Java: вчера, сегодня, завтраЛеонид СтавилаВступительная лекция по Java. История появления, идеи, сферы применения, место среди других языков, экосистема. Структурированная информация о Java, как о языке программирования.
Под эту лекцию имеется более развёрнутый материал. Кому интересно - пишите.
Конструктивная критика приветствуется.
REPL в Node.js: улучшаем быт разработчикIT61Что такое REPL, как он устроен и какие крутые возможности в нём заложены. Поговорим о выполнении кода в REPL и о том как работает автокомплит в динамических языках. Ответим на вопрос что такое vm.runInContext, перехватим парочку промисов, сделаем вывод результатов действительно приятным и даже узнаем как подгрузить нужные модули и не подать виду. В заключение рассмотрим потрясающие возможности, которые даёт нам инфраструктура npm и как это всё можно использовать в работе.
Доклад ориентирован на тех, кому небезынтересен мир Node.js, но будет доступен также и более широкому кругу JS-разработчиков. Надеюсь, для кого-нибудь этот доклад станет очередной ступенькой в изучении любимого языка.
Теория языков программирования некоторые слайды к лекциямSergey StaroletovТеория языков программирования (немного об интерпретаторах, триадах, оптимизации, парсерах и прочее)
Compilers construction some lectures of whole course, it covers some methods on interpreters, optimisations, antlr, dsl (introduction)
Ruby on Rails. Работа с моделямиDigital-агентство МэйкЗанятие №4 в рамках Курсов программирования Ruby on Rails.
Группа курсов «ВКонтакте»:
Организатор — Агентство интернет-маркетинга Мэйк Курсы проводятся на базе Кузбасского государственного технического университета, кафедры «Информационные и автоматизированные производственные системы».
Отладка и оптимизация многопоточных OpenMP-программTatyanazaxarovaЗадача знакомства программистов с областью разработки параллельных приложений становится все актуальней. Данная статья является кратким введением в создание многопоточных приложений, основанных на технологии OpenMP. Описаны подходы к отладке и оптимизации параллельных приложений.
PureMVC в картинках - часть 1Rostyslav SirykПрезентация к докладу на UAFPUG-1 (первой встрече Ukrainian Adobe Flash Platform User Group, состоявшейся 15 марта 2008 г. в Харькове).
Обзор методов разработки приложений, введение в рефакторинг, шаблоны проектирования и фреймворк PureMVC.
Автор: Ростислав Сирык (
Предупреждение: презентация выкладывается "как есть". Автор осознает необходимость ее доработки. Планируется вторая часть.
Ігор Карпиленко — PHPStorm for drupal developerLEDC 2016Розгляд та аналіз інфструментів PHPStorm для drupal розробника: QA tools, Xdebug, Issue Tracking System, Drush, інструменти для роботи з Vagrant, Docker і базами даних. Корисні плагіни.
REPL в Node.js: улучшаем быт разработчикIT61Что такое REPL, как он устроен и какие крутые возможности в нём заложены. Поговорим о выполнении кода в REPL и о том как работает автокомплит в динамических языках. Ответим на вопрос что такое vm.runInContext, перехватим парочку промисов, сделаем вывод результатов действительно приятным и даже узнаем как подгрузить нужные модули и не подать виду. В заключение рассмотрим потрясающие возможности, которые даёт нам инфраструктура npm и как это всё можно использовать в работе.
Доклад ориентирован на тех, кому небезынтересен мир Node.js, но будет доступен также и более широкому кругу JS-разработчиков. Надеюсь, для кого-нибудь этот доклад станет очередной ступенькой в изучении любимого языка.
Теория языков программирования некоторые слайды к лекциямSergey StaroletovТеория языков программирования (немного об интерпретаторах, триадах, оптимизации, парсерах и прочее)
Compilers construction some lectures of whole course, it covers some methods on interpreters, optimisations, antlr, dsl (introduction)
Ruby on Rails. Работа с моделямиDigital-агентство МэйкЗанятие №4 в рамках Курсов программирования Ruby on Rails.
Группа курсов «ВКонтакте»:
Организатор — Агентство интернет-маркетинга Мэйк Курсы проводятся на базе Кузбасского государственного технического университета, кафедры «Информационные и автоматизированные производственные системы».
Отладка и оптимизация многопоточных OpenMP-программTatyanazaxarovaЗадача знакомства программистов с областью разработки параллельных приложений становится все актуальней. Данная статья является кратким введением в создание многопоточных приложений, основанных на технологии OpenMP. Описаны подходы к отладке и оптимизации параллельных приложений.
PureMVC в картинках - часть 1Rostyslav SirykПрезентация к докладу на UAFPUG-1 (первой встрече Ukrainian Adobe Flash Platform User Group, состоявшейся 15 марта 2008 г. в Харькове).
Обзор методов разработки приложений, введение в рефакторинг, шаблоны проектирования и фреймворк PureMVC.
Автор: Ростислав Сирык (
Предупреждение: презентация выкладывается "как есть". Автор осознает необходимость ее доработки. Планируется вторая часть.
Ігор Карпиленко — PHPStorm for drupal developerLEDC 2016Розгляд та аналіз інфструментів PHPStorm для drupal розробника: QA tools, Xdebug, Issue Tracking System, Drush, інструменти для роботи з Vagrant, Docker і базами даних. Корисні плагіни.
Инструменты разработки ПО в *nixAlexander GerasiovВводная лекция для студентов о том, какие инструменты разработки можно и нужно использовать в *nix. 2005 год.
Java core-lect6-part3-annotation.pptAnton MoiseenkoThe 3rd part of the 6th lecture from the course "Java Core".
The Department of Information and Network Technologies.
St-Petersburg State University Of Aerospace Instrumentation.
TypeScriptGetDev.NETВидеозапись встречи:
TypeScript - язык программирования от Microsoft, который является надмножеством JavaScript. Он поддерживает статическую типизацию, модули, определение классов и интерфейсов и транслируется в чистый JS. Спецификации языка открыты, а код компилятора распространяется под лицензией Apache.
Choosing the right IDP SolutionProvectusLooking to make your document processing operations more effective and cost-efficient with AI/ML? Learn from the experts of Provectus and Amazon Web Services (AWS) how to choose the right solution for your company! We will look into the management and engineering perspectives of AI document processing, from industry use cases and the solution map to our unique methodology for assessing available document processing solutions to Provectus IDP. Whether you are looking for a ready-made solution or you plan to build a custom solution of your own, this webinar will help you find the best option for your business.
- Introductions
- Industry use cases
- Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) overview
- IDP Solutions map
- AWS IDP Solution
- Provectus IDP Platform
- Q&A
Intended Audience
Technology executives and decision makers, including such roles as CIO, CCO, COO, and CDO; digital transformation managers; data and ML engineers.
Almir Davletov, IDP Subject Matter Expert, Provectus
Yaroslav Tarasyuk, Business Development, Provectus
Sonali Sahu, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
Interested? Learn more about Provectus Intelligent Document Processing Solution:
Intelligent Document Processing in Healthcare. Choosing the Right Solutions.ProvectusHealthcare organizations generate piles of documents and forms in different formats, making it difficult to achieve operational excellence and streamline business processes. Manual entry and OCR are no longer viable, and healthcare entities are looking for new solutions to handle documents.
In this presentation you can learn about:
- Healthcare document types and use cases
- IDP framework: building blocks for document processing solutions
- The document processing market landscape
- Methodology for solution evaluation: comparing apples to apples
Whether you are looking for a ready-made solution or plan to build a custom solution of your own, this webinar will help you find the best fit for your healthcare use cases.
Choosing the Right Document Processing Solution for Healthcare OrganizationsProvectusLooking to automate document processing in your healthcare organization? Learn from Provectus & AWS experts how to make data capture, conversion, and analytics more efficient. Process and manage documents faster and on a larger scale with AI & Machine Learning.
In this presentation, we offer management and engineering perspectives on document processing with AI, to help you explore available options. Whether you are looking for a ready-made solution or plan to build a custom solution of your own, this webinar will help you find the best fit for your healthcare use cases.
MLOps and Data Quality: Deploying Reliable ML Models in ProductionProvectusLooking to build a robust machine learning infrastructure to streamline MLOps? Learn from Provectus experts how to ensure the success of your MLOps initiative by implementing Data QA components in your ML infrastructure.
For most organizations, the development of multiple machine learning models, their deployment and maintenance in production are relatively new tasks. Join Provectus as we explain how to build an end-to-end infrastructure for machine learning, with a focus on data quality and metadata management, to standardize and streamline machine learning life cycle management (MLOps).
- Data Quality and why it matters
- Challenges and solutions of Data Testing
- Challenges and solutions of Model Testing
- MLOps pipelines and why they matter
- How to expand validation pipelines for Data Quality
AI Stack on AWS: Amazon SageMaker and BeyondProvectusLooking to learn more about AWS AI stack? Join experts from Provectus & AWS to find out how to use Amazon SageMaker (with combination with other tools and services) to enable enterprise-wide AI.
Companies are looking to scale and become more productive when it comes to AI and data initiatives. They seek to launch AI projects more rapidly, which, among many other factors, requires a robust machine learning infrastructure. In this webinar, you will learn how to create a canonical SageMaker workflow, expand the SageMaker workflow to a holistic implementation, enhance and expand the implementation using best practices for feature store, data versioning, ML pipeline orchestration, and model monitoring.
- Introductions
- Amazon SageMaker Overview
- Real-World Use Case
- Data Lake for Machine Learning
- Amazon SageMaker Experiments
- Orchestration Beyond SageMaker Experiments
- Amazon SageMaker Debugger
- Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor
- Webinar Takeaways
Intended audience
Technology executives & decision makers, manager-level tech roles, data engineers & data scientists, ML practitioners & ML engineers, and developers
- Stepan Pushkarev, Chief Technology Officer, Provectus
- Pritpal Sahota, Technical Account Manager, Provectus
- Christopher A. Burns, Sr. AI/ML Solution Architect, AWS
Feel free to share this presentation with your colleagues and don't hesitate to reach out to us at if you have any questions!
Feature Store as a Data Foundation for Machine LearningProvectusThis document discusses feature stores and their role in modern machine learning infrastructure. It begins with an introduction and agenda. It then covers challenges with modern data platforms and emerging architectural shifts towards things like data meshes and feature stores. The remainder discusses what a feature store is, reference architectures, and recommendations for adopting feature stores including leveraging existing AWS services for storage, catalog, query, and more.
MLOps and Reproducible ML on AWS with Kubeflow and SageMakerProvectusLooking to implement MLOps using AWS services and Kubeflow? Come and learn about machine learning from the experts of Provectus and Amazon Web Services (AWS)!
Businesses recognize that machine learning projects are important but go beyond just building and deploying models, which is mostly done by organizations. Successful ML projects entail a complete lifecycle involving ML, DevOps, and data engineering and are built on top of ML infrastructure.
AWS and Amazon SageMaker provide a foundation for building infrastructure for machine learning while Kubeflow is a great open source project, which is not given enough credit in the AWS community. In this webinar, we show how to design and build an end-to-end ML infrastructure on AWS.
- Introductions
- Case Study: GoCheck Kids
- Overview of AWS Infrastructure for Machine Learning
- Provectus ML Infrastructure on AWS
- Experimentation
- MLOps
- Feature Store
Intended Audience
Technology executives & decision makers, manager-level tech roles, data engineers & data scientists, ML practitioners & ML engineers, and developers
- Stepan Pushkarev, Chief Technology Officer, Provectus
- Qingwei Li, ML Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS
Feel free to share this presentation with your colleagues and don't hesitate to reach out to us at if you have any questions!
Cost Optimization for Apache Hadoop/Spark Workloads with Amazon EMRProvectusConsidering new ways and options for reducing operational costs and scaling flexibility of your Apache Hadoop/Spark? Try migrating to Amazon EMR!
On-premises Apache Hadoop/Spark clusters are among the top sources of financial pressure for businesses. IT organizations want to reduce spend while still meeting demand, to keep their legacy data applications up and running. Come and learn from experts at Provectus & AWS how you can use Amazon EMR to start driving cost efficiencies in your organization!
- Hadoop market and cost optimizations using Amazon EMR
- Cost related and other challenges of on-prem Hadoop clusters
- Cost optimizations by using Amazon EMR and migration best practices
Intended audience
Technology executives & decision makers, manager-level tech roles, data engineers & data scientists, and developers
- Stepan Pushkarev, Chief Technology Officer, Provectus
- Pritpal Sahota, Technical Account Manager, Provectus
- Nirav Shah, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS
- Perry Peterson, Business Development Manager, AWS
Feel free to share this presentation with your colleagues and don't hesitate to reach out to us at if you have any questions!
ODSC webinar "Kubeflow, MLFlow and Beyond — augmenting ML delivery" Stepan Pu...ProvectusWhat's a machine learning workflow? What open source tools can you use to automate ML workflow?
Reproducible ML pipelines in research and production with monitoring insights from live inference clusters could enable and accelerate the delivery of AI solutions for enterprises. There is a growing ecosystem of tools that augment researchers and machine learning engineers in their day to day operations.
Still, there are big gaps in the machine learning workflow when it comes to training dataset versioning, training performance and metadata tracking, integration testing, inferencing quality monitoring, bias detection, concept drift detection and other aspects that prevent the adoption of AI in organizations of all sizes.
"Building a Modern Data platform in the Cloud", Alex Casalboni, AWS Dev Day K...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Analytics & Machine Learning
Session: "Building a Modern Data platform in the Cloud"
Speaker: Alex Casalboni, AWS Technical Evangelist
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"How to build a global serverless service", Alex Casalboni, AWS Dev Day Kyiv ...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Modern Application Development
Session: "How to build a global serverless service"
Speaker: Alex Casalboni, AWS Technical Evangelist
Level: 400
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Automating AWS Infrastructure with PowerShell", Martin Beeby, AWS Dev Day Ky...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Backend & Architecture
Session: "Automating AWS Infrastructure with PowerShell"
Speaker: Martin Beeby, AWS Principle Evangelist
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Analyzing your web and application logs", Javier Ramirez, AWS Dev Day Kyiv 2...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Analytics & Machine Learning
Session: "Analyzing your web and application logs"
Speaker: Javier Ramirez, AWS Technical Evangelist
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Resiliency and Availability Design Patterns for the Cloud", Sebastien Storma...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Backend & Architecture
Session: "Resiliency and Availability Design Patterns for the Cloud"
Speaker: Sebastien Stormacq, AWS Technical Evangelist
Level: 400
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Architecting SaaS solutions on AWS", Oleksandr Mykhalchuk, AWS Dev Day Kyiv ...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Backend & Architecture
Session: ""Architecting SaaS solutions on AWS""
Speaker: Oleksandr Mykhalchuk, Director of DevOps & Cloud Services at Softserve
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Developing with .NET Core on AWS", Martin Beeby, AWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019Provectus
AWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Modern Application Development
Session: "Developing with .NET Core on AWS"
Speaker: Martin Beeby, AWS Principle Evangelist
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"How to build real-time backends", Martin Beeby, AWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Backend & Architecture
Session: "How to build real-time backends"
Speaker: Martin Beeby, AWS Principle Evangelist
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Integrate your front end apps with serverless backend in the cloud", Sebasti...ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Modern Application Development
Session: "Integrate your front end apps with serverless backend in the cloud"
Speaker: Sebastien Stormacq, AWS Technical Evangelist
Level: 200
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
"Scaling ML from 0 to millions of users", Julien Simon, AWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019ProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Analytics & Machine Learning
Session: ""Scaling ML from 0 to millions of users""
Speaker: Julien Simon, Global AI & Machine Learning Evangelist at AWS
Level: 300
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services:
How to implement authorization in your backend with AWS IAMProvectusAWS Dev Day Kyiv 2019
Track: Backend & Architecture
Session: ""How to implement authorization in your backend with AWS IAM""
Speaker: Stas Ivaschenko, AWS solutions architect at Provectus
Level: 400
AWS Dev Day is a free, full-day technical event where new developers will learn about some of the hottest topics in cloud computing, and experienced developers can dive deep on newer AWS services.
Provectus has organized AWS Dev Day Kyiv in close collaboration with Amazon Web Services: 800+ participants, 18 sessions, 3 tracks, a really AWSome Day!
Now, together with Zeo Alliance, we're building and nurturing AWS User Group Ukraine — join us on Facebook to stay updated about cloud technologies and AWS services: