This document announces various prayer and worship opportunities at a church on Sundays and during the week. It provides details about times for prayer with others in the pastor's study and library on Sundays, as well as announcing upcoming meetings and classes, including the children's ministry meeting on November 13th, a new mid-week Bible study starting November 4th, a new life group beginning November 12th, an upcoming membership class on November 21st and 22nd, and a women's morning event on November 5th. It asks members to pray for international workers and provides contact information for an upcoming event.
7. Beginning November 4th
every Tuesday from 6:30-
7:30pm, there will be a Mid-
Week Bible Study here at
EAC. See your Bulletin for
more Details!
8. New Life Group!
Simplify beginning Nov
12th at 7pm at the home of
the Russells. Read your
bulletin for details. Sign up
by Nov 2nd!
9. If you are interested in
Membership at EAC, we will be
having a Membership Class on
November 21st and 22nd. This is a
two day class. Friday the 21st will
be from 6:30-9pm and then
continue on Saturday the 22nd at
9am-3pm. Please sign up so we
know how many
materials to prepare.
10. Womens Morning Blend
Nov. 5th at 9am at Perkins
in Conneaut.
Come for coffee, breakfast,
short devotion, fellowship!