2. Introduction to Technical Debt
Technical debt is a common concept in software development, where team
leaders delay features and functionality, cut corners, or settle for suboptimal
performance to push the project forward. It occurs as the result of a "build now,
鍖x later" mentality.
Is technical Debt Good or Bad?
3. Why does Technical Debt Accumulate?
Time Pressure and Deadlines
Lack of Proper Planning or Architecture
Inadequate Testing
Outdated Technologies
4. Compounding Debts
This debt compounds over time and will lead to high technical debt
if not prioritized immediately after identi鍖cation
5. How to Pay Down Technical Debt?
Effective use of Tech Backlogs
Use the Prioritizing Grid
High Priority Plan it
Align to new
Lowest on Priority
Low High
6. How to Pay Down Technical Debt?
Make Refactoring as part of the process
Stop the Feature Release