This document discusses large scale threats to data anonymity from re-identification attacks on a variety of datasets including movie ratings, product reviews, search logs, social networks, and genomic data. It outlines several types of attacks such as exact matching, fuzzy matching with and without noise, and matching based on auxiliary information from multiple databases. These attacks can re-identify individuals from anonymized data in many contexts by exploiting common attributes, relationships, behaviors, and other clues. The threats are significant and privacy is very difficult to guarantee for rich, high-dimensional datasets.
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1. Large Scale Threats to Data Anonymity Arvind Narayanan Joint work with Vitaly Shmatikov Kamalika Chaudhuri
2. Anonymity is not cryptography Small keyspace random guessing succeeds with probability 1/N Natural upper bound on N the race is over ! Guess-and-verify paradigm Even quadratic algorithms sometimes feasible! Conventional wisdom relied on computational infeasibility
3. The curse of dimensionality Too much entropy per record How high is high? Try 35,540! k-anonymity breaks down Nearest neigbhor too far Cinematch beats baseline by 1%! Projection to low dimensions loses most of the info
4. Auxiliary information Auxiliary information about people very easy to obtain Unlinkability of user traces unaffordable luxury Yet linking across databases often disastrous Future privacy linkage of profile to identify makes virtual identities impossible
5. Two fallacies Identifying vs. non-identifying attributes All attributes are quasi-identifiers! Simply removing record labels is not sufficient Perturbation makes attackers task harder Note superficial similarity with LPN But non-cryptographic! Reality: re-identification algorithms easily made noise resilient
6. Interactive protocols Severe computational limits Query-execute-analyze cycle Utility required may be non-statistical Database may even be non-relational Privacy for queries Data aggregator not trusted Algorithms in distributed setting not well developed yet
7. Sad realization #2 Privacy usually an afterthought (not important until it affects you) Video privacy act example Privacy vs. utility: Collect/release the data, ask questions later
9. Collaborative filtering: profiles Each of N users has a preference vector, or a preference profile One attribute for each item Goal: mine this database to predict preferences for new items Can we release an anonymized database of preference vectors?
10. Movielens fuzzy match Hypothetical investigation Frankowski, Cosley, Sen, Terveen, Riedl. Anonymized database of movie ratings Attacker knows small number of approximate preferences Nearest neighbor stats confirmed
11. Netflix fuzzy match with noise Nearest neighbor graph Real attack, Narayanan & Shmatikov ~ 4 movies -> unique re-identification know either ratings or dates approximately one of the data points can be completely wrong Found a couple of our friends Found a couple of users from IMDb
13. Netflixs take on privacy Even if, for example, you knew all your own ratings and their dates you probably couldnt identify them reliably in the data because only a small sample was included (less than one-tenth of our complete dataset) and that data was subject to perturbation . Of course, since you know all your own ratings that really isnt a privacy problem is it? -- Netflix Prize FAQ
15. Netflix contributions Scoring tolerates large amount of noise i M M [ e - 留 |r i - r i | + c e - 硫 |d i - d i | + ] / log #i Verifying deanonymization in absence of oracle [score(max) score(max2)] / Extract user relationships
16. Netflix customers with distance < 0.15 Could edges reflect real-life relationships? Ratings and dates were ignored
17. Recommenders: stronger attacks Do recommendation systems inherently leak profile? No data release! Theoretical attacks known Textbook systems Deployed, complex systems
18. Social networks Graph of interactions between people Think of phone call graphs Different type of profile Non relational data
19. Backstrom, Dwork, Kleinberg Active and passive attacks Re-identify nodes touched by malicious edges Easy to find graph-structured patterns in large database
20. Narayanan, Chaudhuri Tolerates noise Several attacks where a user can re-identify own node Subgraph isomorphism with several hundred nodes Heuristics involving node labels User knows own degree exactly Modern phones store all calls Who deletes email anymore?
21. Finding yourself N instances of graph isomorphism Use isomorphism-invariant signatures
23. Propagation of node re-identification Surprisingly small number of seeds (6-12) Large fraction of nodes compromised Works even when large fraction (say 80%) of nodes are honest
26. Propagation implementation Social phishing Buddy zoo Skype worm Online addressbook service Competing social network
27. Author identification Basically, a solved problem However, most studies use a small set of authors Not clear how well sample size required scales Combine with typing pattern profiling Possibly deanonymize among millions/billions of users Example: oppressive country
28. Genome anonymity Rich social network ~10^8 bits entropy per record Labeled sample compromises privacy of blood relatives Crossover happens in precise, elegant way Work on admixing populations Story of deanonymization of sperm donor Ease of obtaining auxiliary data or anonymous samples
29. Genome and DNA databases Hapmap entire genome Family tree services 1/800 births from anonymous sperm donor
30. Hapmaps take on privacy The samples are anonymous with regard to individual identity. Samples cannot be connected to individuals, and no personal information is linked to any sample. As an additional safeguard, more samples were collected from each population than were used, so no one knows whether any particular person's DNA is included in the study.
32. Genotype phenotype mappings The medical community finds genotype -> phenotype mappings Mappings being generated at an explosive rate But also: [Sweeney02]: Inferring genotype from clinical phenotype through a knowledge based algorithm focuses on pathological phenotypes
34. Big picture Attacks against a wide spectrum of rich, high-dimensional datasets Can we win the battle? Using technology alone? What if we dont? Is part of it already lost?
36. Current work Sweeney exact match Movielens fuzzy match Netflix fuzzy match with noise AOL BDK07 match on non-relational data NC07 non-relational data with noise Amazon fuzzy match with noise on utility oracle Genome match based on multiple databases Genome phenotype/genotype mapping
37. Future work Author identification Combine with typing pattern profiling Oppressive country example Genome reidentification based on observables Underlying social network SAT solver generic matching