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Identification of Anthropogenic Factors
in Flood Events in Palembang City
Eddy Santana Putra, Anis Saggaff, Febrian Hadinata, Sarino,
Febrinasti Alia, and Raden Ayu Marlina Sylvia
International Conference
Palembang, 17 Oktober 2023
 Palembang City has an area of 400.61 km2, with generally flat terrain (less than 1:100) in
most areas, and is marked by the Musi River which divides the city from west to east.
 Elevations starts from 4 m above sea level (MSL) in the area near the Musi River, to
around 12 MSL in the north and northwest (Sukarami to Ilir Barat districts), with the
terrain tending to be more naturally undulating and flat.
 The Musi River has a number of streams, namely the Keramasan, Ogan, and Komering
rivers in the south. In the North, there are many smaller rivers that flow into the Musi
 The Musi River is influenced by tidal fluctuations upstream of the city so the water level
rises and falls during the day.
 Even though there are embankments throughout the city, inundation still occurs
frequently, especially in swampy areas in the eastern part such as Kalidoni and
Seberang Ulu II.
 There are 19 drainage catchments in Palembang City, with catchment areas varying
between 2 ha to more than 7,000 ha;
 With these geographical conditions, Palembang City has many areas that are inundated
Viewed on August 17, 2023
Viewed on August 17, 2023
 Xie and Zhao (2013) stated that there is a relationship between topographic relief and flood disasters, where the
low elevation of the terrain and the small rate of terrain change increase vulnerability to flood disasters;
 Palembang has a monsoon climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The average rainfall for 2022 ranges from
97.2 mm (July) to 407.30 mm (January), with a total precipitation of 2,917.9 mm and a total of 309 rainy days
(Palembang City Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023);
 Both natural and anthropogenic factors can cause flooding and inundation.
 Natural factors that cause flood danger include:
 Extreme Rainfall, where runoff occurs if the intensity of rain falling in a watershed exceeds the infiltration
capacity of the soil in that area;
 Topography, where areas with impervious surfaces (such as concrete and asphalt) produce greater runoff.
The flat topography results in the spread of water, which causes long-duration flooding over large areas;
 River tides, which influence the profile of flood water levels around the banks of the Musi River (Andayani
and Marlina, 2021).
 Linking floods to anthropogenic factors can be beneficial for policymakers and resource
managers, as it can lead to improvements in flood management and a reduction in flood
damage and risk (Rahman et. al, 2021).
 Anthropogenic factors that can cause flooding include:
 Changes in land cover, population growth, and road density (Rahman et. al, 2021);
 Reduced water catchment areas due to swamp reclamation and reduction in green
open space (Horisky et. al, 2018);
 Land subsidence due to development and massive extraction of groundwater (Hamim
et. al, 2019);
 Deforestation in upstream areas;
 Poor waste management (Ijaz et. al, 2021).
 This research is quantitative descriptive research.
 Field surveys are carried out by looking directly at the field and conducting interviews with
local residents to obtain data: location, causes of flooding or inundation, availability and
condition of drainage, as well as characteristics of flooding that occurs.
 The sampling technique (without chance) used was purposive sampling, by selecting
residents who had experienced flooding as respondents.
 The number of respondents was not targeted, because it was adjusted to the flood points
 The variables asked in the questionnaire include:
 Inundation point/location;
 Height, duration, and estimated area of inundation;
 Documentation picture;
 Damage to buildings or roads due to flooding; and
 Causes of inundation or flooding (more than one answer is possible).
Research Methods
 For variables that cause inundation or flooding, more than one answer may be
provided, to see whether flooding is caused by a single or multiple factors.
 The location of inundation and/or flooding will be compared with a map of
potential flooding at maximum tide (hydraulic analysis), obtained from Putri and
Alia (2023) for the Seberang Ilir area, and Almirah and Alia (2023) for the
Seberang Ulu area.
 If the flood point resulting from field tracking is outside the area of potential
flooding or inundation at maximum tide, there is an indication that flooding
and/or inundation is not only caused by natural factors (which can be modeled
in hydraulic modeling), but also by anthropogenic factors.
 Photo documentation is used as validation that there is an anthropogenic
disturbance in drainage channels, such as channels that are not available or
discontinuous, rubbish and mud, and channels that are too small, and others;
 The answer was obtained from 92 respondents who experienced floods, spread
throughout the 17 sub -district in Palembang City.
Research Methods
 Based on the results of field surveys, tracking the location of floods and/or inundations, and interviews with people affected
by flooding, floods and/or inundation can be caused by natural factors and anthropogenic factors.
 The total number of answers for the flood cause variable was 223 answers from 92 respondents, where on average each
respondent answered that there were 2 - 3 factors that caused floods, and floods were perceived not only to be caused by
one single factor but by multiple factors.
 Natural factors in the form of high rainfall and overflowing rivers (due to tides and/or flood discharge) are quite dominantly
perceived as causes of flooding. High rainfall is perceived by the community as the dominant factor causing floods (=
39.91%), as well as overflowing rivers are perceived as one of the main factors causing floods (= 8.97%).
 But cumulatively, anthropogenic factors are more dominantly perceived by the community as the cause of flooding and/or
inundation, namely:
 Insufficient channel capacity, which can be caused by channel design errors, increased surface runoff due to land use
 Solid waste/others that obstruct the flow of channels or rivers. Plastic waste will not degrade and will clog the drains for
a long time. degradable waste will decompose, some of which will become sediment/mud and reduce the channel's
drainage capacity;
 Disconnected or unavailable drainage system.
High intensity of rainfall,
River overflowing., 8.97%
Insufficient channel
capacity, 26.01%
Solid waste/others that obstructs the
flow of channels or rivers, 13.45%
Domestic wastewater that enters
the drainage channel, 2.24%
Drainage network that is not
connected or not exist, 4.48%
Filling in swamps/wet land areas, 2.24%
The building covers/above
the drainage channel , 0.45%
Flooding from other areas,
Overflow of retention ponds,
Community perceptions are affected by the causes of flooding and/or inundation
 This initial study found that flooding and/or inundation were perceived not only to be caused by natural
factors but also by anthropogenic factors;
 Thus, flood risk studies are needed that combine flood hazard factors due to natural factors and
anthropogenic factors.
Source: Putri and Alia (2023) Source: Almirah and Alia (2023)
Location of floods and/or inundation in
Palembang City based on field surveys (2023)
Potential flooding area at maximum tide from hydraulic modeling
Field survey results show that there are flooding events and/or inundation
outside the predicted flood area at maximum tide
Ilir Barat Gandus SU I Kertapati Jakabaring IT II IB I
Kemuning Bukit Kecil
Some documentation of the survey
of flood/inundation locations
Plaju Kalidoni IT III Sako
Sematang Borang Sukarame Alang-alang Lebar SU II
 Floods can be caused by natural and anthropogenic factors.
 The flood area resulting from hydraulic modeling, which indicates the potential for flooding due
to natural factors, is different from the results of flood/inundation field surveys in Palembang
 Based on field surveys, several areas that should not have the potential for flooding, during
maximum tides, were recorded as experiencing flooding or inundation;
 This flood and/or inundation can be caused by anthropogenic factors, such as insufficient
channel capacity, solid waste that obstructs the flow of channels, disconnected or unavailable
drainage systems, filling in swamps/wetland areas, and domestic wastewater that enters the
drainage channel;
 Flooding and/or inundation occurred in unpredictable areas, including in the sub-district:
Sukarami, AlangAlang Lebar, Sako, Sematang Borang, and Kemuning. These four districts
experienced rapid economic growth with the emergence of new settlements;
 Xie L and Zhao H 2013 Correlation between flood disaster and topography: A case study of Zhaoqing City Journal of Natural Disasters 22(6):240-245.
 Palembang City Central Bureau of Statistics 2023 Palembang in Figures 2022.
 Andayani, R and Marlina A 2021 Pengaruh Pasang Surut Terhadap Profil Muka Air Banjir Bantaran Sungai Musi Kota Palembang. Cantilever: Jurnal
Penelitian dan Kajian Bidang Teknik SIpil, 10(2), 119-126.
 Rahman M Ningsheng C Mahmud G I Islam M M Pourghasemi H R Ahmad H Habumugisha J M Washakh R M AAlam M Liu E Han Z Ni H Shufeng T and
Dewan A 2021 Flooding and its relationship with land cover change, population growth, and road density. Geoscience Frontiers, 129(6), 1-20.
 Horisky C Rahmadi & Harahap T 2018 Pengaruh Perubahan Pola Pengunaan Lahan Terhadap Banjir di DAS Buah Kota Palembang. Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Hari Air Dunia 2018, Palembang 20 Maret 2018.
 Hamim S A Usman F and Shalihat A K 2019 Determination of Land Subsidence Caused by Land-Use Changing in Palembang City using Remote Sensing
Data. Advances in Engineering Research, 187, 101-106.
 Ijaz S Miandad M Mehdi S S Anwar M M and Rahman G 2021 Solid waste management as a response to urban flood risk in Gujrat city, Pakistan
GEOGRAFIA: Malaysian Journal of Society and Space, 17(1), 1-13.
 Putri D J and Alia F 2023 Pemodelan Banjir Wilayah Seberang Ilir Kota Palembang Dengan Pemanfaatan Model Hidrolika dan Sistem Informasi Geografis
Undergraduate thesis Sriwijaya University.
 Almirah S R and Alia F 2023 Pemetaan Banjir Wilayah Seberang Ulu Kota Palembang Menggunakan HEC-RAS dan SIG Undergraduate thesis Sriwijaya

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Antropogenic Factors of Flood in Palembang.pptx

  • 1. Identification of Anthropogenic Factors in Flood Events in Palembang City Eddy Santana Putra, Anis Saggaff, Febrian Hadinata, Sarino, Febrinasti Alia, and Raden Ayu Marlina Sylvia PALEMBANG, 17 OKTOBER 2023 International Conference Palembang, 17 Oktober 2023
  • 4. BACKGROUND Palembang City has an area of 400.61 km2, with generally flat terrain (less than 1:100) in most areas, and is marked by the Musi River which divides the city from west to east. Elevations starts from 4 m above sea level (MSL) in the area near the Musi River, to around 12 MSL in the north and northwest (Sukarami to Ilir Barat districts), with the terrain tending to be more naturally undulating and flat. The Musi River has a number of streams, namely the Keramasan, Ogan, and Komering rivers in the south. In the North, there are many smaller rivers that flow into the Musi River. The Musi River is influenced by tidal fluctuations upstream of the city so the water level rises and falls during the day. Even though there are embankments throughout the city, inundation still occurs frequently, especially in swampy areas in the eastern part such as Kalidoni and Seberang Ulu II. There are 19 drainage catchments in Palembang City, with catchment areas varying between 2 ha to more than 7,000 ha; With these geographical conditions, Palembang City has many areas that are inundated Source: https://www.mongabay.co.id/, Viewed on August 17, 2023 Source: https://www.antaranews.com/, Viewed on August 17, 2023
  • 5. LITERATURE Xie and Zhao (2013) stated that there is a relationship between topographic relief and flood disasters, where the low elevation of the terrain and the small rate of terrain change increase vulnerability to flood disasters; Palembang has a monsoon climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The average rainfall for 2022 ranges from 97.2 mm (July) to 407.30 mm (January), with a total precipitation of 2,917.9 mm and a total of 309 rainy days (Palembang City Central Bureau of Statistics, 2023); Both natural and anthropogenic factors can cause flooding and inundation. Natural factors that cause flood danger include: Extreme Rainfall, where runoff occurs if the intensity of rain falling in a watershed exceeds the infiltration capacity of the soil in that area; Topography, where areas with impervious surfaces (such as concrete and asphalt) produce greater runoff. The flat topography results in the spread of water, which causes long-duration flooding over large areas; River tides, which influence the profile of flood water levels around the banks of the Musi River (Andayani and Marlina, 2021).
  • 6. LITERATURE Linking floods to anthropogenic factors can be beneficial for policymakers and resource managers, as it can lead to improvements in flood management and a reduction in flood damage and risk (Rahman et. al, 2021). Anthropogenic factors that can cause flooding include: Changes in land cover, population growth, and road density (Rahman et. al, 2021); Reduced water catchment areas due to swamp reclamation and reduction in green open space (Horisky et. al, 2018); Land subsidence due to development and massive extraction of groundwater (Hamim et. al, 2019); Deforestation in upstream areas; Poor waste management (Ijaz et. al, 2021).
  • 8. This research is quantitative descriptive research. Field surveys are carried out by looking directly at the field and conducting interviews with local residents to obtain data: location, causes of flooding or inundation, availability and condition of drainage, as well as characteristics of flooding that occurs. The sampling technique (without chance) used was purposive sampling, by selecting residents who had experienced flooding as respondents. The number of respondents was not targeted, because it was adjusted to the flood points found. The variables asked in the questionnaire include: Inundation point/location; Height, duration, and estimated area of inundation; Documentation picture; Damage to buildings or roads due to flooding; and Causes of inundation or flooding (more than one answer is possible). Research Methods
  • 9. For variables that cause inundation or flooding, more than one answer may be provided, to see whether flooding is caused by a single or multiple factors. The location of inundation and/or flooding will be compared with a map of potential flooding at maximum tide (hydraulic analysis), obtained from Putri and Alia (2023) for the Seberang Ilir area, and Almirah and Alia (2023) for the Seberang Ulu area. If the flood point resulting from field tracking is outside the area of potential flooding or inundation at maximum tide, there is an indication that flooding and/or inundation is not only caused by natural factors (which can be modeled in hydraulic modeling), but also by anthropogenic factors. Photo documentation is used as validation that there is an anthropogenic disturbance in drainage channels, such as channels that are not available or discontinuous, rubbish and mud, and channels that are too small, and others; The answer was obtained from 92 respondents who experienced floods, spread throughout the 17 sub -district in Palembang City. Research Methods
  • 11. Based on the results of field surveys, tracking the location of floods and/or inundations, and interviews with people affected by flooding, floods and/or inundation can be caused by natural factors and anthropogenic factors. The total number of answers for the flood cause variable was 223 answers from 92 respondents, where on average each respondent answered that there were 2 - 3 factors that caused floods, and floods were perceived not only to be caused by one single factor but by multiple factors. Natural factors in the form of high rainfall and overflowing rivers (due to tides and/or flood discharge) are quite dominantly perceived as causes of flooding. High rainfall is perceived by the community as the dominant factor causing floods (= 39.91%), as well as overflowing rivers are perceived as one of the main factors causing floods (= 8.97%). But cumulatively, anthropogenic factors are more dominantly perceived by the community as the cause of flooding and/or inundation, namely: Insufficient channel capacity, which can be caused by channel design errors, increased surface runoff due to land use changes; Solid waste/others that obstruct the flow of channels or rivers. Plastic waste will not degrade and will clog the drains for a long time. degradable waste will decompose, some of which will become sediment/mud and reduce the channel's drainage capacity; Disconnected or unavailable drainage system. RESULT OF THE FIELD SURVEYS
  • 12. High intensity of rainfall, 39.91% River overflowing., 8.97% Insufficient channel capacity, 26.01% Solid waste/others that obstructs the flow of channels or rivers, 13.45% Domestic wastewater that enters the drainage channel, 2.24% Drainage network that is not connected or not exist, 4.48% Filling in swamps/wet land areas, 2.24% The building covers/above the drainage channel , 0.45% Flooding from other areas, 1.35% Overflow of retention ponds, 0.90% Community perceptions are affected by the causes of flooding and/or inundation This initial study found that flooding and/or inundation were perceived not only to be caused by natural factors but also by anthropogenic factors; Thus, flood risk studies are needed that combine flood hazard factors due to natural factors and anthropogenic factors.
  • 13. Source: Putri and Alia (2023) Source: Almirah and Alia (2023) Location of floods and/or inundation in Palembang City based on field surveys (2023) Potential flooding area at maximum tide from hydraulic modeling Field survey results show that there are flooding events and/or inundation outside the predicted flood area at maximum tide
  • 14. DOCUMENTATION Ilir Barat Gandus SU I Kertapati Jakabaring IT II IB I Kemuning Bukit Kecil Some documentation of the survey of flood/inundation locations Plaju Kalidoni IT III Sako Sematang Borang Sukarame Alang-alang Lebar SU II
  • 16. Floods can be caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. The flood area resulting from hydraulic modeling, which indicates the potential for flooding due to natural factors, is different from the results of flood/inundation field surveys in Palembang City. Based on field surveys, several areas that should not have the potential for flooding, during maximum tides, were recorded as experiencing flooding or inundation; This flood and/or inundation can be caused by anthropogenic factors, such as insufficient channel capacity, solid waste that obstructs the flow of channels, disconnected or unavailable drainage systems, filling in swamps/wetland areas, and domestic wastewater that enters the drainage channel; Flooding and/or inundation occurred in unpredictable areas, including in the sub-district: Sukarami, AlangAlang Lebar, Sako, Sematang Borang, and Kemuning. These four districts experienced rapid economic growth with the emergence of new settlements; CONCLUSION
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