. He doesn’t have any
children and he’s not married so he is
always at my house. I see him at least
two to three times a week. We go
everywhere with him. He is the best
uncle, he does like everything for our
           Every year I go on a two
week vacation. I always go to Wells
Maine for my vacation. My family
and I stay at our house in Wells. We
always go in August. When we are on
vacation we go to the beach
everyday and we go out to eat. We
always visit my grandparents that live
down the street from us. My family
and I also go on vacations to Florida
sometimes. We stay with my
grandparents at their house. My
grandparents take us to different
amusement parks every time we go.
           I haven’t really got that many x-
rays. I have to get x-rays on my back
every year some times twice a year. I
have got x-rays on my hip because in
cheering it kept popping out and it
wouldn’t pop back in place. I couldn’t
cheer for like two weeks. I got x-rays on
my left ring finger because last year I
slammed my finger in a car door. It
wasn’t broken but we didn’t know. I have
got more x-rays but I don’t remember on
what all I know is it was because of
           My favorite or best year was
probably 2012. It was the best
because I met the best people. I had a
lot of fun memories and I did a lot of
fun things. The people that mean the
most to me I became best friends
with them this year. I had the best
summer. I went to Maine. I had one of
the best cheering seasons this year.
Everything was wonderful this year. I
met the most amazing people.
Zebra Print
          I love zebra print.
Zebra print is my absolute
favorite print. Everything I have
in my room has something to
do with zebra print. Whenever
I’m at the store and I see
something with zebra on it I
make my mom get it for me. I
am obsessed with it. I have got
my mom to love it too. I always
have something on me or with
me that is zebra print.

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  • 1. Animals I love animals. I have two cats Sassy and Smudge. I have had Sassy for about ten years now and Smudge for This is my cat Smudge. She is a about eight. They are my two very shy cat and not very friendly. most favorite cats I have ever She really only likes my mom. She had. Sassy is a lot more friendly runs around the house at night than Smudge is. They both and plays with her toys and its sleep with my mom at night really annoying. and follow her around the house every morning. This is my cat Sassy. She loves everyone. She is so friendly. She is a very nice cat and she’s gentle. She is like a big fluff ball.
  • 2. Beach I have a house in Maine that I go to in the summer. I live right down the street from the beach. My mom loves the beach and so does my whole family. We are always at the beach. We always meet up with my parents friends at the beach which makes it more fun.
  • 3. Cheering I have cheered for five years now. I have always cheered for Pop Warner. When I was little I always told my mom that I wanted to cheer but she didn’t want me to. Once I got into fourth grade she let me cheer and I have been cheering ever since then. Next year will be my last year cheering because I don’t want to cheer for high school. After next year I will start coaching the littler teams. I have got better since I started and I am still improving. Two years ago I missed nationals by one place. We needed to get first or second but we got third.
  • 4. Dad I have always gone to my dad for help. We always get along together and never fight. He takes me wherever I want to go. Me and my dad have always had a special connection unlike me and my mom. My dad always takes me shopping at least twice a month. We get along very well and I like our relationship we have. This is my dad and my Uncle Dino. My dad is on the left and my Uncle Dino is on the right.
  • 5. Electronics I couldn’t live without electronics. I got my first phone when I was in fourth grade so I was nine or ten. I always drop or break my phone. I have had over fifteen phones in just three or four years. I got an ipad for Christmas this year and I use it everyday. I always get a new electronic for Christmas or my birthday.
  • 6. Friends I love all of my friends so much. I have two best friends. Their names are Jillian Burke and Julia Moran. I have many other friends but those are my best friends. I have known Jillian since second grade but we stopped talking and started talking again in sixth grade. We have been best friends ever since. I have known Julia for five years now. We cheer together and that’s how we met. The day I met her was the day we became best friends. She goes to a different school but we are going to high school together next year. We hangout at least two to three times a week. Me and Jill see each other everyday in school and hangout about once a week. They both have helped me and been there for me when I needed help.
  • 7. Gianna DelleChiaie I was born on April 23, 1999. I was born in Leominster. I have two brothers Tyler and Ryan. I have lived in Leominster for my whole life. My parents named me Gianna because its Italian and my dads Italian. They liked the name so they picked Gianna.
  • 8. Home I have lived in my house my whole life. I love the size of my house and everything about it. My family decided to add onto my house twice. My house was my great grandparents house before we lived there. I live in Leominster. My house is kind of a The top picture is of my house before big house but I love it. The size of my parents decided to add onto the it for my family is perfect. house. On the bottom of the picture is my house after they added on to it twice.
  • 9. Ice Cream I always go to Sundaes at the Beach in Maine every year. My grandparents take my brother, my mom and I. They pay for my family. We walk to the place because its right down the street from my grandparents. We usually go around like the second week of August. They take us about twice in the two weeks we are on vacation for. We do this every year so its like a tradition.
  • 10. Julia Moran She is my best friend. I have known her for five years and we met through cheering. We were never as close as we are now. We talk every day and we hangout with each other two to three times a week. We tell each other everything and help each other with everything. She is like a sister to me. We go every where together and we go shopping all the time. Her house and her family is my second house and family.
  • 11. Kebret Ketema Kebret has been my best friend for almost my whole life about twelve years. She is my neighbor. We became friends the day she moved here. When she moved here she literally walked over to my house and walked into my house and sat in the corner and that’s how we met. My parents think of her as another daughter. She loves my family and I love her family. We don’t see each other a lot even though she lives right next to me.
  • 12. Leominster I was born in Leominster. I have lived in Leominster my whole life and lived in the same house my whole life. I’m not the biggest fan of Leominster. I don’t really like it. It’s a very boring city I think. I don’t like the neighborhood I live in because there’s a lot that happens. Leominster is just too much for me. I don’t like the people here.
  • 13. Maine I have a summer house in Maine that I go to every year. My family and I take vacations and go to Maine for a week or two every summer. I love going to Maine because I like it better than my house even though it’s a lot smaller. We go to the beach when we go to Maine. I live right down the street from the beach. I take friends to Maine sometimes and we walk to the beach.
  • 14. Nephew My nephews name is Chase. He is a year and three months old. I don’t see him a lot but when I do I spend every minute with him. I treat him as a little brother and I love him so much. He is the cutest little boy ever.
  • 15. Outfit I always dress the best I can. I always buy my outfits from Hollister, American Eagle, and Victoria Secrets. I barely shop any other place unless I’m buying my shoes and I buy those at Uggs, Sperrys, and occasionally like Bobs, Macys, or Kohls. I like to look my best most of the time. I don’t dress to impress but I try and buy the best outfits.
  • 16. Ryan Ryan is my half brother. He is my dads son and he’s twenty nine years old. I don’t see him a lot but when I do we spend every second together. He takes me any where my This is my brother Ryan, his brother and I want to go because we wife Carissa, and my nephew barely see him. He is married and has Chase. Ryan is on the a kid. I always go to him with my left, Carissa is on the problems and issues because he helps right, and Chase is in the me with everything and I trust him. He middle. doesn’t tell anyone anything I tell him. My brother and I will have my mom drive us to his house once in a while just to see him and my nephew. If I don’t get driven to his house the only other time I see him is at Christmas. I This is Ryan and haven’t seen him since Christmas . Chase in the snow at their house in Clinton.
  • 17. Season My favorite season is summer. I hate all the other seasons because there colder. Summer has always been my favorite because I love to swim and go to the beach. I cant go to the beach or swim in any other season because its too cold. I always go on vacations in the summer. The only time I vacation is in the summer because it’s the perfect time and weather too. The part that makes summer the best for me is I can do what I want and I get to go anywhere on vacation.
  • 18. Tyler Tyler is my brother. He lives with me and he’s seventeen years old. He is a very lazy person. My brother and I always fight everyday. We fight over the stupidest things sometimes. I always yell at him because he never listens to what anyone tells him. I tell him absolutely everything and he tells me everything. Even though we always fight I trust him with my life. I know everything about him with things he’s done and everything. No matter how much me and my brother fight I’ll tell him everything because I know he won’t tell anyone about anything I don’t want him to. If he leaves the house I will be lost without him when he graduates this year.
  • 19. Uncle Dino My favorite uncle is my Uncle Dino. He does the best things for my family. He always buys my family things and takes us out all the time. He does things for us like we are his children. He doesn’t have any children and he’s not married so he is always at my house. I see him at least two to three times a week. We go everywhere with him. He is the best uncle, he does like everything for our family.
  • 20. Vacations Every year I go on a two week vacation. I always go to Wells Maine for my vacation. My family and I stay at our house in Wells. We always go in August. When we are on vacation we go to the beach everyday and we go out to eat. We always visit my grandparents that live down the street from us. My family and I also go on vacations to Florida sometimes. We stay with my grandparents at their house. My grandparents take us to different amusement parks every time we go.
  • 21. X-Rays I haven’t really got that many x- rays. I have to get x-rays on my back every year some times twice a year. I have got x-rays on my hip because in cheering it kept popping out and it wouldn’t pop back in place. I couldn’t cheer for like two weeks. I got x-rays on my left ring finger because last year I slammed my finger in a car door. It wasn’t broken but we didn’t know. I have got more x-rays but I don’t remember on what all I know is it was because of cheering.
  • 22. Year My favorite or best year was probably 2012. It was the best because I met the best people. I had a lot of fun memories and I did a lot of fun things. The people that mean the most to me I became best friends with them this year. I had the best summer. I went to Maine. I had one of the best cheering seasons this year. Everything was wonderful this year. I met the most amazing people.
  • 23. Zebra Print I love zebra print. Zebra print is my absolute favorite print. Everything I have in my room has something to do with zebra print. Whenever I’m at the store and I see something with zebra on it I make my mom get it for me. I am obsessed with it. I have got my mom to love it too. I always have something on me or with me that is zebra print.