This document discusses intelligence testing and assessment. It provides resources for understanding intelligence, the definition of intelligence, and different views on the nature vs. nurture debate. It also discusses test validity, ensuring tests measure what they aim to measure. The document recommends discussing intelligence with others and considering how lessons learned can be applied in the classroom, such as focusing assessments on concepts all students can learn. It lists several relevant articles and books on psychological testing and the work of Anne Anastasi.
3. Please copy down the link and start taking the tests
4. Achievement Test
What did I learned
IQ Tests
How I will preform
5. Dialogue with those around you: What is the
definition of intelligence?
Consider nature v nurture?
Intelligence is not a single, unitary ability, but rather
a composite of several functions. The term denotes
that combination of abilities required for survival and
advancement within a particular culture (Anastasi,
1992, p. 613).
7. Test Validity
Extent a test measures what it claims to measure
Inference or decisions made based on tests need to be
research based and measure in multiple ways.
Define knowledge and skills test measures
Relevance to subject
8. Write your thoughts in the table on
your handout.
Essay v. Objective (multiple choice)
11. 3rd Grade
5th Grade
Objective: 1.07 Thinking Skill: Organizing
Which path shows how humans might get energy from the
A sun 速 cow 速 human
B sun 速 cow 速 grass 速 human
sun 速 grass 速 cow 速 human
D sun 速 grass 速 sheep 速 cow 速 human
12. Understand where students are coming from
Focus with nonverbal tests
Provide test in native language
Set assessment goals based on concepts all students
can/have learns
13. What is intelligence according to popular American
culture what kinds of tests do we use to assess
What is test validity
How can you incorporate what you have learned into
your classroom?
14. Articles:
What do Intelligence Test Measure (Anastasia) ,
Anastasia, Anne, Environment, Heredity and the
Question of How
Anne Anastasia (American Journal of Psychological),
A Century of Psychological Testing(Anastasia),
"Instrumental technology and the measurement of
learning outcomes (Anastasia)
Psychological Testing,
Differential Testing,
Exploring Applied Psychology,
15. Reznikoff, M & Procidano, M (2001): "Anne Anastasi (1908-2001)", American
Psychologist, 56:816-817
Anastasi, A. (A) (1983): "What do intelligence tests measure?" In S.B. Anderson
& J.S. Hemlick (Eds.), On Educational Testing: Intelligence, Performance
Standards, Test Anxiety, and Latent Traits, (pp. 5-28). San Francisco: CA:
Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Anastasi, A. (B) (1985): "Psychological testing: basic concepts and common
misconceptions" In A.M. Rogers & C.J. Sheirer (Eds.), G. Stanley Hall Lecture
Series, 5 (pp. 87-120). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Anastasi, Anne; Urbina, Susana (1997). Psychological Testing (Seventh ed.).
Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-02-303085-7. Lay summary
(28 July 2010)
Hogan, John D (2003). "Anne Anastasi (1908-2001)". The American journal of
psychology (United States) 116 (4): 64953. ISSN 0002-9556. PMID 14723248.
Anastasia, Anne, Environment, Heredity and the Question of How