The Mexican gray wolf lives in family packs in hot deserts, forests, grasslands, and scrublands. They ranged from central Mexico to parts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Wolves hunt small animals like rabbits and larger animals like deer and elk, eating about 20 pounds of meat per day. They care for their young born in underground dens in the spring. The scientific name of the Mexican gray wolf is Canis lupus bailey.
2. This presentation will be about the Mexican
GrayWolf.You will learn about their diet,
habitat, map range, interesting facts, family
life, anatomy, and lastly its scientific name is
Canis lupus bailey
3. ï‚¡ Wolves live in a family group called packs. A pack
includes a male and a female wolf, their young, and a few
wolves that have joined from other packs. Wolves need
each other. Together they find food, protect one another
and care for their young. A wolf alone can’t survive for
long. Pack members take care of each other. They help
one another hunt, travel and feed. Together they fight
off enemies. Wolves are good parents. In the spring, the
mother goes into an underground den to give birth to her
4. ï‚¡ They live in hot places like deserts. Mexican gray
wolves prefer mountains, forests, grass lands
and scrub lands.
5. ï‚¡ The Mexican gray wolf
ranged the Sonora and
Chihuahuan deserts in
central Mexico to
southern New Mexico
and central Arizona.
8. ï‚¡ Wolves eat small animals such as rabbits.
They also eat big animals such as deer and
elk. They also eat about 20 pounds of meat
that’s about 200 hotdogs. In fact, wolves only
catch about one out of every deer.
11. ï‚¡ The Mexican wolf maximum height is about
80 centimeters it is around the size of a
German Sheppard. The wolf’s height is 26-32
inches at the shoulder. Length 4-5 through
nose to tip of tail. Shoulder height 26 inches
to 38 Inches.