This document provides useful options for the ansible-playbook command. It describes options such as -v to increase verbosity, --list-hosts and --list-tasks to list inventory hosts and playbook tasks, --syntax-check to check for syntax errors, and --start-at-task to restart a playbook from a specific task. It also discusses using tags with roles and plays, and loading variables from files using -e @vars.json.
2. ¤ª¤Þ¤¨¤À¤ì¤è£¿ / Who are you?
? Èôɽ Ê·ÀÉ(@r_rudi) / ¥Ä¥¥Î¥ïÖêʽ»áÉç
? golang, python, iOS, Android?
Web app, MQTT, Ansible
? Author of ¡¸ÈëéTAnsible¡¹
? in the Amazon Japan
3. ¡ªverbose (-v)
? Increase verbose level
? -v, -vv, -vvv, -vvvv, -vvvvv(v*5), -vvvvvv(v*6)
? v*6 is only in winrm (currently)
? vvv, vvvv shows ssh connection
? Many ansible trouble is related to ssh. ?
Try -vvvv ?rst!
9. -e @vars.json
? -e set additional variables from command
? -e "version=1.23.45 other_variable=foo"
? @vars.json or @vars.yml
? load variables from speci?ed JSON/YAML