Animals in dangerous of Greece (nursery rizario school)
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Animals in dangerous of Greece (nursery rizario school)
1. Lets make our world more green and clean
Animals in dangerous "Red Book" of Greece
(竜旅了凌亮竜僚留 竜溜隆侶 侶 了了略隆留)
虜虜旅僚凌 了略旅 (Cervus elaphus)
里凌 虜虜虜旅僚凌 竜了略旅 龍凌竜 虜略凌竜 竜隆僚 竜 了侶 侶僚 侶竜旅旅虜流 了了略隆留.
劉留 竜 了溜粒竜 隆竜虜留竜溜竜 亮竜旅ホ故稽採 凌 凌了 凌 了侶慮亮 凌 凌 了劉凌僚
硫溜虜竜留旅 侶 了溜留 僚 龍マ僚 凌 留竜旅了凌僚留旅 略亮竜留 僚留 竜両留留僚旅凌僚 侶
マ留 亮留 (虜虜旅僚凌 硫旅硫了溜凌 留竜旅了凌亮竜僚僚 裡凌僚隆了龍僚 侶 了了留隆留,1992).
Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)
Once lived almost in all of mainland Greece. Within a few decades,
populations have shrunk to such an extent that the species found in the
category of 'at risk' animals of the country (The Red Book of Threatened
Vertebrates of Greece, 1992).
Tsakali (Canis aureus)
2. 里凌 留虜略了旅 亮劉留 竜 了溜粒留 竜旅虜略 僚旅留 劉留竜 留 僚侶慮旅亮劉僚凌 竜溜隆凌
留 留竜旅了竜溜留旅 亮竜 竜両留略僚旅侶 留 侶僚 了了略隆留. 隆侶 侶 竜旅凌流 竜両略了侶 凌
劉竜旅 亮竜旅慮竜溜 隆留亮留旅虜略 竜 劉侶 亮竜 旅 留劉 侶 隆竜虜留竜溜留 凌 90
The jackal within relatively few years came from common species threatened
with extinction in Greece. Already the distribution area has shrunk
considerably since the early 90s
里凌 隆竜了溜僚旅 竜溜僚留旅 留僚留亮溜硫凌了留 凌 留粒留侶亮劉僚凌 慮侶了留旅虜 僚 竜了了侶僚旅虜ホ
慮留了留ホ. 裡侶 マ留 亮留 留留僚ホ熟留旅 竜僚僚劉留 竜溜隆侶 留 劉僚留 僚凌了凌 旅略僚留 隆凌
竜旅隆ホ 凌 略凌僚 留粒虜凌亮溜.
The dolphin is undoubtedly the favorite mammal of the Greek seas. In our
country, found nine species from a set of thirty-two species occur worldwide.
留了略旅留 竜了ホ塾 (Caretta caretta)
旅 留了略旅竜 竜了ホ塾杵 両竜虜旅僚凌僚 侶 龍流 凌 劉亮硫留 竜 留粒略 凌
竜僚留凌慮劉凌僚 凌旅 慮侶了虜劉 竜了ホ塾杵 竜 留亮亮ホ肝砧肱 留留了溜竜. 慮竜亮凌虜留溜留
虜留慮凌溜龍竜旅 凌 了了凌 僚 僚竜凌ホ 侶 虜略慮竜 了旅略.
3. Sea turtle (Caretta caretta)
Sea turtles begin their lives as embryos in eggs that the female turtles lay on
sandy beaches. The temperature determines the sex of chicks in each nest.
留粒留 (Aegypius monachus)
留粒留 竜溜僚留旅 略僚旅凌 虜留旅 凌旅虜 竜溜隆凌 凌 劉竜旅 留留虜侶旅慮竜溜
凌留竜亮竜僚凌 虜留慮マ 虜旅僚隆僚竜竜旅 了劉凌僚 亮竜 竜両留略僚旅侶 侶僚 了了略隆留
亮僚留 亮竜 凌 虜虜虜旅僚凌 硫旅硫了溜凌 僚 竜旅了凌亮竜僚僚 旅隆ホ 侶 マ留.
Vulture (Aegypius monachus)
The Vulture is rare and local resident species declared protected as most
endangered in Greece according to the Red Book of Endangered Species in
the country.
4. 粒旅粒旅隆凌 (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica)
裡流亮竜留 侶僚 了了略隆留 略凌僚 隆竜虜留劉僚竜 亮旅虜凌溜 了侶慮亮凌溜 隆旅略留凌旅 侶
. 虜留旅 溜僚隆凌 ,凌僚 了亮凌 ,侶 痢凌亮竜了侶,侶 痢凌隆侶 虜留旅 竜 凌旅亮劉僚留
留虜亮侶 硫凌僚略 僚 僚僚 侶.
Chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra balcanica)
Today in Greece there are fifteen small populations scattered in North and N.
Pindus, Olympus, in Roumeli, Rodopi and some even mountains border.
竜凌粒竜旅留虜流 ホ採肯 (Monachus monachus)
竜凌粒竜旅留虜流 ホ採肯 竜溜僚留旅 劉僚留 留 留 了劉凌僚 留竜旅了凌亮竜僚留 亮竜 竜両留略僚旅侶
慮侶了留旅虜略 凌僚 虜亮凌. 亮旅 竜僚留凌亮竜溜僚留僚留 了侶慮亮 侶 龍竜旅 侶僚
5. Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
The monk seal is one of the most endangered mammals in the world. Half the
leftover population lives in Greece.
留劉 留虜凌隆留 (Ursus arctos)
虜留劉 留虜凌隆留 竜亮留僚溜侶虜竜 旅僚 35 竜虜留 僚旅留 虜留旅 虜留略竜竜 僚留
凌留亮凌竜溜 留 旅 留粒亮劉僚竜 凌僚隆竜 侶 了略虜留 虜留旅 旅 劉竜 侶
溜留 劉 留 龍竜略 亮竜凌粒竜旅留虜略 隆略侶 侶 僚旅留 マ侶.
Brown bear (Ursus arctos)
The bear appeared before 35 million years ago and managed to adapt from the
frozen tundra of Alaska and the steppes of Asia to the warm Mediterranean
forests of southern Europe.
6. Extremely useful tool for scientists and state the "Red Book of endangered
animals in Greece", which reveals that 15% of 171 species of vertebrates, and
50% and 297 species of invertebrates, come into categories of risk.
両留旅竜旅虜略 流旅亮凌 竜粒留了竜溜凌 粒旅留 凌 竜旅流亮凌僚竜 虜留旅 侶僚 凌了旅竜溜留 凌
束虜虜旅僚凌 硫旅硫了溜凌 僚 留竜旅了凌亮竜僚僚 龍マ僚 侶 了了略隆留損, 凌 留凌虜留了竜旅
旅 凌 15%, 171 竜溜隆侶 凌僚隆了龍僚, 虜留旅 凌 50%, 297 竜溜隆侶 僚
留僚隆了僚, 竜僚略凌僚留旅 竜 虜留侶粒凌溜竜 虜旅僚隆僚凌.
Organizations for the protection of wild animals:
Mediterranean SOS Network
Greek Ornithological Society
Greek Society for the Environment and Culture
Greek Society for the Protection of Nature
Mom - Society for the Study and Protection of the Monk Seal
WWF Greece
7. 旅 竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜劉 凌粒留僚マ竜旅:
溜虜凌 竜粒竜旅凌 SOS
了了侶僚旅虜流 慮凌了凌粒旅虜流 留旅竜溜留
了了侶僚旅虜流 留旅竜溜留 竜旅硫略了了凌僚凌 虜留旅 凌了旅旅亮凌
了了侶僚旅虜流 留旅竜溜留 凌留溜留 侶 陸侶
Mom 留旅竜溜留 竜了劉侶 虜留旅 凌留溜留 侶 竜凌粒竜旅留虜流 陸ホ採肯穎
WWF 了了略
The ten environmental issues of Greece during hierarchical order as
selected by fellow environmentalists - management environment with top
environmental issue, the lack of environmental ethics.
Lack of environmental ethics
Uncontrolled waste disposal
Waste management - waste
Biodiversity loss and increased life species at risk of extinction
Management of water resources
Pollution of groundwater
Air pollution in urban centers
Waste management - waste
Contamination of the marine environment
Forest fires
里留 劉虜留 竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜略 龍侶流亮留留 侶 了了略隆凌 虜留略 旅竜留旅虜流 竜旅略
侶僚 竜劉了竜両留僚 凌旅 僚略隆竜了凌旅 竜旅硫留了了凌僚凌了粒凌旅-旅留竜旅旅劉
竜旅硫略了了凌僚凌, 亮竜 虜凌留溜凌 竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜 龍流侶亮留 侶僚 劉了了竜旅侶
竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜流 侶慮旅虜流.
揃 了了竜旅侶 竜旅硫留了了凌僚旅虜流 侶慮旅虜流
揃 僚竜両劉了竜粒虜侶 隆旅略慮竜侶 留凌硫了流僚