Current and coming market regulation directives fire up your need to adapt your supply chain infrastructure towards digital solutions.
Consistent product marking with data matrix codes will be the new industry standard for labelling your products and follow them on their journey to your valued customers. Serialization systems will drive your ability to track and trace your products up- and downstream the supply chain.
Counterfeits cause serious commercial damage in global trade. Thus, it makes sense for all brands to use innovative IT solutions for Anti-Counterfeiting protection. Secure your assets along the value chain whilst protecting your brand image.
2. S K I N C A R E M A K E U P F R A G R A N C E
01 The Future is Now Serialize
02 Market Readiness in uncertain Times Govern
03 B2X Transformation Journey Track & Trace
04 Create Customer Lifetime Value Ideate
05 Empower Digital Leaders Execute
3. The Future is NOW
Current and coming market regulation directives fire up
your need to adapt your supply chain infrastructure
towards digital solutions.
Consistent product marking with data matrix codes will
be the new industry standard for labelling your products
and follow them on their journey to your valued
customers. Serialization systems will drive your ability to
track and trace your products up- and downstream the
supply chain.
Counterfeits cause serious commercial damage in global
trade. Thus, it makes sense for all brands to use
innovative IT solutions for Anti-Counterfeiting
protection. Secure your assets along the value chain
whilst protecting your brand image.
4. Market readiness
in uncertain times
Are you exporting to Russia?
Social, environment and governance
perspectives gain momentum in local,
regional and global markets.
Russia has implemented data matrix
code regulations as a mandatory
import requirement for selected
With more than 20 references ARVATO
Systems is your well connected and
trusted partner for maintaining
profitable business transaction within
the Russian market.
1 October 2021
Sale of products without Data
Matrix Code is still allowed
(import date before 1 October 2020)
import without Data Matrix
Code not possible anymore
1 October 2020
Availability of Data Matrix Code is
mandatory (current legislation)
Example timeline for fragrances
5. B2X Transformation Journey
This is in for you. Connecting the dots
Uplift your service level e.g. via relevant mobile Apps to
educate customers.
Brand loyalty inherits itself in social systems.
Increase customer retention by building customer
loyalty programs that stick. Interactions with regulars
drive your business significantly upwards.
Transform your point of sale into a point of experience.
Empower customers as your fan base and vivid
community, attracting new customers on top.
6. Create Customer
Lifetime Value
Reset your business backbone for the future NOW.
Robust technologies allow consistent processes across
systems and result in continuous flow of information
along the entire value chain. Safe customer environ-
ments allow you to build long term relationships.
Create new revenue streams with context-fitted
processes, products and sales markets
Tap into data monetization potentials
Protect your brand against counterfeits
Offer value beyond regulatory duties
Collaborate with utterly Happy Customers
How to start?
Is your regional headquarter located in Europe?
Is your own production line running in Europe?
Are you using European manufacturing contractors and
or labelling services?
Does your country office operate in export markets?
Do you collaborate with local importers and distributors?
Do you have a clear vision for your business activities
abroad in the near future?
Lets talk about creating digital leadership.
7. We empower Digital Leaders
Carl-Rainer Stetter
Business Development Director
+49 5241 80 75475
Your Expert for Serialization
Arvato Systems GmbH
An der Autobahn 200
33333 G端tersloh
Phone: +49 5241 80 75475
Tax-Identification Number:
DE 811 147 981
Business Location G端tersloh Local Court G端tersloh, HRB 3981
Managing Directors:
Klaus Holla, Thomas Kath旦fer, Hansj旦rg Metzger, Ralf Westhoff