Petey the penguin gives a tour of Antarctica, showing his seal friend Sammy and whales singing in the waters. While no one lives in Antarctica permanently due to extreme cold and darkness, scientists and explorers do visit. At the end of the tour, Petey reveals a research station where scientists are preparing to celebrate Christmas despite being far from home.
2. Oh hi! I didnt see you there. Im
Petey and Im an Antarctic penguin. I
was just getting ready to slide into the
water. Want to watch me?
3. Phew! What a swim! Are you looking
for someone to tell you about
Christmas in Antarctica? Hmmm well
thats tough because people dont live
4. You see, the weather conditions here are
really cold and dark. It can get as cold as
-150属F! Thats 150属 below zero! It is also
really dark here. In fact, we have almost 6
months where we cant even see the sun!
5. Well, just because there arent people
living here, doesnt mean there is
nothing to see.
Hop on this ice drift with me and well
see if we can find any of my friends.
6. Look! Its my friend Sammy the Seal!
Seals live in the waters around
Antarctica. They have thick layers of
fat, or blubber, to help insulate them
and keep them warm.
7. Do you see the humpback whale down
there? Whales live in the waters
around Antarctica too. Sometimes you
can even hear them communicating
with one another. It sounds like they
are singing!
8. Penguins arent the only birds that
live down here! Why, there are gulls,
cormorants, and even albatross down
9. Well, its time for me to head back.
But I have one more surprise to
show you before I go! Come on!
What are you waiting for?
10. Here we are home sweet
iceberg. But look! There
ARE people here after all!
11. The law says that no one can live here
permanently. But scientists and explorers are
free to come to Antarctica to learn about it. In
the winter time, not many of them choose to
stay. But it looks like the ones who have stayed
are getting ready for Christmas!