2. Antioxidants
Antioxidants are compounds capable to either delay
or inhibit the oxidation processes which occur under
the influence of atmospheric oxygen or reactive
oxygen species
In biological system, reactive oxygen species (ROS)
and reactive nitrogen species (RNS),such as
superoxide, hydroxyl, and nitric oxide radicals, can
damage the DNA and lead to the oxidation of lipid
and proteins in cells.
5. Mechanism of Anti-Oxidant
The increment of intake of exogenous antioxidants
would ameliorate the damage caused by oxidative stress
inhibiting the initiation or propagation of oxidative
chain reaction
acting as free radical scavengers
quenchers of singlet oxygen
reducing agents
6. The effective extraction (green extraction technologies)
Many extraction factors play important roles in the
extraction efficiency, such as
Type and concentration of extraction solvent
Extraction temperature
Extraction time
Extraction pH
Proper assessment of antioxidants
Chemical levels
Cellular levels
Crucial step for studying the
natural antioxidants from plants
8. Green non-conventional methods
Ultrasound-assisted extraction,
Microwave-assisted extraction,
Enzyme-assisted extraction,
Pressurized liquid extraction,
Supercritical fluid extraction,
High hydrostatic pressure extraction,
Pulsed electric field extraction and
High voltage electrical discharges extraction.
9. Assessment Methods of Antioxidant
Capacity - basis for ranking the antioxidant
Chemical-based assays
Cellular-based assays
10. Chemical-Based Assays- classified into 2 types acc. to
(SET) single electron transfer
Measure the ability of an antioxidant to transfer one electron to reduce target
charged compounds, such as radicals and metal ions.
a. Some assays are based on the ability to scavenge the stable free radicals
(TEAC) Trolox equivalence antioxidant capacity
DPPH assay
FolinCiocalteu regent assay
b. Some assays are based on the ability to reduce metal ions, such as
(FRAP) ferric ion reducing antioxidant power
(CUPRAC) cupric reducing antioxidant capacity
11. (HAT) hydrogen atom transfer
Measure the ability of an antioxidant to quench free radicals by hydrogen
donation, which are more relevant to the radical chain-breaking antioxidant
capacity. HAT-based assays include
(ORAC) oxygen radical absorbance capacity
(TRAP) total radical trapping antioxidant parameter
Inhibiting the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL).
12. Scavenging Free Radicals Assays
ABTS (2, 2'-Azino-Bis-3-Ethylbenzothiazoline-6-Sulfonic Acid) radical assay-
The Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assay is widely applied to
evaluate the antioxidant ability to scavenge the ABTS radical
Potassium persulfate oxidize ABTS to generate its colored ABTS+ form
(green color)
Addition of antioxidants results in loss of the green color
ABTS+ has a UV-vis absorption maximum at 734 nm.
The decrease of absorbance can be monitored spectrophotometrically.
The difference of the absorbance tested is plotted versus the antioxidants
The antioxidant capacity was expressed as Trolox equivalents.
14. Merits of ABTS radical assay-
ABTS+ could react rapidly with antioxidants, the assay
possesses the merits of rapidity and simplicity
ABTS+ is not influenced by ionic strength
ABTS+ is soluable in both organic and aqueous solvents, so
it can detect both hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant
Demerits of ABTS radical assay-
TEAC is inaccurate for slow reactions (duration of
reaction is beyond 6 min).
15. DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical assay-
Stable organic nitrogen radical
The DPPH posses a deep purple color
UV-vis absorption maximum at 515 nm
The test compounds (antioxidants) reduce DPPH radical to DPPH-H and
the solution color fades.
The reducing ability can be assessed by measuring the decrease of its
EC50 is the necessary amount of antioxidant to decrease the initial DPPH
concentration by 50%
17. Merits of DPPH radical assay-
Easy, rapid and requires only a UV-vis spectrophotometer to test
DPPH radical is commercially available and does not have to be generated
before assay such as ABTS+.
Demerits of DPPH radical assay-
Application of DPPH assay is limited
The linear reaction range of DPPH assay is narrow, only 23-fold
Strong antioxidant activities in lipid peroxidation system may react slowly or may
even be inert to DPPH
18. Reducing the Metal Ions Assays
The ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assay measures
directly the reducing capacity of antioxidants.
The antioxidants can reduce a ferric tripyridyltriazine complex
(Fe3+-TPTZ) to the ferrous complex (Fe2+-TPTZ) under pH 3.6
The ferrous complex (Fe2+-TPTZ) is blue ferrous form and has a
UV-vis absorption maximum at 593 nm.
FRAP value is positive related to the increase in absorbance
19. Merits of FRAP assay-
Demerits of FRAP assay-
FRAP cannot detect compounds that act by radical quenching (H transfer),
particularly thiols and proteins. This results in a serious underestimation in
serum sample
assay is suitable for some antioxidants that complete the reaction rapidly
within 4 to 6 min such as ascorbic acid and uric acid.
Absorption of several dietary polyphenols in water and methanol slowly
increased even after several hours, such as tannic acid, and caffeic acid
20. CUPRAC Assays
similar to the FRAP method
CUPRAC method is conducted by mixing Cu(II)-neocuproine
(Nc) chelate with antioxidant solution.
The absorbance of the color Cu(I)-chelate as a result of redox
reaction is measured at 450 nm after 30 min
Merits of CUPRAC Assays-reagent in this assay is useful at pH
7, which is at physiological pH (as opposed to the Folin and
FRAP assays, which work at pH 10 and pH 3.6
applied for the determination of both hydrophilic and lipophilic
antioxidants because the Cu(II)-Nc is soluble in both aqueous
and organic environments (unlike Folin and DPPH)
can measure the reducing power of thiol-type antioxidants, such
as glutathione and nonprotein thiols
21. FolinCiocalteu Reagent (FCR) Assay
method for quantitative determination phenolic compounds
The mechanism of FolinCiocalteu method is electron transfer (ET)
It involves reducibility of phenols in alkaline solution (pH = 10), which is
capable of turning yellow molybdotungsto-phosphoric heteropolyanion
reagent into the blue resultant molybdotungsto-phosphate
These blue pigments have a maximum absorption in the 700760 nm range
maximum absorption depends on the qualitative and/or quantitative
composition of phenolic mixtures.
The total phenols assay by FCR is simple & convenient,
22. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
(ORAC) Assay
In the basic assay,the peroxyl radical mixes with a fluorescent probe
(FL; 30,60-dihydroxyspiro[isobenzofuran-1[3H],90[9H]-xanthen]-3-
one), then form a nonfluorescent product, which can be quantitated
easily by fluorescence
When an antioxidant is added into the mixture, peroxyl radical
induced oxidation is inhibited and the decay of FL is prevented.
Antioxidant capacity is reflected by determining the decreased rate
and amount of product formed over time
23. Total Radical Trapping Antioxidant Potential
(TRAP) Assay
The total radical trapping antioxidant potential (TRAP) assay
measures the ability of antioxidants to suppress the oxidation
progress of 2,20-azobis-2-methyl-propanimidamide,
dihydrochloride (AAPH) or 2,20-azobis(2-amidinopropane)
dihydrochloride (ABAP) [148,174]. The variation in the reaction
progress is monitored fluorometrically (lex = 495 nm and lem = 575
24. Inhibiting the Oxidation of Low-Density Lipoprotein
(LDL) Assay
The autoxidation of linoleic acid or LDL is induced by Cu(II)
or AAPH.
The peroxidation of the lipid components is monitored at 234
nm by UV spectrometer for conjugated dienes.
In the presence of a radical initiator, the reaction starts and the
absorbance at 234 nm increases as the evidence of the
accumulation of conjugated diene oxides.
After the addition of antioxidants, the reaction rate slows
down until the antioxidant is exhausted. In the period, the lag
time is measured and used to evaluate antioxidant capacity.