This document appears to be a letterhead or header for GalfHary Art Studio from 2013. It includes the studio name, address, and email contact but no other text.
This document appears to be a letterhead or header for GalfHary Art Studio from 2013. It includes the studio name, address, and email contact but no other text.
3. Proceedings of
The First International Armenology and Iranology
10-11 November 2008
Department of Armenian language and literature
University of Isfahan
Edited by: Mohammad Malek Mohammadi (Ph. D)
13. 坡侫娉奸嫋侫媾嫂奸婪奸嫂娟侫奸婬妍婉 婀嫂奸娥侫姙奸娟侫婪妍... / 93
Manner of expression of creative and artistic thinking in rock art
Anna Khechoyan1
Boris Gasparian2
Rock art is proper for all continents and parts of the world with its local,
chronological and universal features. A phenomenon of rock art always has
central attention not only for study of formation of the art earliest periods,
but also for restoration of historical- cultural context.
The main aim of this paper is to rise the general questions, that proper
for all the earliest forms of culture, and to try to collaborate together and
exchange of practices.
Due to the studies it can be seen, that rock art of Armenia, with its local
thematic, stylistic, technical features has its exact parallels in different
countries, such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran (Homain, Kahak), Afghanistan,
Pakistan etc.
Rock art in Armenia is widely extending over the slopes of the volcanic
mountain systems. There are extensive congestions of engravings on the
peaks and on the slopes of the Aragats, Gegham, Vardenis, Djermouk and
Syunik mountains.
At the end of 20th century during the scientific researches and surveys -
carried out by Armenian-French joint archeological mission, together with
the Institute of Archaeology of the Armenian National Academy of
Sciences, series of open-air rock engravings (more than 400) were discovered
in Voskehat, Aghavnatun, Lernamerdz etc., that are situated on Western
and Southern slopes of Aragats (2004-2007), as well as a shelter with new
rock paintings in the canyon of the Kasakh River (2002).
Prehistoric man had ability as much as contemporary man in the
context of the fine arts, and from this point of view prehistoric painter
hadnt became a passive consumer attitude to art yet, at the same time he
was painter, hunter, cattleman etc. Artistic impulse was natural for him as
1 Yerevan State University RA, Theory and History of Art - lecturer, Institute of
Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences RA- Junior
2 Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences
RA- researcher, Yerevan State University RA, Archaeology RA -lecturer
14. 94 / 奸婬奸妝妍嫂奸娟奸婉 妍奸婉奸妝妍嫂奸娟奸婉 奸媼奸媚妍婉 ...
much as instinct of hunting. He had creative instinct from birth as other
human wants.
Problem of imitation of the world around has had different solutions in
different periods of art history. Depiction manner in art has a great range,
which can be considered from different aspects. So several manners of
artistic thinking expression will be chosen, that can be met in the rock art,
and will be represented on the examples of above mentioned recently
discovered material.