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Annotations of my
Magazine Showing
    By Daryl Teague
I have included a strip of
                                          information at the top of the
                                          page which is typical of rock
Front Cover                               magazines such as Kerrang.

   Masthead has been used which
   is conventional as it is typically
   used in other magazines, it is
   large and uses contrasting
   colours to allow it to stand out to
   the audience easier.

                                                                              Price and barcode included in
                                                                              the bottom right corner which is
                                                                              conventional of magazines in
I also used coverlines which are                                              general to give the audience
conventional, they are conventional                                           knowledge of the edition.
because I have used fonts which have
an aggressive feel, and they also stand
out well due to the them being large
and the colours.

The main cover image is conventional
as it contains an image who look
conventional of the rock genre due to
body language, and mise-en-scene,
dark clothing and aggressive facial        On the bottom of the front cover, I have included a free posters gift
expressions help this.                     and included more information on what it is the edition of the
                                           magazine. This is conventional of rock magazines as it is typically
                                           used in every edition to increase sales.
The contents title is conventional of rock
                                          magazines because it stands out well to
                                          the audience and is placed on the route
                                          of the eye, this allows it to be easily
                                          visible, the contrasting colours and the
   Contents Page                          font helps this.

I have included a editor's letter which
is conventional as it is typically used                      I have placed a small pull
in magazines in general to give the                          quote under the contents
reader more information about the                            title which is typical of
magazine.                                                    rock magazines, the
                                                             quote uses slang and
                                                             swear words which helps
I have placed a wide range images on                         appeal to the target
the contents page to show the reader                         audience as it fits into the
what is included in the magazine, the                        rock genre.
pictures are conventional due to the
props used and the mise-en-scene,
the images are conventionally                                The contents information
captioned.                                                   has been conventionally
                                                             placed on the side, the
                                                             sub headings stand out
                                                             to the audience which
                                                             helps it be seen easier.

I have also included page numbers
which are typically used in magazines
in general to give the reader                                 I have also placed a
information on where the articles are.                        subscription offer in the
                                                              corner which is very
                                                              conventional and can
                                                              allow fans of the
                                                              magazine to get offers
The main head line "On the road" stands
                                                                                   out well due to the boldness and that it is
                                                                                   large, the font and colour is also
                                                                                   conventional and allows it to be more

     Double Page Spread                                                            visible. I have included a standfirst which
                                                                                   also gives more information on what the
                                                                                   text is about and also includes a byline, a
                                                                                   standfirst is very conventional of
The image is                                                                       magazines in general.
conventional because of
many factors, it covers
half of the double page
spread which is very
conventional, I have also                                                                                 A kicker is
included a conventional                                                                                   conventional as it
mise-en-scene such as                                                                                     is typically placed
guitar as a prop which                                                                                    in magazines, and
gives a rock musical feel,                                                                                can attract reader's
dark clothing and the                                                                                     eye to the body
lighting has been                                                                                         copy.
darkened, the location is
also a graveyard which
gives a mysterious feel to
the story.                                                                                                  The body copy is
                                                                                                            also conventional
                                                                                                            as it contains
  A witty caption has                                                                                       columns and
  been placed on                                                                                            slang words in the
  the image, this is                                                                                        text which will
  typically used in                                                                                         attract the target
  rock magazines.                                                                                           audience. I have
                                                                                                            also coloured the
                         I have used page numbers which      A pull quote in the body copy has              questions
                         is typically used in magazines in   been used which is conventional                differently so they
                         general to give the reader          and can influence the reader to                stand out
                         information on what page they       read the rest of the text.                     differently.
                         are on.

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Annotations of my magazine showing conventions

  • 1. Annotations of my Magazine Showing Conventions By Daryl Teague
  • 2. I have included a strip of information at the top of the page which is typical of rock Front Cover magazines such as Kerrang. Masthead has been used which is conventional as it is typically used in other magazines, it is large and uses contrasting colours to allow it to stand out to the audience easier. Price and barcode included in the bottom right corner which is conventional of magazines in I also used coverlines which are general to give the audience conventional, they are conventional knowledge of the edition. because I have used fonts which have an aggressive feel, and they also stand out well due to the them being large and the colours. The main cover image is conventional as it contains an image who look conventional of the rock genre due to body language, and mise-en-scene, dark clothing and aggressive facial On the bottom of the front cover, I have included a free posters gift expressions help this. and included more information on what it is the edition of the magazine. This is conventional of rock magazines as it is typically used in every edition to increase sales.
  • 3. The contents title is conventional of rock magazines because it stands out well to the audience and is placed on the route of the eye, this allows it to be easily visible, the contrasting colours and the Contents Page font helps this. I have included a editor's letter which is conventional as it is typically used I have placed a small pull in magazines in general to give the quote under the contents reader more information about the title which is typical of magazine. rock magazines, the quote uses slang and swear words which helps I have placed a wide range images on appeal to the target the contents page to show the reader audience as it fits into the what is included in the magazine, the rock genre. pictures are conventional due to the props used and the mise-en-scene, the images are conventionally The contents information captioned. has been conventionally placed on the side, the sub headings stand out to the audience which helps it be seen easier. I have also included page numbers which are typically used in magazines in general to give the reader I have also placed a information on where the articles are. subscription offer in the corner which is very conventional and can allow fans of the magazine to get offers etc.
  • 4. The main head line "On the road" stands out well due to the boldness and that it is large, the font and colour is also conventional and allows it to be more Double Page Spread visible. I have included a standfirst which also gives more information on what the text is about and also includes a byline, a standfirst is very conventional of The image is magazines in general. conventional because of many factors, it covers half of the double page spread which is very conventional, I have also A kicker is included a conventional conventional as it mise-en-scene such as is typically placed guitar as a prop which in magazines, and gives a rock musical feel, can attract reader's dark clothing and the eye to the body lighting has been copy. darkened, the location is also a graveyard which gives a mysterious feel to the story. The body copy is also conventional as it contains A witty caption has columns and been placed on slang words in the the image, this is text which will typically used in attract the target rock magazines. audience. I have also coloured the I have used page numbers which A pull quote in the body copy has questions is typically used in magazines in been used which is conventional differently so they general to give the reader and can influence the reader to stand out information on what page they read the rest of the text. differently. are on.