This short document lists the cast and crew of a short film including Cameron Kanofsky, Cylia Srmek, and Peter Szewczyk as the main performers and Tyler Kanofsky in a guest role. It also credits Cameron, Peter, and Cylia as the writers and Cameron, Cylia, and Tyler as the performers with Peter handling videography. The film features the song "Mad World" by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews.
14. Written by: Cameron Kanofsky, Peter Szewczyk, and Cylia Srmek
Performed by: Cameron Kanofsky, Cylia Srmek, and Tyler Kanofsky
Videography by: Peter Szewczyk
Music: Mad World by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews
Editor's Notes
Music: Mad WorldBully walks up and starts pushing 7th grader.
Video continues: Bully knocks books out of 7th graders hands.
Bully trips 7th grader.
Can music change here from Mad World to Ill Stand By You ??