3. 年度計劃公眾諮詢 – 專題研討
參加方法: 致電 (212) 306-3800 報名
2013年6月6日 - 曼哈頓區
Johnson Community Center
1833 Lexington Avenue
2013年6月17日 - 布朗克斯區
Betances Community Center
465 St. Anns Avenue
2013年6月10日 - 皇后區
Electrical Industry Center
67-35 Parsons Blvd at Jewel Avenue
2013年6月24日 - 布魯克林區
Ingersoll Community Center
177 Myrtle Avenue
2013年6月13日 - 史旦頓島
Stapleton Community Center
230 Broad Street
19. 議題二:基建工程
B級債券 分配形式
Bricks & Other
Water Tank
Pump System
Replace Roofs
Distributionby Type of Work
Distributionof Work by Boro
#3: [SLIDE:Introductions]Borough Director:Welcome everyone, my name is Sheila Pinckney and I am glad to be here with you.Every conversation begins with an introduction so let’s begin by taking a few minutes to get to know each other.So to get started my name is Sheila Pinckney , I live in x, I have lived there for X years and I am [personal fact].Introduce Ukah Busgith, Manhattan Community Operations Director. Then introduce NYCHA senior staff , NYPD representatives and the CCOP representatives.?At each table, we are going to go around the table and ask each person to share their name, where you live and one personal fact about yourself...Okay, let’s take 10 minutes.?[10 min] [Break out to tables – Borough Director monitors time and then brings everyone’s attention to the front]
#4: Melba ButlerIn accordance with Section 5A of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, Housing Authority’s are required to develop, with review and input from residents and the general public, an Annual Plan that outlines its priorities for the upcoming year.As mandated, NYCHA has developed a Draft Agency Plan for FY 2014.In order to facilitate comments, the Authority will hold 5 Round Table Meetings during the month of June.Every resident should have received a letter from the Chairman with the Annual Plan notice in their recent rent bill.Flyers for the Roundtables were placed under every residents’ door.They were also posted in every building, senior and community center and management offices.The flyers were also translated into Spanish, Chinese and Russian.The Customer Contact Center has also made calls to every household with information about the roundtables and public hearing.
#5: Melba Butler:The Draft Plan was made available on May 17, 2013 for public inspection at NYCHA’s principal office at 250 Broadway, on NYCHA’s website, at each local Public Housing development management office, at all Community Operations/Management & Leased Housing Borough Offices, and at 9 designated Community Centers.The Draft Plan was also sent to all Resident Advisory Board (RAB) delegates and alternates, to each TA President and Section 8 RAB Representatives.In addition, NYCHA encourages residents, advocates and the public to provide written comments on the Draft Plan for FY 2014.The comments will be accepted via fax, through the mail and collected at each of the Round Table Meetings.
#6: Melba Butler:In an attempt to accurately reflect NYCHA’s most critical priorities and needs, the Draft Plan is an evolving document.The purpose of this Round Table meeting today is to provide a venue where residents and the public are invited comment on the Draft Plan.NYCHA staff will make brief presentations on the topics listed on the screen.There will then be an open mike for questions and comments.Please complete a speakers slip if you would like to make a comment on the Plan or have any questions.
#7: Melba Butler:We hope that as many people as possible will have an opportunity to express their comments.So before we begin, let’s go over the following ground rules.The passing out of materials, photo taking and video recordings are not allowed, however, a “General Information” station is available outside where leaflets and flyers may be displayed.Resource tables have been set up outside with information so that the end of the meeting you can pick-up information on that may be of interest to you on:Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability, Fair Housing, Social Services, Citywide Programs, and A Health Provider. Introduce Mike Zunno (or other designated Finance Senior staff), Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer, to discuss the 1st topic- Financial Resources
#13: - 目前共有4.7萬戶繳付 (最高) 固定租金﹐而未有繳納家庭收入百分之30為租金的住戶。The average income of these households is more than doubleNYCHA’s overall average income (they earn an average $47,606 per year, versus $23,301 average NYCHA income) but they only pay 22%, or less of their incomes for rent. The current average monthly rent of Flat Rent Households is $749 versus $439 overall.The overall average rent increase for the Flat Rent households for 2013 is $144 (19% increase).Their average rent is projected to increase from $749 to $893.These households currently pay only 22% of their income for rent.
#14: - 目前共有4.7萬戶繳付 (最高) 固定租金﹐而未有繳納家庭收入百分之30為租金的住戶。The average income of these households is more than doubleNYCHA’s overall average income (they earn an average $47,606 per year, versus $23,301 average NYCHA income) but they only pay 22%, or less of their incomes for rent. The current average monthly rent of Flat Rent Households is $749 versus $439 overall.The overall average rent increase for the Flat Rent households for 2013 is $144 (19% increase).Their average rent is projected to increase from $749 to $893.These households currently pay only 22% of their income for rent.
#39: NYCHA Authority’s staff and leadership have taken many steps in the wake of Hurricane Sandy to continue to enhance our preparation for hurricanes and coastal storms.
#41: Melba Butler:– We hope that as many people as possible will have an opportunity to express their comments.So before we begin, let’s go over the following ground rules:1.If you wish to speak, first you must fill out a “Speakers Slip”.They are available in the entrance area at the table marked “Speaker Sign in” Please line up at each of the microphones in the center aisles and wait your turn to speak.Each speaker is allowed 3 minutes to speak.On the stage, you will see a timer with three lights. When you begin to speak, the green light will be on and the timer will begin to count down.When the yellow light is lit, it means that you should start to conclude your remarks.When the red light is turned on, your three minutes to provide comment are over.A table has been set up outside so that written comments may also be submitted.2.Numbered speaker slips are non transferable and if you are not present or do not wish to speak when your name and number is called, you will forfeit the opportunity to speak3.The hearing is being recorded and transcribed by a stenographer so please speak only from the microphones in the aisles and identify yourself and your development or affiliation.4.Remember we are here to comment on NYCHA’s FY 2014 Draft Annual Plan.Any personal comments on, criticisms of or oral attacks on NYCHA personnel, resident representatives, and public attendees or any demeaning, discriminatory or ethnic slurs, or vulgar language will not be tolerated.I, as the moderator of this evening’s meeting, reserve the right to immediately move on to the next speaker on line if any comments are deemed inappropriate.The Moderator on the stage is in charge of the Public Hearing, please be considerate of your neighbors and obey the moderator’s directions.5.We are here to consider issues that are of concern to everyone; not issues that concern only a single resident or individual.If you have an issue that concerns only you or your apartment, we have tables set up outside specifically for that purpose.You may fill out a resident response form at the table outside marked “Residents Complaints”.
#42: Melba Butler:This concludes the Roundtable meeting for tonight.