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Animation programming
   What is animation
   Attributes can be varied
       Width, height
       Time interval
       Performance issue
   Creating Curve / Shapes / Volume
       Application of curve
   Using Vector
       Optimizing ball collision demo
Animation programming
   What is animation?

     Particle System Demo
   Change of Objects Properties over time

     What properties to change?

     What objects to apply?

     How to trigger the animation?
Visible properties                Invisible properties
Position                          Velocity

Scale                             Angular Velocity
(width and height)
Rotation                          Acceleration
Alpha                             Angular Acceleration
Color                             Loop interval
(brightness, saturation, tone)
Depth                             Sound Volume
(e.g. blur filter, shape)
 Text Box
 Sound Object
 Camera (in 3D application)
   Static animation
     Pre-programmed animation

   Dynamic animation
     Mouse actions
     Keyboard actions
     Web Cam (Augmented Reality)




Animation programming
   We will go through
     Easing and Springing
     Angular Motion
     Collision Detection
     Frame-based VS Time-based
     Rate of change of position over time

     Rate of change of velocity over time

   Useful formulae
    vx = vx + ax,   vy = vy + ay

     x = x + vx,    y = y + vy
   There can be energy loss when an
    object moves

     Causing the object to slow down

   An easy way to implement friction:
    vx *= friction factor
    vy *= friction factor

    where friction factor is from 0 to 1
   The previous method is only an approximation
      In real physics, friction of a moving object has
       no relationship on velocity

   Real Physics (acceleration = -0.2)
     t     0     1     2      3      4       5
     v     10    8     6      4      2       0

   Approximation (friction factor = 0.3):
     t     0     1     2      3      4       5
     v     10    4     1.6    0.64   0.256   0.1024
   However, with the previous method:
     Normal user should not be able to discover
     No change of the sign of velocity
       Write less if then else statements in code

   The correct method:
    var speed:Number = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy);
    var angle:Number = Math.atan2(vy, vx);
    if (speed > friction) {
               speed -= friction;
    else {
               speed = 0;
    vx = Math.cos(angle) * speed;
    vy = Math.sin(angle) * speed;

    If (ball.x + ball.width / 2 > right || ball.x  ball.width / 2 < left) {
                 ball.vx = -ball.vx;

    If (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > bottom || ball.y  ball.height / 2 < top) {
                 ball.vy = -ball.vy;
   Bouncing with energy loss                                                  Without Energy loss

                                                                                        With Energy loss

    If (ball.x + ball.width / 2 > right || ball.x  ball.width / 2 < left) {
                 ball.vx = -ball.vx * friction;

    If (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > bottom || ball.y  ball.height / 2 < top) {
                 ball.vy = -ball.vy * friction;
   Screen wrapping

                      Re-appear in the
                      other side!
If (ball.x - ball.width / 2 > right ) {
              ball.x = left  ball.width / 2;
else if (ball.x _+ ball.width / 2 < left) {
              ball.x = right + ball.width / 2;

If (ball.y - ball.height / 2 > bottom) {
              ball.y = top  ball.height / 2;
else if (ball.y _+ ball.height / 2 < top) {
              ball.y = bottom + ball.height / 2;
   Demo showing
     Energy loss hitting wall
 Velocity is proportional to target distance
 Object moves smoothly and decelerate to the
  target position

    Target pos

   Formula for easing

    x += (targetX  x) * easingFactor;;
    y += (targetY  y) * easingFactor;;
 Acceleration is proportional to target distance
 Objects move smoothly, vibrate and then slow
  down through the target position

    Target pos

   Formula for springing
    vx += (targetX  x) * springFactor;
    vy += (targetY  y) * springFactor;

    //add friction, otherwise the object will never stop
    vx *= frictionFactor;
    vy *= frictionFactor;

    x += vx;
    y += vy;
   In real world,
      Objects usually move along an arced trajectory
      Objects usually accelerates when start and
        decelerate when stop
      This kind of motion create natural feeling to us
      Easing is used entired in Mac OS / iPhone!
   Tweener is a well-known Flash tweening library

   Easing can be done in just 1 statement
      Can you read the meaning below?
    Tweener.addTween(this.ball, {
          x: 100,
          alpha: 0,
          time: 2,
          delay: 1,
          transition: easeOutExpo
Animation programming
   Some famous tweening libraries
       Boostworthy Animation System

   A comparison of these tweening libraries can
    be found at:
   Think in polar co-ordinate and then
    transform into the Cartesian Plane

                        (x,y)   x = r * Math.cos(慮);
                r               y = r * Math.sin(慮);
   Angular Velocity
     Rate of change of 慮 over time

   Angular Acceleration
     Rate of change of angular velocity over time

 Angular Friction
 Angular easing
 Angular Springing
Animation programming
   Sine curve

   First person shooter game
     Move up and down when walk

   Biased Value Mapping
     Random number biasing
     My Websites wallpaper rotator
   Rectangular Plane

   Circular Plane




 Make code simpler
 Same thinking in 2D and 3D space
 Dot production
 Get Length
   Collision Detection of a group of sphere

   Explosion Effect in 3D space

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Animation programming

  • 2. What is animation Attributes can be varied Position Velocity Accelration Width, height Rotation Alpha Time interval Color Easing Bounce Spring Tweener Performance issue Creating Curve / Shapes / Volume Application of curve Using Vector Optimizing ball collision demo
  • 4. What is animation? Particle System Demo
  • 5. Change of Objects Properties over time What properties to change? What objects to apply? How to trigger the animation?
  • 6. Visible properties Invisible properties Position Velocity Scale Angular Velocity (width and height) Rotation Acceleration Alpha Angular Acceleration Color Loop interval (brightness, saturation, tone) Depth Sound Volume Appearance (e.g. blur filter, shape)
  • 7. Movieclips Text Box Sound Object Camera (in 3D application)
  • 8. Static animation Timeline Pre-programmed animation Dynamic animation Mouse actions Keyboard actions Web Cam (Augmented Reality) Microphone
  • 9. Initialization Animation Loop Update properties No Animation Ended? Yes Animation Ended
  • 11. We will go through Velocity Acceleration Friction Boundaries Easing and Springing Angular Motion Collision Detection Frame-based VS Time-based
  • 12. Velocity Rate of change of position over time Acceleration Rate of change of velocity over time Useful formulae vx = vx + ax, vy = vy + ay x = x + vx, y = y + vy
  • 13. There can be energy loss when an object moves Causing the object to slow down An easy way to implement friction: vx *= friction factor vy *= friction factor where friction factor is from 0 to 1
  • 14. The previous method is only an approximation because: In real physics, friction of a moving object has no relationship on velocity Real Physics (acceleration = -0.2) t 0 1 2 3 4 5 v 10 8 6 4 2 0 Approximation (friction factor = 0.3): t 0 1 2 3 4 5 v 10 4 1.6 0.64 0.256 0.1024
  • 15. However, with the previous method: Normal user should not be able to discover No change of the sign of velocity Write less if then else statements in code The correct method: var speed:Number = Math.sqrt(vx * vx + vy * vy); var angle:Number = Math.atan2(vy, vx); if (speed > friction) { speed -= friction; } else { speed = 0; } vx = Math.cos(angle) * speed; vy = Math.sin(angle) * speed;
  • 16. Bouncing If (ball.x + ball.width / 2 > right || ball.x ball.width / 2 < left) { ball.vx = -ball.vx; } If (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > bottom || ball.y ball.height / 2 < top) { ball.vy = -ball.vy; }
  • 17. Bouncing with energy loss Without Energy loss With Energy loss If (ball.x + ball.width / 2 > right || ball.x ball.width / 2 < left) { ball.vx = -ball.vx * friction; } If (ball.y + ball.height / 2 > bottom || ball.y ball.height / 2 < top) { ball.vy = -ball.vy * friction; }
  • 18. Screen wrapping Re-appear in the other side!
  • 19. If (ball.x - ball.width / 2 > right ) { ball.x = left ball.width / 2; } else if (ball.x _+ ball.width / 2 < left) { ball.x = right + ball.width / 2; } If (ball.y - ball.height / 2 > bottom) { ball.y = top ball.height / 2; } else if (ball.y _+ ball.height / 2 < top) { ball.y = bottom + ball.height / 2; }
  • 20. Demo showing Friction Boundary Energy loss hitting wall throwing
  • 21. Velocity is proportional to target distance Object moves smoothly and decelerate to the target position displacement Target pos time
  • 22. Formula for easing x += (targetX x) * easingFactor;; y += (targetY y) * easingFactor;;
  • 23. Acceleration is proportional to target distance Objects move smoothly, vibrate and then slow down through the target position displacement Target pos time
  • 24. Formula for springing vx += (targetX x) * springFactor; vy += (targetY y) * springFactor; //add friction, otherwise the object will never stop vx *= frictionFactor; vy *= frictionFactor; x += vx; y += vy;
  • 25. In real world, Objects usually move along an arced trajectory Objects usually accelerates when start and decelerate when stop This kind of motion create natural feeling to us Easing is used entired in Mac OS / iPhone!
  • 26. Tweener is a well-known Flash tweening library http://code.google.com/p/tweener/ Easing can be done in just 1 statement Can you read the meaning below? Tweener.addTween(this.ball, { x: 100, alpha: 0, time: 2, delay: 1, transition: easeOutExpo });
  • 28. Some famous tweening libraries Tweener TweenLite Boostworthy Animation System FuseKit Go KitchenSync A comparison of these tweening libraries can be found at: http://dispatchevent.org/wp- content/uploads/2008/04/Tween-Engine- Comparisons.pdf
  • 29. Think in polar co-ordinate and then transform into the Cartesian Plane (x,y) x = r * Math.cos(慮); r y = r * Math.sin(慮); 慮
  • 30. Angular Velocity Rate of change of 慮 over time Angular Acceleration Rate of change of angular velocity over time Angular Friction Angular easing Angular Springing
  • 32. Sine curve Circle
  • 33. First person shooter game Move up and down when walk Biased Value Mapping Random number biasing My Websites wallpaper rotator
  • 34. Rectangular Plane Circular Plane Cylinder Cone Helix Sphere
  • 35. Make code simpler Same thinking in 2D and 3D space
  • 36. Add Subtraction Scale Dot production Normalize Get Length
  • 37. Collision Detection of a group of sphere Explosion Effect in 3D space