The document discusses the London Voluntary and Community Services (LVSC) organization, which has championed and supported London's voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector since 1910. LVSC provides networking opportunities, conferences, training events, and other resources for its over 5,600 network members. It aims to create an information hub about social action in London and produces reports on issues impacting the sector. LVSC also works to build the capacity of organizations, deliver social change, and act as a strong voice for the sector through events, campaigns and partnerships.
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Since we were founded in 1910 LVSC has championed the VCSE
sector and enabled a co-ordinated voice to influence policy
makers. We support London's 60,000 voluntary. community and
social enterprise sector organisations who provide a range of
services and activities to Londons diverse communities and
empower the lives of Londoners.
LVSC is the collaborative leader of
London's voluntary, community and
social enterprise (VCSE) sector
training &
2, 064
Collaborative leader for Londons voluntary and community sector
LVSC hosts 6 pan
London networks on
behalf of Londons
Community and Social
Enterprise Sector
Our own membership
has doubled this year
Each of these networks
has representation from
expert organisations
across every London
borough and provides
opportunities for
information dissemination,
peer learning and
intelligence gathering,
which support LVSCs
Connecting the VCSE sector: new approaches to structures
and effectiveness
In partnership with London Funders and
Greater London Volunteering, and supported
by City Bridge Trust, we produced the report
'The Way Ahead: Civil Society at the Heart of
London' , setting out a systematic approach to
ensuring Londoners get the services they
The Way Ahead: Civil Society at the
Heart of London
Connecting the VCSE sector: growing the information ecology
We aim to create and
share a comprehensive
information hub of social
action in London,
focussing on social and
economic value and
Mapping Social
Many Hands
Whos Who
Guide to Health
Research examining the
challenges facing individuals and
VCSE organisations active in
employment and skills in London.
Digitally mapping social
prescribing activities in London.
LVSC campaigned on six 'asks' for
the new Mayor, to enable a thriving
VCSE sector.
A guide to key people working in
health, wellbeing and care across
We want to bring together
partners from all sectors to
develop and deliver effective
social change to address the
challenges Londoners face.
Building capacity of Londons VCSE sector to deliver enhanced social value
Supporting our members
to be as effective as
possible in the delivery of
their services remains a
key part of our work
programme and we
continue to provide a
wide range of support to
build capacity within the
One aspect of this is the
regular contact LVSC has
with VCSE organisations
and other stakeholders
through our networks and
Each of our
projects provides
monthly bulletins,
ad hoc updates and
email support
Leading, sharing and influencing: a distinctive and definitive voice
We act as a strong regional voice and bring partners together to develop and
deliver effective social change to address the challenges those communities in
London face.
Through our manifesto we
challenged the lack of a VCSE
strategy and dialogue within
the GLA. All candidates
recognised and agreed with the
analysis and we were rewarded
by the promise of a VCSE Czar
Mayoral HustingsHealth
LVSC and its partners looked at
the challenges and
opportunities for the VCSE
sector and Statutory bodies to
work together to design and
deliver services to improve the
health of Londoners
90 events
2,064 attendees
We promote leadership through co-operation and teamwork within an across the
VCSE sector through training, skills development and influencing opportunities,
demonstrated in some of our events.
Leading, sharing and influencing: a distinctive and definitive voice
Keeping it Human
LVSC and Greater London
Volunteering invited the
sector to question a number
of London's funders on their
views on the upcoming
challenges for the sector
and possible solutions to
these issues.
Squaring the Circle
LVSC and our London for
All partners explored how
our sector can use digital
technology and social
media to enhance its work,
whilst maintaining that all-
important human and
social link
A Space to Think
LVSC provided a space to
explore the political,
economic, social and
technological challenges
and opportunities facing
our sector, and how to
survive and thrive to
ensure the best outcomes
for Londoners
90 events
2,064 attendees
Our Funders and Partners 2015 -16
We act as a strong
regional voice and bring
pardon face.