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Unit # 12-229, Block 117
Bedok North Road, : (+65) 82848961 / 66873440
Singapore 460117 : bkani22@gmail.com
Continual learner with a proven ability to assimilate new ideas, concepts, methods and
techniques. Highly dedicated, innovative and self-motivated towards the goal.
Educational Qualification
Degree School/University Year Percentage
Ph.D (Plant Breeding &
Agricultural College and Research
Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore
2010-2013 90.6%
M.Sc. (Agrilture) in Plant
Breeding & Genetics
Agricultural College and Research
Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore 2008-2010 93.3%
B.Sc. (Agriculture)
Agricultural College and Research
Institute, Killikulam, TNAU,
2004-2008 90.4%
Higher Secondary
Scism Matric Hr.Sec.School,
2004 89.6%
Ph.D Research
 Identification of Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for high oil content and Marker assisted
back crossing for improving oleic trait in Groundnut
(As student SRF in ICRISAT-TNAU collaborated project for Improving oil content
and Oleic content in groundnut)
Post Graduate Research
 Variability studies in M2 and M3 generation of Sesame and Molecular diversity analysis
among sesame collections.
Molecular work experience
 I have a handful of experience in molecular work. Since my both M.Sc and Ph.D
projects were based on plant molecular works, I have done my research in a well
equipped molecular laboratory in TNAU. I am well versed in -
DNA extraction
DNA quantity and quality assessment
Page 1 of 4
Oil extraction (Soxo-plus)
Background and Foreground analysis
 And I am good in crossing techniques, since I have myself involved in crossing
work in groundnut crop throughout my Ph.D project (Backcrossing)
 I have also undergone a 3 days training in ICRISAT, Hyderabad for crossing
technique in groundnut and BIO-RAD.
 Certified for National Eligibility Test (NET) held by Agriculture Scientist Recruitment
Board (ICAR) for the discipline "Crop improvement".
 Awarded TNAU Merit Scholarship for the Master's Degree.
 Awarded TNAU Research Assistant Scholarship for the Doctoral Degree.
International Symposiums participated
 Participated in VI International Conference on Legume Genetics and
Genomics (2012) and presented a poster entitled Validation of QTLs for pod and
kernel traits in groundnut'.
 Participated in International Symposium on "100 years of Rice science and
looking beyond (2012).
 Participated in International Conference on Food and Neutraceuticals for
nutrition and health: Technology and delivery (2011) and presented a poster
entitled Contribution of Plant Genetic resources for health and nutrition'.
National Symposiums participated
 Participated in National Science Conference on "Tamil and Agriculture"
(2013) and presented a paper entitled A review on importance of oleic content in
 Participated in National Seminar on Plant Innovative crop improvement
techniques (2011) and presented a paper entitled Tilling and Eco tilling - An
innovative approach in mutation'.
 Participated in Third National Congress on Plant Breeding and Genomics
(2010) and presented a poster entitled Molecular diversity among Sesame
varieties of Tamil Nadu'.
Page 2 of 4
 Article on Character association analysis in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)' in
Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (Vol. 1(2): Pp.209-211, March 2010).
 Article on Molecular diversity among Sesame varieties of Tamil Nadu' in Electronic
Journal of Plant Breeding (Vol. 1(4): Pp. 447- 452, July 2010).
 Article on Selection indices for high oil content in Groundnut' in Green Farming
(Jan-Feb 2014, Vol 5, No.1).
 Article on Validation of SSR markers associated with QTLs for pod and kernel
traits in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in International Journal of Agricultural
Sciences. (Vol. 4 (1), pp. 077-082, January, 2014)
 Article on Variability studies in M2 of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)' in International
Journal of Tropical Agriculture.(Vol.No.32, Issue No.1-2 (2014), Pg: 43-45)
 Article on Correlation analysis among oil yield and component traits in
groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)' in Madras Agricultural Journal. (Yet to be
published in upcoming issue-Accepted for publication)
Article on Single marker analysis for oil yield and component traits in groundnut
(Arachis hypogaea l.)' in Madras Agricultural Journal. (Yet to be published in
upcoming issue-Accepted for publication)
Membership in Scientific bodies
 The Madras Agricultural Journal (MASU)
 Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding
 Green Farming
 Valarum Velanmai
Trainings and Workshops Participated
 Rural Agricultural Work Experience for three months at Srivaigundam &
 Special Camping Programme on "Healthy Youth for Healthy India"
 Workshop on "Acquiring and enhancing soft skills"
Computer Literacy
Extra Curricular Activities
 Year Representative
 NSS Volunteer
 Table-Tennis ICT player
Page 3 of 4
 Kho-Kho ICT player
Personal Details
Date of Birth / Age : 22-Oct-1987 / 27
Sex : Female
Marital Status : Married
Nationality : Indian
Passport No/Validity : L9135652 / Valid till 30-Apr-2024
Dependant Pass number : G3090559N
Languages Known : English, Tamil, Hindi & Kannada.
I do hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place : Singapore
Date : (B.K.ANITHA)
Page 4 of 4

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  • 1. CURRICULAM VITAE B. K. ANITHA Unit # 12-229, Block 117 Bedok North Road, : (+65) 82848961 / 66873440 Singapore 460117 : bkani22@gmail.com Continual learner with a proven ability to assimilate new ideas, concepts, methods and techniques. Highly dedicated, innovative and self-motivated towards the goal. Educational Qualification Degree School/University Year Percentage Ph.D (Plant Breeding & Genetics) Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore 2010-2013 90.6% M.Sc. (Agrilture) in Plant Breeding & Genetics Agricultural College and Research Institute, TNAU, Coimbatore 2008-2010 93.3% B.Sc. (Agriculture) Agricultural College and Research Institute, Killikulam, TNAU, Coimbatore 2004-2008 90.4% Higher Secondary Course Scism Matric Hr.Sec.School, Bodinayakanur. 2004 89.6% Ph.D Research Identification of Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for high oil content and Marker assisted back crossing for improving oleic trait in Groundnut (As student SRF in ICRISAT-TNAU collaborated project for Improving oil content and Oleic content in groundnut) Post Graduate Research Variability studies in M2 and M3 generation of Sesame and Molecular diversity analysis among sesame collections. Molecular work experience I have a handful of experience in molecular work. Since my both M.Sc and Ph.D projects were based on plant molecular works, I have done my research in a well equipped molecular laboratory in TNAU. I am well versed in - DNA extraction DNA quantity and quality assessment PCR Page 1 of 4
  • 2. SDS- PAGE BIO-RAD Oil extraction (Soxo-plus) Background and Foreground analysis And I am good in crossing techniques, since I have myself involved in crossing work in groundnut crop throughout my Ph.D project (Backcrossing) I have also undergone a 3 days training in ICRISAT, Hyderabad for crossing technique in groundnut and BIO-RAD. Certification Certified for National Eligibility Test (NET) held by Agriculture Scientist Recruitment Board (ICAR) for the discipline "Crop improvement". Awards Awarded TNAU Merit Scholarship for the Master's Degree. Awarded TNAU Research Assistant Scholarship for the Doctoral Degree. International Symposiums participated Participated in VI International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (2012) and presented a poster entitled Validation of QTLs for pod and kernel traits in groundnut'. Participated in International Symposium on "100 years of Rice science and looking beyond (2012). Participated in International Conference on Food and Neutraceuticals for nutrition and health: Technology and delivery (2011) and presented a poster entitled Contribution of Plant Genetic resources for health and nutrition'. National Symposiums participated Participated in National Science Conference on "Tamil and Agriculture" (2013) and presented a paper entitled A review on importance of oleic content in oilseeds'. Participated in National Seminar on Plant Innovative crop improvement techniques (2011) and presented a paper entitled Tilling and Eco tilling - An innovative approach in mutation'. Participated in Third National Congress on Plant Breeding and Genomics (2010) and presented a poster entitled Molecular diversity among Sesame varieties of Tamil Nadu'. Page 2 of 4
  • 3. Publication Article on Character association analysis in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)' in Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (Vol. 1(2): Pp.209-211, March 2010). Article on Molecular diversity among Sesame varieties of Tamil Nadu' in Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding (Vol. 1(4): Pp. 447- 452, July 2010). Article on Selection indices for high oil content in Groundnut' in Green Farming (Jan-Feb 2014, Vol 5, No.1). Article on Validation of SSR markers associated with QTLs for pod and kernel traits in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in International Journal of Agricultural Sciences. (Vol. 4 (1), pp. 077-082, January, 2014) Article on Variability studies in M2 of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)' in International Journal of Tropical Agriculture.(Vol.No.32, Issue No.1-2 (2014), Pg: 43-45) Article on Correlation analysis among oil yield and component traits in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)' in Madras Agricultural Journal. (Yet to be published in upcoming issue-Accepted for publication) Article on Single marker analysis for oil yield and component traits in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea l.)' in Madras Agricultural Journal. (Yet to be published in upcoming issue-Accepted for publication) Membership in Scientific bodies The Madras Agricultural Journal (MASU) Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding Green Farming Valarum Velanmai Trainings and Workshops Participated Rural Agricultural Work Experience for three months at Srivaigundam & Ambasamudram. Special Camping Programme on "Healthy Youth for Healthy India" Workshop on "Acquiring and enhancing soft skills" Computer Literacy MS OFFICE AGRI SOFTWARES Extra Curricular Activities Year Representative NSS Volunteer Table-Tennis ICT player Page 3 of 4
  • 4. Kho-Kho ICT player Personal Details Date of Birth / Age : 22-Oct-1987 / 27 Sex : Female Marital Status : Married Nationality : Indian Passport No/Validity : L9135652 / Valid till 30-Apr-2024 Dependant Pass number : G3090559N Languages Known : English, Tamil, Hindi & Kannada. DECLARATION I do hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place : Singapore Date : (B.K.ANITHA) Page 4 of 4