1. The nominee works for the Road Transport Section under the Department of Public Work and Transportation in Bolikhamxai Province, Laos. His responsibilities include interpreting strategic plans for road transport development and managing vehicle registration and inspection.
2. The solution development team will involve local and central government organizations to plan, manage, and administer transport and logistics.
3. The nominee's duties are to interpret short, medium, and long-term road transport plans for the province and coordinate with other districts and departments to carry out his role.
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Annex2 job report
1. ANNEX 2
Job Report Format
* Job report should be shown by a run of the item.
Name of Nominee
Road Transport Section,
1 Department of Public Work and Transportation
The Road Transport Section works under supervision of the
Department of Public Work and Transportation, Ministry of
Public Work and Transportation of Lao PDR, and Provincial
Governor of Bolikhamxai Province in administration work, has
mission to implement the main tasks as follow:
- To interpret strategic and master plans of road transport
- To study and comment on applications for undertaking
domestic commercial transport enterprises within the province;
- To register vehicles within the province in accordance with
regulations set forth by the Ministry;
- To manage the vehicle registration list;
Responsibilities of - To manage and inspect road transport operations within
organization and country, cross border and transit transport;
nominees - To inspect transport vehicle technique, manage repair
selection workshops and vehicle technical inspection stations;
- To determine the location of transport depots and manage
- To perform other rights and duties assigned by the Ministry of
Public Work and Transportation.
The nominees responsible is to interpret and plan the short
term, medium term and long term in the development of road
transport within the province, through the approval of the of the
Bolikhamxai provincial governor and submit to the MPWT for
consideration. To coordinate with the districts, the surrounding
services of the provinces, the department and different services
of the Ministry to exercise its roles and duties very successfully.
The solution development team will include local and central
government organization to perform the transport and logistics
3 development team
in planning, management and administration.
in this program
4 Nominees duties The nominees responsible in the Road Transport Section
in his/her section are as follow:
- interpret and plan the short term, medium term and long term
in the development of road transport within the province,
through the approval of the of the Bolikhamxai provincial
governor and submit to the MPWT for consideration.
2. - to study and comment on applications for undertaking
domestic commercial transport enterprises within the province.
- to determine the location of transport depots and manage
- to coordinate with the districts, the surrounding services of the
provinces, the department and different services of the Ministry
to exercise its roles and duties very successfully.
From 01/2001 to 03/2004: working for the Institute of
Communication Design Research to assist director of the
institute prepare road traffic survey and procurement documents
for the Ministry of Public Work and Transportation.
From 04/2004 to 03/2008: working for the Second Mekong
International Bridge Construction Project as Quantity Surveyor
to assist Project Manager to review interim payment certificates
5 Job history and coordination work regarding road transport between Thai
side and Lao side.
From 04/2008 to present: working for the Road Transport
Section, Department of Public Work and Transportation as
Transport Officer to assist head of the section to prepare the
plan of road network in the Province by follow the Ministry
Refer to the past experience found during working for few years,
the nominee met some problem concerning the planning of road
Difficulties in
network and road transport because the target of planning
6 performing
between the central and local is not much clear in details,
Nominees duties
therefore it needs many times of revision.
The road transport planning which will directly support to the
logistic system in Lao PDR will be more suitable, accuracy to
7 Future plans
actual condition and meet the central government plan.