This document provides information about water baptism and includes a contact for a person named Melody at (515) 953-0322 or It also mentions that additional information can be found in seat backs.
The document is about a woman named Simone Helen Drumond and contains her contact information including email and website. The main topic is about the "visor of the dengue mosquito". It repeats this Portuguese phrase "VISEIRA DO MOSQUITO DA DENGUE" multiple times.
This document is volume 3 of an apostila (manual) on dengue written by Simone Helen Drumond. It provides her contact information, including her email, website, and phone numbers. The document simply introduces the author and provides ways to contact her regarding the apostila (manual) on dengue that is volume 3.
This document is volume 8 of an apostila (manual) on dengue by author Simone Helen Drumond. It discusses the "mask of dengue" but provides no other details on the content. Contact information for the author is included at the bottom of each page likely for attribution and communication purposes. The document is authored by Simone Helen Drumond and focuses on the topic of the "mask of dengue" within her larger manual on dengue titled the Apostila Dengue.
The document discusses masks of dengue fever. It provides contact information for Simone Helen Drumond, the author of the Apostila Dengue document series. Drumond's email and blog are listed, along with her phone number, as the source for further information on dengue fever.
The document is an instruction manual for making paper puppets titled "Brincando e Construindo com Papel - Fantoches". It was written by Simone Helen Drumond and includes her contact information and blog URL. The manual is repeated multiple times with only the author's contact information changing between repetitions.
The document contains contact information for Simone Helen Drumond, including her blog URL and phone number (92) 3234-1699. This information is repeated multiple times throughout the document.
This document discusses establishing a bridge between the free and open source software (FLOSS) community and FLOSS researchers through a website called It aims to create win-win situations by addressing researchers' needs for survey responses and data access, while minimizing interruptions to developers. The site would coordinate periodic surveys, data requests, and feedback to build trust between the two groups and encourage collaboration. Researchers and developers would both benefit through improved understanding and validated tools. Open governance and outreach are needed to involve relevant institutions and projects.
Grant Ingersoll, CTO of LucidWorks, presented on new features and capabilities in Lucene 4 and Solr 4. Key highlights include major performance improvements in Lucene through optimizations like DocValues and native Near Real Time support. Solr 4 features faster indexing and querying, improved geospatial support, and enhancements to SolrCloud including transaction logging for reliability. LucidWorks is continuing to advance Lucene and Solr to provide more flexible, scalable, and robust open source search capabilities.
This document contains a passage from the Gospel of John describing how the disciple who wrote the gospel knew Jesus' testimony was true, as well as a statement that not all of Jesus' deeds could be written in books. It also contains quotes from three individuals about how failures and losses can sometimes lead to greater victories and legacies through God.
The document discusses the funding model for higher education in Flanders. It has a block grant system that provides funding based on teaching and research activity. Funding is calculated using credit units, degrees awarded, publications, and other output parameters averaged over 5 years. The goals are to support quality, access, flexibility, efficiency, and institutional responsibility while maintaining competition between institutions. However, the model lacks direct quality measures and incentives for internationalization or policy-relevant research.
Providing access to higher education through online programs in developing co...EduSkills OECD
There is a growing gap between the level of education most people have access to and what is needed globally for employment opportunities. While populations in developing countries are growing rapidly, access to higher education is still limited due to availability and affordability. Online education can help address this by making courses more accessible anywhere and affordable. However, developing successful online programs requires consideration of cultural and learning style differences to ensure relevance and support for students in different contexts. Overall, online education represents an opportunity to extend access to more people if implemented appropriately.
The document discusses a woman named Betty who owns a bag that another person admires and would like to exchange for a necklace that Betty is wearing. It also mentions podcasts available from a website called and a cafe called holy grounds cafe. The document contains various random words and formatting that do not provide additional context.
A 1 hour intro to search, Apache Lucene and Solr, and LucidWorks Search. Contains a quick start with LucidWorks Search and a demo using financial data (See Github prj: as well as some basic vocab and search explanations
This presentation was given by Tracey Burns of the OECD at the CERI Conference on Innovation, Governance and Reform in Education on 5 November 2014 during session 6.a: Major Trends. It gives an overview of the OECD publication Trends Shaping Education and illustrates how this robust and non-specialist source of data can inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection about the future of education.
Delivering The Goods Message ºÝºÝߣs, 7/22/12CLADSM
The document discusses how Jesus came to save the lost and serve others, and encourages followers of Jesus to focus on the same thing through an externally focused life. It notes that while many churches are closing in North America, individuals can serve their local communities in various ways like helping neighbors, mentoring youth, or working in crisis centers. The key messages are to pray for opportunities to share the gospel with others and invite friends to hear the message of Jesus.
The LifeNow organization will hold its annual business meeting on Sunday, February 15 following their service. More details can be obtained by contacting Stacy Watrous. The meeting date and details are also announced on the LifeNow website and a podcast available on iTunes.
The document discusses marketing principles for small software vendors based on the book "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. It summarizes the key points of the first 5 laws: 1) It is better to be the number one player in a category. 2) If you cannot be first, create a new category where you can be number one. 3) It is better to be first in people's minds than first in the market. 4) Perception is more important than reality in product battles. 5) The most powerful marketing message focuses on owning a single word or idea in customers' minds.
ATP Oil and Gas Corporation is a development-focused oil and gas company operating in the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea. It has 212 million barrels of oil equivalent in proved and probable reserves with a PV-10 of $6.4 billion. ATP employs a hub strategy using re-usable floating infrastructure to improve the economics and growth potential of its reserves. It has a successful track record of converting undeveloped discoveries to production.
This presentation was given by Peter Karlberg of the National Agency for Education (Skolverket) of Sweden at the GCES Conference on Education Governance: The Role of Data in Tallinn on 13 February during the afternoon session workshop on Learning Analytics.
The document discusses focusing on eternal spiritual realities rather than temporary earthly ones. It states that while our earthly bodies will die, we will receive an eternal home in heaven. It encourages having faith over sight, pleasing God whether living or departed, and facing judgment for our deeds in life.
The document advertises classes held on Wednesday nights from June 27th to August 8th that start at 7pm. The classes are located in the seat back and are for people of all ages.
This document contains several biblical passages about the unchanging, unshakable, and unstoppable nature of God. It notes that because God does not change, those who trust in Him are blessed. It also states that because God is unshakable, believers in Him are made strong. And finally, it indicates that since God cannot be stopped, Christians cannot stop telling others about Jesus. The document encourages readers to build their lives on the solid foundation of God's word.
The document discusses the importance of having a mobile-optimized website, as mobile internet usage is growing rapidly. It provides statistics on projected mobile internet use and the mobile internet audience. It then offers tips on how to create a mobile-friendly site, such as using responsive design, serving different stylesheets for different devices, and leveraging existing mobile platforms. It notes that creating a mobile site does not have to be costly and recommends the open-source WURFL API. The document also discusses how mobile sites can help with local business discovery and provides an example of a job search app.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives in a Christ-centered marriage according to the Bible. It provides scripture from 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 and Ephesians 5:21-33 about putting God first and each other second. For husbands, it says to lead by Christ's example through loving and cherishing their wives. For wives, it says to respect their husband's leadership and understand/support them. It also provides keys to a God-centered marriage like spending time together in prayer.
Grant Ingersoll, CTO of LucidWorks, presented on new features and capabilities in Lucene 4 and Solr 4. Key highlights include major performance improvements in Lucene through optimizations like DocValues and native Near Real Time support. Solr 4 features faster indexing and querying, improved geospatial support, and enhancements to SolrCloud including transaction logging for reliability. LucidWorks is continuing to advance Lucene and Solr to provide more flexible, scalable, and robust open source search capabilities.
This document contains a passage from the Gospel of John describing how the disciple who wrote the gospel knew Jesus' testimony was true, as well as a statement that not all of Jesus' deeds could be written in books. It also contains quotes from three individuals about how failures and losses can sometimes lead to greater victories and legacies through God.
The document discusses the funding model for higher education in Flanders. It has a block grant system that provides funding based on teaching and research activity. Funding is calculated using credit units, degrees awarded, publications, and other output parameters averaged over 5 years. The goals are to support quality, access, flexibility, efficiency, and institutional responsibility while maintaining competition between institutions. However, the model lacks direct quality measures and incentives for internationalization or policy-relevant research.
Providing access to higher education through online programs in developing co...EduSkills OECD
There is a growing gap between the level of education most people have access to and what is needed globally for employment opportunities. While populations in developing countries are growing rapidly, access to higher education is still limited due to availability and affordability. Online education can help address this by making courses more accessible anywhere and affordable. However, developing successful online programs requires consideration of cultural and learning style differences to ensure relevance and support for students in different contexts. Overall, online education represents an opportunity to extend access to more people if implemented appropriately.
The document discusses a woman named Betty who owns a bag that another person admires and would like to exchange for a necklace that Betty is wearing. It also mentions podcasts available from a website called and a cafe called holy grounds cafe. The document contains various random words and formatting that do not provide additional context.
A 1 hour intro to search, Apache Lucene and Solr, and LucidWorks Search. Contains a quick start with LucidWorks Search and a demo using financial data (See Github prj: as well as some basic vocab and search explanations
This presentation was given by Tracey Burns of the OECD at the CERI Conference on Innovation, Governance and Reform in Education on 5 November 2014 during session 6.a: Major Trends. It gives an overview of the OECD publication Trends Shaping Education and illustrates how this robust and non-specialist source of data can inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection about the future of education.
Delivering The Goods Message ºÝºÝߣs, 7/22/12CLADSM
The document discusses how Jesus came to save the lost and serve others, and encourages followers of Jesus to focus on the same thing through an externally focused life. It notes that while many churches are closing in North America, individuals can serve their local communities in various ways like helping neighbors, mentoring youth, or working in crisis centers. The key messages are to pray for opportunities to share the gospel with others and invite friends to hear the message of Jesus.
The LifeNow organization will hold its annual business meeting on Sunday, February 15 following their service. More details can be obtained by contacting Stacy Watrous. The meeting date and details are also announced on the LifeNow website and a podcast available on iTunes.
The document discusses marketing principles for small software vendors based on the book "The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing" by Al Ries and Jack Trout. It summarizes the key points of the first 5 laws: 1) It is better to be the number one player in a category. 2) If you cannot be first, create a new category where you can be number one. 3) It is better to be first in people's minds than first in the market. 4) Perception is more important than reality in product battles. 5) The most powerful marketing message focuses on owning a single word or idea in customers' minds.
ATP Oil and Gas Corporation is a development-focused oil and gas company operating in the Gulf of Mexico and North Sea. It has 212 million barrels of oil equivalent in proved and probable reserves with a PV-10 of $6.4 billion. ATP employs a hub strategy using re-usable floating infrastructure to improve the economics and growth potential of its reserves. It has a successful track record of converting undeveloped discoveries to production.
This presentation was given by Peter Karlberg of the National Agency for Education (Skolverket) of Sweden at the GCES Conference on Education Governance: The Role of Data in Tallinn on 13 February during the afternoon session workshop on Learning Analytics.
The document discusses focusing on eternal spiritual realities rather than temporary earthly ones. It states that while our earthly bodies will die, we will receive an eternal home in heaven. It encourages having faith over sight, pleasing God whether living or departed, and facing judgment for our deeds in life.
The document advertises classes held on Wednesday nights from June 27th to August 8th that start at 7pm. The classes are located in the seat back and are for people of all ages.
This document contains several biblical passages about the unchanging, unshakable, and unstoppable nature of God. It notes that because God does not change, those who trust in Him are blessed. It also states that because God is unshakable, believers in Him are made strong. And finally, it indicates that since God cannot be stopped, Christians cannot stop telling others about Jesus. The document encourages readers to build their lives on the solid foundation of God's word.
The document discusses the importance of having a mobile-optimized website, as mobile internet usage is growing rapidly. It provides statistics on projected mobile internet use and the mobile internet audience. It then offers tips on how to create a mobile-friendly site, such as using responsive design, serving different stylesheets for different devices, and leveraging existing mobile platforms. It notes that creating a mobile site does not have to be costly and recommends the open-source WURFL API. The document also discusses how mobile sites can help with local business discovery and provides an example of a job search app.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of husbands and wives in a Christ-centered marriage according to the Bible. It provides scripture from 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 and Ephesians 5:21-33 about putting God first and each other second. For husbands, it says to lead by Christ's example through loving and cherishing their wives. For wives, it says to respect their husband's leadership and understand/support them. It also provides keys to a God-centered marriage like spending time together in prayer.
The document contrasts human tendencies towards anger, bitterness, and division with Jesus' teachings on humility, love, forgiveness and mercy. It presents Jesus' commands to love enemies and neighbors alike, resist evil without retaliation, forgive others, and judge not. The goal is for the church to embody Christ's selfless, restorative love for all people as a witness to His teachings.
This document discusses the importance of being built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. It contrasts the timid nature of the early disciples with the boldness of the apostles who healed in power and were faithful even to martyrdom. The foundation of apostles and prophets structures believers' time with Jesus in prayer and Bible study so they can love God and speak out what He reveals through their time with Him. Building on this foundation allows believers to withstand difficulties as the house built on the rock withstood storms.
1) Jesus taught His disciples on a mountain after great multitudes had followed Him to hear His teachings and witness His healings.
2) On the mountain, Jesus began His Sermon on the Mount by teaching the disciples the Beatitudes, describing those who are blessed.
3) Jesus promised a great reward in heaven for those who are persecuted for their faith in Him, like the prophets before them.
This document discusses building a life centered around God. It cites passages from Psalms and Matthew that refer to God as a rock, fortress, refuge, shield and stronghold. The main points are:
1) Our lives are structured around what we value most and what we value most we protect the most.
2) The Bible teaches to build our lives on the rock of God's word through prayer, fellowship, fasting, giving and intercession.
3) When our lives are built on God, we will stand firm like a house built on a rock during difficulties.
1) The document discusses the foundation of the Christian Life Assembly of God church being Jesus Christ. It references Bible verses that describe Jesus as the cornerstone and foundation.
2) It describes Jesus giving Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven and the power to bind and loose on earth and in heaven. It says this gives believers power over their words to create and declare things into being.
3) Most of the document consists of commentary on and excerpts from Isaiah 61, describing the spirit of the Lord anointing believers to proclaim good news, freedom, healing and favor. It says this proclamation will result in rebuilding ruined places and inner healing.
The document discusses the three greatest graces that remain according to 1 Corinthians 13: faith, hope, and love. It states that the greatest of these is love. It then quotes Matthew 28:19-20 about making disciples by baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and teaching them all that Jesus commanded. It relates the Father to faith as authority, the Son to hope in serving, and the Holy Spirit to love which enables properly stewarding authority and serving others.
This document discusses Joseph's journey from being sold into slavery by his brothers to becoming the second in command of Egypt. It describes Joseph's dreams that predicted his future leadership, his brothers' jealousy that led them to throw him in a pit, and how he was then sold as a slave. Even as a slave, God was with Joseph and he rose to a position of power in Potiphar's household. However, he was falsely accused and imprisoned. While in prison, he correctly interpreted dreams, though the cupbearer forgot about him. Years later, Pharaoh had dreams that only Joseph could interpret, leading to Joseph being appointed to a high role in Egypt.
Lost love spells are rituals or spiritual practices believed to help reunite lovers who have drifted apart due to misunderstandings, external influences, or personal circumstances. These spells are commonly associated with ancient traditions, mysticism, and energy work, often performed by spiritual healers, witches, or practitioners of magic.
Lost love spells typically involve invoking spiritual forces, harnessing natural energies, and using symbolic elements such as candles, herbs, crystals, and written affirmations. Some rituals require personal items of the individuals involved, such as photographs, hair strands, or handwritten notes, to create a connection between them.
The intention behind these spells is to remove obstacles that caused the separation, heal emotional wounds, and rekindle passion and affection between estranged partners. Some spells focus on enhancing communication, while others aim at deep emotional bonding, attraction, or forgiveness.
Lost love spells are widely sought after by those longing for a second chance in love. Whether one believes in their power or not, they can serve as a form of emotional healing and manifestation. However, it is always important to approach love with sincerity, patience, and respect for personal choices.
Types of Lost Love Spells
? Reconciliation Spells ¨C Designed to bring back an ex-lover by softening their emotions and encouraging forgiveness.
? Binding Love Spells ¨C Intended to strengthen the emotional and spiritual connection between two people, preventing further separation.
? Forgiveness Spells ¨C Focused on healing past wounds and fostering understanding between partners.
? Obsession Spells ¨C Used to make an ex-partner think about and desire reunion.
? Honey Jar Spells ¨C A gentle spell to sweeten someone's feelings towards you and restore affection.
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Spiritual Warfare: Trusting God in Life's Battles"TImothy leonard
The PowerPoint file "Going to Battle" by Timothy Leonard focuses on the theme of spiritual warfare, drawing from key biblical scriptures such as Deuteronomy 20:1-6 and Ephesians 6:12. The presentation emphasizes the importance of not fearing earthly challenges because God fights on behalf of His people. It reflects on spiritual warfare, highlighting that Christians face not only physical but also spiritual battles, and therefore must rely on faith, prayer, and God¡¯s guidance to overcome.
Key points include:
Trust in God's Protection: Scriptures like Deuteronomy 20:1-6 and Joshua 1:9 assure believers that God is with them in their battles, whether physical or spiritual.
Spiritual Warfare: The concept is further explained using Ephesians 6:12, reminding Christians that their struggles are not merely with worldly powers, but with spiritual forces. Therefore, they must be spiritually prepared by wearing the "armor of God"¡ªtruth, righteousness, faith, and the Word of God.
Faith in Action: The presentation emphasizes the need to put faith into practice, reflecting on personal challenges and how scripture helps in understanding God's purpose.
Regular Prayer and Meditation: Building a strong relationship with God through regular prayer and meditation is key to facing life's trials.
Study of Scripture: Stories like Job, David and Goliath, and the Israelites¡¯ exodus from Egypt are mentioned as examples of how faith in God can lead to victory over adversity.
The presentation concludes with a reminder that spiritual battles require Christians to trust in God¡¯s purpose and rely on His strength. Victory is found through Christ, and with Him, Christians can stand firm against any challenge.
Discussion Questions: "What does it mean to 'put on the full armor of God'? How can Christians prepare for spiritual battles in everyday life? Why is prayer important in facing life¡¯s challenges?"
The assignment encourages participants to reflect on these questions and share their thoughts on social media.
Lesson 10 ¨C Sin Has Corrupted Human Nature.pptxCelso Napoleon
Lesson 10 ¨C Sin Has Corrupted Human Nature
SBS ¨C Sunday Bible School
Sunday Bible Lessons for Adults 1st Quarter 2025 CPAD
Title of the Sunday Magazine: IN DEFENSE OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: Fighting the Ancient Heresies that Present Themselves with a New Appearance
Commentator: Esequias Soares
Class: Adults
ºÝºÝߣs: Celso Napoleon
Renewed in Grace
March 9, 2025
Monthly Khazina-e-Ruhaniyaat March¡¯2025 (Vol.15, Issue 11)Darul Amal Chishtia
11th issue of Volume 15. A magazine in urdu language mainly based on spiritual treatment and learning. Many topics on ISLAM, SUFISM, SOCIAL PROBLEMS, SELF HELP, PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH, SPIRITUAL TREATMENT, Ruqya etc. A very useful magazine for everyone.
"Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a memorial of her." MARK 14:9 "FORGIVEN" painting by Daniel F. Gerhartz
Lesson 9 The aFor I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is am...GeorgeSamaan9
Romans 12:3-5 For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. 4 For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, 5 so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance. Psalm 33:12
The Noahide Code is a living heritage for people of all
nations. When we fulfill our potential by living within this
covenant, the creation is spiritually elevated to realize its
intended goal. This makes the world into a beautiful gem.
¨C a place where G-d can dwell!
Revenge spells magic is potent enough to work as casters wish. But correct items needed to dole out the revenge curse could be difficult to gather.
If you¡¯re keen to know how to cast a revenge spell that really works, you need help from expert chanters. Experienced anchors will help you cast a potent, timely return revenge spell without hassle. When you¡¯ve got correct hands handling your enchantment, making the most of your experience doling out revenge is easy.
When you use the voodoo revenge spell that works immediately, it¡¯s vital to ensure that you cast a spell that doesn¡¯t backfire. A spell backfires for two main reasons. The first is when you cast a spell but disregard the instructions from the spell caster. The second is when you cast voodoo witchcraft revenge spells against a person that has not wronged you.
Revenge spells to punish someone until you are fully avenged. Revenge spells to teach someone a lesson they will never forget using voodoo revenge spells. My spells of revenge will inflict serious harm on your enemies, so do not use my revenge spells unless you are sure.
Revenge spells for cheaters & your enemies. Revenge spells and curses to help you get the ultimate revenge. Voodoo revenge spells for cheaters, ex-lovers, your enemies & people who want to harm you. Give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot & to punish your enemies with revenge curses & spells for revenge.
Did someone cheat on you and broke your heart, then get my revenge spells to mete out some strong revenge against your ex-lover. My revenge spells will ensure that your cheating lover will never cheat again for the rest of his life. Fix their love life to be a disaster with love revenge spells. If your husband is cheating on your or your boyfriend is cheating on you. Punish them together with the person they are cheating on you with love revenge spells. Make a person never find love or make a person never get married with love revenge spells. Remove a love revenge spell from your love life.
Make your enemies get a taste of their own medicine with revenge spells. Don't let evil win by letting an evil person who has wronged you get away without experiencing the suffering they deserve and also don't let evil rule supreme in your world & make people think twice before causing harm on another person who has not done anything to them by using revenge spells for ultimate revenge.
Inflict pain & suffering on someone using a revenge & curses voodoo doll. Punish your enemies & cause them financial & health problems using a voodoo doll.
For many people, voodoo dolls are for harming. The people who want to know how to use a voodoo doll for revenge at home are hurting. There various reasons behind this.
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The Blogs_ Queen Esther's Legacy of Faith _ Andy Blumenthal _ The Times of Is...Andy (Avraham) Blumenthal
Article in The Times of Israel by Andy Blumenthal: At its core, the story of Esther unveils a timeless truth: no matter the trials we endure, our ultimate refuge lies in our faith in G-d, the transcendent force above nature itself, who wields the power to weave miracles into the fabric of our lives.
In The Garden of Emunah, Rabbi Shalom Arush illuminates three ascending tiers of this sacred faith: first, the recognition that every event flows from Hashem¡¯s divine providence; second, the belief that all He ordains is for our ultimate good; and third, the understanding that each divine act carries a purpose, urging us to seek the messages He imparts. Our very existence is a quest¡ªa passionate pursuit to uncover Hashem in the rhythm of our daily lives and forge an intimate, enduring bond with Him. This we achieve through an unwavering awareness that G-d is ever-present, guiding every step, and even in life¡¯s darkest trials, He sends us a tikkun¡ªa soul correction¡ªto elevate us to loftier spiritual heights.
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