9. Reforestation & Agroforestry
Grow Organic
Coffee, Plant
Shade Trees to
Revitalize the
Mae Lao Forest
A critical upland watershed for Chiang Rai
30. Sustainable Development
When the forest survives,
man can survive.
I am proud of
the development path of
Green Net SE,
this is sustainability.
Boontha Langkeak, former village head
31. Social
Value of forest
rehabilitation* equal
US$ 30 M per year.
Value of growing
organic coffee plants
that obstruct
deforestation* equal
US$ 2 M per year.
32. Social Impacts
Organic Coffee Farmers earn
more money from their cherries
up to US$ 3 / 10 year
Organic Coffee Farmers Group
earns more money from their
parchment equal min. US$ 3 /
10 year
33. Green Net SE received
2012 Social Enterprise
Award from Thai Social
Enterprise Office
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contains far more antioxidants and other useful traits than traditional coffee.
coffee trees live longer in that habitat and that the habitat is maintained to the advantage of the coffee trees
more natural flavor due to the non chemical based process of growing and producing them.