
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo

                    ROOM NO: 437, NARMADA AAWAAS, BODAKDEV  380054, AHMEDABAD, INDIA
                   CONTACT NO: +91- 8238006418, EMAIL ID: ANUBHAWSHANDILYA09@GMAIL.COM

Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.

             Time is said to be eternal. It is said that it has neither a beginning nor an
               end. Yet humans are able to measure it as years, months, days, hours,                  2
               minutes and seconds. They have also given meanings to the words  past,
               present and future. True, time has a meaning. It moves. What was
               yesterday is not today. What is today will not be tomorrow. Yesterday is
               gone. Today is and tomorrow is yet to come. Yet time is said to have no
               holiday. It exists always.
               I been heard heather that the best gift one can have is time in
               ones life. Each individual is blessed with equal units of
               time. It depends on an individual how he/ she utilize it.            G
                                                                                overn the clock,
                                                                               not let the clock govern
               Success even comes by making each moment count. Be you
               smart enough to do work smartly. Great or you may say
               successful people value the time and thus, they are valued by - Anubhaw Kumar Shandilya
               Opportunities exist in vast you must have time to grab it.

               It gives me immense pleasure to bring this compilation form of Shortcut
               Keys for Microsoft Office- 2007.

               I hope this will act to be a very fruitful tool in saving your time and
               increasing your work efficiency.

               With warm regards,

               Enjoy Trying!!

                                                                                              PAGE 2
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.

            DOCUMENT ACTIONS         .                   4
            TEXT STYLE               .                   4
            TABLES                   .                   5
            FORMATTING               .                   5
            CURSOR MOVEMENT          .                   6
            MISCELLANEOUS            .                   6
            ADVANCED  F1 TO F12     .                   6- 7

            SPREADSHEET ACTIONS       .                  8
            SELECTING & NAVIGATING    .                  8- 9
            FORMATTING                .                  9- 10
            DATA & FORMULAS           .                  10

            PRESENTATION ACTIONS     .                   11
            FORMATTING               .                   11
            SELECTING & NAVIGATING   .                   12
            EDITING                  .                   12- 13
            DRAWING & FORMATTING     .                   13
            SLIDE SHOW ACTIONS       .                   14- 15

             GENERAL ACTIONS         . 16- 17
             CALENDAR WEEK VIEW      . 18
             MAIN OUTLOOK ACTIONS    . 18

                                                                                            PAGE 3
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Microsoft Word- 2007

                                          Document Action
                               Action                       Shortcut Keys
                 Open a document                     CTRL+O
                 New document                        CTRL+N
                 Close a document                    CTRL+W
                 Save As                             F12
                 Save                                CTRL+S / SHIFT+F12
                 Print Preview                       CTRL+F2                                     4
                 Print                               CTRL+P
                 Show/ Hide paragraph symbols        CTRL+*
                 Spelling and grammar                F7
                 Help                                F1
                 Find                                CTRL+F
                 Replace                             CTRL+H
                 Go To                               CTRL+G / F5
                 Quit/Exit Word                      ALT+F4

                                            Text Styles
                              Action                          Shortcut Keys
                 Font Type
                                                     arrow - Enter
                 Font Size
                                                     arrow - Enter
                 Bold                                CTRL+B
                 Italics                             CTRL+I
                 Underline                           CTRL+U
                 Double underline                    CTRL+SHIFT+D
                 Word underline                      CTRL+SHIFT+W
                 All caps                            CTRL+SHIFT+A
                 Small caps                          CTRL+SHIFT+K
                 Change case                         SHIFT+F3
                 Single spacing                      CTRL+1
                 1.5 spacing                         CTRL+5
                 Double spacing                      CTRL+2
                 Subscript                           CTRL+=
                 Superscript                         CTRL+SHIFT+=
                 Hidden text                         CTRL+SHIFT+H
                 Revert to default font              CTRL+SHIFT+Z
                 Decrease point size                 CTRL+[
                 Increase point size                 CTRL+]
                 Make web hyperlink                  CTRL+K

                                                                                            PAGE 4
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
                               Action                        Shortcut Keys
                 Go to next cell                     Tab
                 Go to previous cell                 SHIFT+Tab
                 Go to beginning of column           ALT+PageUp
                 Highlight to beginning of column    ALT+SHIFT+PageUp
                 Go to end of column                 ALT+PageDown
                 Highlight to end of column          ALT+SHIFT+PageDown                          5
                 Go to beginning of row              ALT+Home
                 Highlight to beginning of row       ALT+SHIFT+Home
                 Go to end of row                    ALT+End
                 Highlight to end of row             ALT+SHIFT+End
                 Column break                        CTRL+SHIFT+Enter

                                Action                       Shortcut Keys
                 Select all                          CTRL+A
                 Copy                                CTRL+C
                 Cut                                 CTRL+X
                 Paste                               CTRL+V
                 Undo                                CTRL+Z
                 Redo                                CTRL+Y
                 Left alignment                      CTRL+L
                 Center alignment                    CTRL+E
                 Right alignment                     CTRL+R
                 Justified                           CTRL+J
                 Indent from left                    CTRL+M
                 Decrease indent from left           CTRL+SHIFT+M
                 Hanging indent                      CTRL+T
                 Decrease hanging indent             CTRL+SHIFT+T
                 Page break                          CTRL+Enter
                 Promote list item                   ALT+SHIFT+Left arrow
                                                     ALT+SHIFT+Right arrow or
                 Demote list item
                 Format painter                      CTRL+SHIFT+C
                 Delete previous word                CTRL+Backspace
                 Apply bulleted list                 CTRL+SHIFT+L
                 Style                               CTRL+SHIFT+S
                 Normal style                        CTRL+SHIFT+N

                                                                                            PAGE 5
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Cursor Movement
                               Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Select from cursor to beginning
                 of line

                 Select from cursor to end of line   SHIFT+End

                 Go to beginning of line             Home
                 Go to end of line                   End
                 Go to beginning of document         CTRL+Home
                 Go to end of document               CTRL+End

                               Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Copyright symbol - 息                ALT+CTRL+C
                 Insert current date                 ALT+SHIFT+D
                 Insert current time                 ALT+SHIFT+T
                 Go to footnotes                     ALT+CTRL+F
                 Show/Hide 其                         CTRL+SHIFT+8
                 Thesaurus                           SHIFT+F7

                                        Advanced- F1 to F12
                               Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Help                                F1
                 Next field                          Alt+F1
                 Previous field                      Alt+Shift+F1
                 What is This Help                 Shift+F1
                 Move text or graphic                F2
                 Unassigned                          Alt+F2
                 File Save                           Alt+Shift+F2
                 File Print Preview                  Ctrl+F2
                 Copy Text                           Shift F2
                 Edit AutoText                       F3
                 Store in Spike                      Ctrl+F3
                 Insert Spike and empty contents     Ctrl+Shift+F3
                 Changes case                        Shift+F3
                 Edit Repeat frame                   F4

                                                                                            PAGE 6
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
File Exit                           Alt+F4
                 File Close                          Ctrl+F4
                 Repeat a Go To or Find
                 Previous application window size    Alt+F5
                 Previous document window size       Ctrl+F5
                 Edit bookmark                       Ctrl+Shift+F5
                 Previous position                   Shift+F5
                 Next pane                           F6
                 Next window                         Ctrl+F6
                 Previous window                     Ctrl+Shift+F6
                 Previous pane                       Shift+F6
                 Tools Spelling                      F7
                 Move window                         Ctrl+F7
                 Update link                         Ctrl+Shift+F7
                 Tools Thesaurus                     Shift+F7
                 Extend selection                    F8
                 Size window                         Ctrl+F8
                 Select column or display/hide
                 tab and paragraph marks
                 Shrink selection                    Shift+F8
                 Update field                        F9
                 Go To/Macro button fields           Alt+Shift+F9
                 Field characters                    Ctrl+F9
                 Unlink field                        Ctrl+Shift+F9
                 Switch field codes or results       Shift+F9
                 Menu bar                            F10
                 Enlarge Application window          Alt+F10
                 Enlarge Document window             Ctrl+F10
                 Bullets and Numbering menu bar
                 Next field                          F11
                 Lock field                          Ctrl+F11
                 Unlock field                        Ctrl+Shift+F11
                 Previous field                      Shift+F11
                 File Save As                        F12
                 File Open                           Ctrl+F12
                 File Print                          Ctrl+Shift+F12
                 File Save                           Shift+F12

                                                                                            PAGE 7
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Microsoft Excel- 2007

                                       Spreadsheet Action
                              Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Open a workbook                     CTRL+O
                 New workbook                        CTRL+N
                 Close a workbook                    CTRL+W
                 Open the Save As dialog box         F12
                 Save a workbook                     CTRL+S                                      8
                 Print a workbook                    CTRL+P
                 Help                                F1
                 Open the Find tab of the Find
                 and Replace dialog box
                 Open the Replace tab of the Find
                 and Replace dialog box
                 Go to                               CTRL+G / F5
                 Quit/Exit Excel                     ALT+F4
                 Insert a new worksheet              SHIFT + F11
                 Hide selected columns               CTRL + 0
                 Display hidden columns              CTRL + SHIFT + 0
                 Hide selected rows                  CTRL + 9
                 Display hidden rows                 CTRL + SHIFT + 9

                                     Selecting & Navigating
                              Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 All cells left of current cell      SHIFT+Left arrow
                 All cells right of current cell     SHIFT+Right arrow
                 Entire column                       CTRL+Spacebar
                 Entire row                          SHIFT+Spacebar
                 Entire worksheet                    CTRL+A
                 One cell up                         Up arrow
                 One cell down                       Down arrow
                 One cell right                      Tab
                 One cell left                       SHIFT+Tab
                 Top of worksheet (cell A1)          CTRL+Home
                 End of worksheet (last cell with
                 End of row                          Home
                 End of column                       CTRL+Left arrow

                                                                                            PAGE 8
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Move to next worksheet               CTRL+PageDown
                 Move to previous worksheet           CTRL+PageUp
                 Cycle between open workbooks         CTRL+F6
                 Move between panes in a split
                 Display the active cell              CTRL + Backspace
                 Move up a cell in a selected range   SHIFT + Enter
                 Move one cell left in a selected
                                                      SHIFT + Tab
                 Move from corner cell to corner
                                                      CTRL and . (period)                        9
                 cell in a selected range
                 Select the current cell(s) to the
                                                      SHIFT + Home
                 beginning of the row
                 Select the current cell(s) to the
                                                      CTRL + SHIFT + Home
                 beginning of the worksheet
                 Select all cells that contain a
                                                      CTRL + SHIFT + O
                 Select the data region
                                                      CTRL and *
                 surrounding the active cell

                               Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Edit within an active cell           F2
                 Format as currency with 2
                                                      CTRL + SHIFT +$
                 decimal places
                 Format as percent with no
                                                      CTRL + SHIFT +%
                 decimal places
                 Apply number format                  CTRL + SHIFT + !
                 Apply date format                    CTRL + SHIFT + #
                 Apply time format                    CTRL + SHIFT + @
                 Apply general format                 CTRL + SHIFT + ~
                 Apply exponential number
                                                      CTRL + SHIFT + ^
                 Apply outline border to selection    CTRL + SHIFT + &
                 Remove outline border to
                                                      CTRL + SHIFT and _
                 Cut                                  CTRL + X
                 Copy                                 CTRL + C
                 Paste                                CTRL + V
                 Undo                                 CTRL + Z
                 Redo                                 CTRL + Y
                 Bold                                 CTRL + B

                                                                                            PAGE 9
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Italics                               CTRL + I
                 Underline                             CTRL + U
                 Strikethrough                         CTRL + 5
                 Left alignment                        CTRL + L
                 Center alignment                      CTRL + E
                 Right alignment                       CTRL + R
                                                       CTRL + SHIFT + F + Up/down
                 Change font type
                                                       arrow  Enter
                                                       CTRL + SHIFT + P + Up/down
                 Change font size
                                                       arrow  Enter
                 Open Format Cells dialog box          CTRL + 1

                                        Data and Formulas
                               Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Begin a formula                       =
                 Enter a formula as an array           CTRL + SHIFT + Enter
                 Display Insert Function dialog
                                                       SHIFT + F3
                 Paste a defined name into a
                 Insert a AutoSum formula              ALT + =
                 Copy a formula from the cell
                 above the current cell into the       CTRL and 
                 current cell
                 Calculate values for sheets in all
                 open workbooks
                 Calculate values for current
                                                       SHIFT + F9
                 Fill data down through selected
                                                       CTRL + D
                 Fill data through selected cells to
                                                       CTRL + R
                 the right
                 Insert current date in the
                                                       CTRL + ;
                 Insert current time in the
                                                       CTRL + :
                 Run a Spelling Check                  F7
                 Run the Macros                        ALT + F8

                                                                                            PAGE 10
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Microsoft PowerPoint- 2007

                                       Presentation Actions
                              Action                       Shortcut Keys
                 Open a presentation                 CTRL+O, CTRL+F12
                 New presentation                    CTRL+N
                 Save As                             F12
                 Save                                CTRL+S
                 Print                               CTRL+P
                 Help                                F1                                          11

                 Quit/Exit PowerPoint                ALT+F4

                              Action                          Shortcut Keys
                 Select all                          CTRL+A
                 Copy                                CTRL+C
                 Cut                                 CTRL+X
                 Paste                               CTRL+V
                 Undo                                CTRL+Z
                 Redo                                CTRL+Y
                 Bold                                CTRL+B
                 Italics                             CTRL+I
                 Underline                           CTRL+U
                 Left justified                      CTRL+L
                 Center justified                    CTRL+E
                 Right justified                     CTRL+R
                 Create hyperlink                    CTRL+K
                 Format Painter (Copy)               CTRL+SHIFT+C
                 Format Painter (Paste)              CTRL+SHIFT+V
                 Increase font size                  CTRL+SHIFT+>
                 Decrease font size                  CTRL+SHIFT+<
                 Change font type
                                                     arrow - Enter
                 Change font size
                                                     arrow - Enter
                 Promote list item                   ALT+SHIFT+Left arrow
                 Demote list item                    ALT+SHIFT+Right arrow
                 Move selected item up               ALT+SHIFT+Up arrow
                 Move selected item down             ALT+SHIFT+Down arrow
                 Superscript                         ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+>
                 Subscript                           ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+<
                 Change Case                         SHIFT+F3

                                                                                            PAGE 11
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Selecting & Navigating

                               Action                         Shortcut Keys
                 Character left                      SHIFT+Left arrow
                 Character right                     SHIFT+Right arrow
                 End of word                         CTRL+SHIFT+Right Arrow
                 Beginning of word                   CTRL+SHIFT+Left Arrow
                 Line up                             SHIFT+Up Arrow
                 Line down                           SHIFT+Down Arrow
                 Select all                          CTRL+A or F2                                12
                 Character left                      Left Arrow
                 Character right                     Right Arrow
                 Line up                             Up Arrow
                 Line down                           Down Arrow
                 Word left                           CTRL+Left Arrow
                 Word right                          CTRL+Right Arrow
                 End of line                         END
                 Beginning of line                   HOME
                 Paragraph up                        CTRL+Up Arrow
                 Paragraph down                      CTRL+Down Arrow
                 End of text block                   CTRL+END
                 Start of text block                 CTRL+HOME
                 To previous object                  TAB
                 To next object                      SHIFT+TAB
                 Select all objects                  CTRL+A


                               Action                         Shortcut Keys

                 Delete character left               Backspace

                 Delete word left                    CTRL+Backspace
                 Delete character right              Delete
                 Delete word right                   CTRL+Delete
                 Find                                CTRL+F
                 Replace                             CTRL+H
                 Insert hyperlink                    CTRL+K
                 New slide                           CTRL+M

                                                                                            PAGE 12
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
New slide like last one, no menu    CTRL+SHIFT+M
                 Spell checker                       F7
                 Macros                              ALT+F8
                 Move from Title to Text             CTRL+Enter
                 Move from Body text to Title of
                 next slide

                                      Drawing & Formatting                                       13

                                 Action                      Shortcut Keys
                 Grid and Guides dialog box          CTRL+G
                 Group Objects                       CTRL+SHIFT+G
                 Ungroup Objects                     CTRL+SHIFT+H
                 Regroup Objects                     CTRL+SHIFT+J

                 Resize while maintaining

                 Resize from center                  CTRL+Resize
                 Resize from center while
                 maintaining proportions

                 Rotate in 15 degree increments      SHIFT+Rotate tool
                 Rotate from Corner                  CTRL+Rotate tool
                 Rotate in 15 degree increments
                                                     CTRL+SHIFT+Rotate tool
                 from Corner
                 Extend Line along same angle        SHIFT+Resize

                 Nudge object one grid unit          Arrow Key

                 Nudge object one pixel              CTRL+Arrow Key
                 Temporarily release Grid/Guide
                 Show/Hide Guides (toggle)           ALT+F9

                 Show/Hide Grid (toggle)             SHIFT+F9

                                                                                            PAGE 13
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
際際滷 Show Actions

                               Action                         Shortcut Keys

                 Begin slide show                    F5

                                                     ENTER, Spacebar, N, Right
                 Next slide                          Arrow, Down Arrow, Page
                                                     Down (or click the mouse)

                                                     BACKSPACE, P, Left Arrow,
                 Previous slide                                                                  14
                                                     Up Arrow, Page Up

                 Go to 際際滷 <number>                <number>+Enter

                 Redisplay hidden pointer and/or
                 change the pointer to an arrow
                 Redisplay hidden pointer and/or
                 change the pointer to a pen
                 Hide the pointer and button
                 Hide the pointer and button in 15
                 Erase on-screen annotations         E

                 Go to next hidden slide             H
                 Use mouse-click to advance while
                 Use original timings while
                 Set new timings while rehearsing    T
                 Show/Hide black screen              B or Period
                 Show/Hide white screen              W or Comma
                 Show/Hide pointer & button          A or =
                                                     ESC, CTRL+Break, Minus,
                 End slide show
                 Go to the first or next hyperlink   TAB

                 Go to the last or previous

                                                                                            PAGE 14
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Run the 際際滷 Show and Press F1 Key for all shortcuts available while running a slide show:


                                                                                            PAGE 15
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Microsoft Outlook- 2007

                                         General Actions
                              Action                            Shortcut Keys
                 Send (post) a Message               Ctrl + Enter or Alt + S
                 Reformat an email message from
                                                     Ctrl + Shift + O
                 RTF to plain text
                 Delete Message from message
                                                     Ctrl + D
                 New Contact Dialog                  Ctrl + Shift + C
                 New Office Document                 Ctrl + Shift + H
                 Read Warning Header                 Ctrl + Insert + W
                 To Save Non-Email Item in
                                                     Alt + S
                 Current Folder
                 Cancel the current operation        Escape Key
                 Move up current level of treeview   Up Arrow
                 Move down current level of
                                                     Down Arrow
                 Collapse current branch of
                                                     Left Arrow
                 Expand current branch of
                                                     Right Arrow
                 Open the Inbox                      Ctrl + I
                 Open the Outbox                     Ctrl + O
                 Launch go to folder dialog          Ctrl + Y
                 Save unfinished item in Drafts
                                                     Ctrl + S
                 Move selected item to Deleted
                                                     Delete Key
                 Items folder
                 Open print dialog box               Ctrl + P
                 To delete current item              Ctrl + D
                 Mark message as unread or read      Ctrl + Q or Ctrl + Enter
                 Select all                          Ctrl + A
                 Copy highlighted items/text to
                                                     Ctrl + C
                 Cut highlighted items/text to
                                                     Ctrl + X
                 Paste items/text from clipboard     Ctrl + V
                 Open application menu (to
                                                     Alt + Spacebar
                 maximise, minimise etc)

                                                                                            PAGE 16
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Create new item / Open or post a
                                                     Ctrl + N
                 new message
                 Undo                                Ctrl + Z
                 Move cursor to top of email list    Home
                 Move cursor to end of email list    End
                 Move edit cursor to top in new
                                                     Ctrl + Home
                 email message window
                 Move edit cursor to end in new
                                                     Ctrl + End
                 email message window                                                            17
                 Switch among Edit, Source, and
                                                     Ctrl + Tab
                 Preview tabs
                 Check Names                         Ctrl + K
                 Move cursor to Menu Bar             Alt + or F10
                 Launch Advanced Find (find a
                                                     Ctrl + Shift + F or F3
                 Move to next Window pane            F6
                 Launch spell checker                F7
                 Insert signature                    Ctrl + Shift + S
                 Move directly to Inbox              Ctrl + Shift + I
                 Move directly to Outbox             Ctrl + Shift + O
                 Copy selected item(s) to a folder   Ctrl + Shift + Y
                 Create new folder dialog            Ctrl + Shift + E
                 Move selected item to folder        Ctrl + Shift + V
                 Create a new email message          Ctrl + Shift + M

                 Create a new appointment item       Ctrl + Shift + A

                 Create a new contact item           Ctrl + Shift + C
                 Create a new task item              Ctrl + Shift + K
                 Create a new note item              Ctrl + Shift + N
                 Message options (from a new
                                                     Alt + P
                 message window)
                 Open address book                   Ctrl + Shift + B
                 Launch flag for follow up dialog
                                                     Ctrl + Shift + G
                 Reply to sender                     Ctrl + R
                 Reply to all                        Ctrl + Shift + R
                 Forward message                     Ctrl + F

                                                                                            PAGE 17
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
Calendar Week View
                              Action                           Shortcut Keys
                 Go to todays date                  Alt + D
                 Go to a date                        Ctrl + G
                 Move to next date                   Down Arrow
                 Down Arrow                          Up Arrow
                 Move forward one week               Page Down
                 Move backwards one week             Page Up
                 Move to appointments on current     Tab (hit enter twice to open                18
                 date                                item)

                                       Main Outlook Actions
                              Action                           Shortcut Keys
                 Say Line                            Insert + Up Arrow
                 Say All                             Insert + Down Arrow
                 Say Selected Text                   Insert + Shift + Down Arrow
                 Move focus to attachments list      Insert + A
                 In spellchecker read misspelled
                                                     Insert + F7
                 word and suggestion
                 Read Header Field One               Alt + 1
                 Read Header Field Two               Alt + 2
                 Read Header Field Three             Alt + 3
                 Read Header Field Four              Alt + 4
                 Read Header Field Five              Alt + 5
                 Click Cc Button                     Alt + Shift + 4
                 Click To Button                     Alt + Shift + 3
                 Launch Global keystrokes listbox    Insert + F8
                 Close Office Assistant              Ctrl + Insert + F4

                                                                                            PAGE 18
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.





                                                                      Wishing the very best!!

                                                                      Anubhaw Kumar Shandilya

                                                                                            PAGE 19
Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.

More Related Content

Anubhaw keyboard shortcuts

  • 1. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS FOR MICROSOFT WORD, EXCEL, POWERPOINT AND OUTLOOK- 2007 ADDRESS: ROOM NO: 437, NARMADA AAWAAS, BODAKDEV 380054, AHMEDABAD, INDIA CONTACT NO: +91- 8238006418, EMAIL ID: ANUBHAWSHANDILYA09@GMAIL.COM Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 2. Introduction Time is said to be eternal. It is said that it has neither a beginning nor an end. Yet humans are able to measure it as years, months, days, hours, 2 minutes and seconds. They have also given meanings to the words past, present and future. True, time has a meaning. It moves. What was yesterday is not today. What is today will not be tomorrow. Yesterday is gone. Today is and tomorrow is yet to come. Yet time is said to have no holiday. It exists always. I been heard heather that the best gift one can have is time in ones life. Each individual is blessed with equal units of time. It depends on an individual how he/ she utilize it. G overn the clock, not let the clock govern Success even comes by making each moment count. Be you smart enough to do work smartly. Great or you may say successful people value the time and thus, they are valued by - Anubhaw Kumar Shandilya time. Opportunities exist in vast you must have time to grab it. It gives me immense pleasure to bring this compilation form of Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Office- 2007. I hope this will act to be a very fruitful tool in saving your time and increasing your work efficiency. With warm regards, Enjoy Trying!! PAGE 2 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 4. Microsoft Word- 2007 Document Action Action Shortcut Keys Open a document CTRL+O New document CTRL+N Close a document CTRL+W Save As F12 Save CTRL+S / SHIFT+F12 Print Preview CTRL+F2 4 Print CTRL+P Show/ Hide paragraph symbols CTRL+* Spelling and grammar F7 Help F1 Find CTRL+F Replace CTRL+H Go To CTRL+G / F5 Quit/Exit Word ALT+F4 Text Styles Action Shortcut Keys CTRL+SHIFT+F+Up/down Font Type arrow - Enter CTRL+SHIFT+P+Up/down Font Size arrow - Enter Bold CTRL+B Italics CTRL+I Underline CTRL+U Double underline CTRL+SHIFT+D Word underline CTRL+SHIFT+W All caps CTRL+SHIFT+A Small caps CTRL+SHIFT+K Change case SHIFT+F3 Single spacing CTRL+1 1.5 spacing CTRL+5 Double spacing CTRL+2 Subscript CTRL+= Superscript CTRL+SHIFT+= Hidden text CTRL+SHIFT+H Revert to default font CTRL+SHIFT+Z Decrease point size CTRL+[ Increase point size CTRL+] Make web hyperlink CTRL+K PAGE 4 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 5. Table Action Shortcut Keys Go to next cell Tab Go to previous cell SHIFT+Tab Go to beginning of column ALT+PageUp Highlight to beginning of column ALT+SHIFT+PageUp Go to end of column ALT+PageDown Highlight to end of column ALT+SHIFT+PageDown 5 Go to beginning of row ALT+Home Highlight to beginning of row ALT+SHIFT+Home Go to end of row ALT+End Highlight to end of row ALT+SHIFT+End Column break CTRL+SHIFT+Enter Formatting Action Shortcut Keys Select all CTRL+A Copy CTRL+C Cut CTRL+X Paste CTRL+V Undo CTRL+Z Redo CTRL+Y Left alignment CTRL+L Center alignment CTRL+E Right alignment CTRL+R Justified CTRL+J Indent from left CTRL+M Decrease indent from left CTRL+SHIFT+M Hanging indent CTRL+T Decrease hanging indent CTRL+SHIFT+T Page break CTRL+Enter Promote list item ALT+SHIFT+Left arrow ALT+SHIFT+Right arrow or Demote list item TAB Format painter CTRL+SHIFT+C Delete previous word CTRL+Backspace Apply bulleted list CTRL+SHIFT+L Style CTRL+SHIFT+S Normal style CTRL+SHIFT+N PAGE 5 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 6. Cursor Movement Action Shortcut Keys Select from cursor to beginning SHIFT+Home of line Select from cursor to end of line SHIFT+End Go to beginning of line Home Go to end of line End 6 Go to beginning of document CTRL+Home Go to end of document CTRL+End Miscellaneous Action Shortcut Keys Copyright symbol - 息 ALT+CTRL+C Insert current date ALT+SHIFT+D Insert current time ALT+SHIFT+T Go to footnotes ALT+CTRL+F Show/Hide 其 CTRL+SHIFT+8 Thesaurus SHIFT+F7 Advanced- F1 to F12 Action Shortcut Keys Help F1 Next field Alt+F1 Previous field Alt+Shift+F1 What is This Help Shift+F1 Move text or graphic F2 Unassigned Alt+F2 File Save Alt+Shift+F2 File Print Preview Ctrl+F2 Copy Text Shift F2 Edit AutoText F3 Store in Spike Ctrl+F3 Insert Spike and empty contents Ctrl+Shift+F3 Changes case Shift+F3 Edit Repeat frame F4 PAGE 6 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 7. File Exit Alt+F4 File Close Ctrl+F4 Repeat a Go To or Find Shift+F4 command Previous application window size Alt+F5 Previous document window size Ctrl+F5 Edit bookmark Ctrl+Shift+F5 Previous position Shift+F5 Next pane F6 7 Next window Ctrl+F6 Previous window Ctrl+Shift+F6 Previous pane Shift+F6 Tools Spelling F7 Move window Ctrl+F7 Update link Ctrl+Shift+F7 Tools Thesaurus Shift+F7 Extend selection F8 Size window Ctrl+F8 Select column or display/hide Ctrl+Shift+F8 tab and paragraph marks Shrink selection Shift+F8 Update field F9 Go To/Macro button fields Alt+Shift+F9 Field characters Ctrl+F9 Unlink field Ctrl+Shift+F9 Switch field codes or results Shift+F9 Menu bar F10 Enlarge Application window Alt+F10 Enlarge Document window Ctrl+F10 Cut/Copy/Paste/Font/Paragraph/ Shift+F10 Bullets and Numbering menu bar Next field F11 Lock field Ctrl+F11 Unlock field Ctrl+Shift+F11 Previous field Shift+F11 File Save As F12 File Open Ctrl+F12 File Print Ctrl+Shift+F12 File Save Shift+F12 PAGE 7 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 8. Microsoft Excel- 2007 Spreadsheet Action Action Shortcut Keys Open a workbook CTRL+O New workbook CTRL+N Close a workbook CTRL+W Open the Save As dialog box F12 Save a workbook CTRL+S 8 Print a workbook CTRL+P Help F1 Open the Find tab of the Find CTRL+F and Replace dialog box Open the Replace tab of the Find CTRL+H and Replace dialog box Go to CTRL+G / F5 Quit/Exit Excel ALT+F4 Insert a new worksheet SHIFT + F11 Hide selected columns CTRL + 0 Display hidden columns CTRL + SHIFT + 0 Hide selected rows CTRL + 9 Display hidden rows CTRL + SHIFT + 9 Selecting & Navigating Action Shortcut Keys All cells left of current cell SHIFT+Left arrow All cells right of current cell SHIFT+Right arrow Entire column CTRL+Spacebar Entire row SHIFT+Spacebar Entire worksheet CTRL+A One cell up Up arrow One cell down Down arrow One cell right Tab One cell left SHIFT+Tab Top of worksheet (cell A1) CTRL+Home End of worksheet (last cell with CTRL+End data) End of row Home End of column CTRL+Left arrow PAGE 8 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 9. Move to next worksheet CTRL+PageDown Move to previous worksheet CTRL+PageUp Cycle between open workbooks CTRL+F6 Move between panes in a split F6 worksheet Display the active cell CTRL + Backspace Move up a cell in a selected range SHIFT + Enter Move one cell left in a selected SHIFT + Tab range Move from corner cell to corner CTRL and . (period) 9 cell in a selected range Select the current cell(s) to the SHIFT + Home beginning of the row Select the current cell(s) to the CTRL + SHIFT + Home beginning of the worksheet Select all cells that contain a CTRL + SHIFT + O comment Select the data region CTRL and * surrounding the active cell Formatting Action Shortcut Keys Edit within an active cell F2 Format as currency with 2 CTRL + SHIFT +$ decimal places Format as percent with no CTRL + SHIFT +% decimal places Apply number format CTRL + SHIFT + ! Apply date format CTRL + SHIFT + # Apply time format CTRL + SHIFT + @ Apply general format CTRL + SHIFT + ~ Apply exponential number CTRL + SHIFT + ^ format Apply outline border to selection CTRL + SHIFT + & Remove outline border to CTRL + SHIFT and _ selection Cut CTRL + X Copy CTRL + C Paste CTRL + V Undo CTRL + Z Redo CTRL + Y Bold CTRL + B PAGE 9 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 10. Italics CTRL + I Underline CTRL + U Strikethrough CTRL + 5 Left alignment CTRL + L Center alignment CTRL + E Right alignment CTRL + R CTRL + SHIFT + F + Up/down Change font type arrow Enter CTRL + SHIFT + P + Up/down Change font size arrow Enter 10 Open Format Cells dialog box CTRL + 1 Data and Formulas Action Shortcut Keys Begin a formula = Enter a formula as an array CTRL + SHIFT + Enter Display Insert Function dialog SHIFT + F3 box Paste a defined name into a F3 formula Insert a AutoSum formula ALT + = Copy a formula from the cell above the current cell into the CTRL and current cell Calculate values for sheets in all F9 open workbooks Calculate values for current SHIFT + F9 worksheet Fill data down through selected CTRL + D cells Fill data through selected cells to CTRL + R the right Insert current date in the CTRL + ; worksheet Insert current time in the CTRL + : worksheet Run a Spelling Check F7 Run the Macros ALT + F8 PAGE 10 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 11. Microsoft PowerPoint- 2007 Presentation Actions Action Shortcut Keys Open a presentation CTRL+O, CTRL+F12 New presentation CTRL+N Save As F12 Save CTRL+S Print CTRL+P Help F1 11 . Quit/Exit PowerPoint ALT+F4 Formatting Action Shortcut Keys Select all CTRL+A Copy CTRL+C Cut CTRL+X Paste CTRL+V Undo CTRL+Z Redo CTRL+Y Bold CTRL+B Italics CTRL+I Underline CTRL+U Left justified CTRL+L Center justified CTRL+E Right justified CTRL+R Create hyperlink CTRL+K Format Painter (Copy) CTRL+SHIFT+C Format Painter (Paste) CTRL+SHIFT+V Increase font size CTRL+SHIFT+> Decrease font size CTRL+SHIFT+< CTRL+SHIFT+F+Up/down Change font type arrow - Enter CTRL+SHIFT+P+Up/down Change font size arrow - Enter Promote list item ALT+SHIFT+Left arrow Demote list item ALT+SHIFT+Right arrow Move selected item up ALT+SHIFT+Up arrow Move selected item down ALT+SHIFT+Down arrow Superscript ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+> Subscript ALT+CTRL+SHIFT+< Change Case SHIFT+F3 PAGE 11 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 12. Selecting & Navigating Action Shortcut Keys Character left SHIFT+Left arrow Character right SHIFT+Right arrow End of word CTRL+SHIFT+Right Arrow Beginning of word CTRL+SHIFT+Left Arrow Line up SHIFT+Up Arrow Line down SHIFT+Down Arrow Select all CTRL+A or F2 12 Character left Left Arrow Character right Right Arrow Line up Up Arrow Line down Down Arrow Word left CTRL+Left Arrow Word right CTRL+Right Arrow End of line END Beginning of line HOME Paragraph up CTRL+Up Arrow Paragraph down CTRL+Down Arrow End of text block CTRL+END Start of text block CTRL+HOME To previous object TAB To next object SHIFT+TAB Select all objects CTRL+A Editing Action Shortcut Keys Delete character left Backspace Delete word left CTRL+Backspace Delete character right Delete Delete word right CTRL+Delete Find CTRL+F Replace CTRL+H Insert hyperlink CTRL+K New slide CTRL+M PAGE 12 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 13. New slide like last one, no menu CTRL+SHIFT+M Spell checker F7 Macros ALT+F8 Move from Title to Text CTRL+Enter Move from Body text to Title of CTRL+Enter next slide Drawing & Formatting 13 Action Shortcut Keys Grid and Guides dialog box CTRL+G Group Objects CTRL+SHIFT+G Ungroup Objects CTRL+SHIFT+H Regroup Objects CTRL+SHIFT+J Resize while maintaining SHIFT+Resize proportions Resize from center CTRL+Resize Resize from center while CTRL+SHIFT+Resize maintaining proportions Rotate in 15 degree increments SHIFT+Rotate tool Rotate from Corner CTRL+Rotate tool Rotate in 15 degree increments CTRL+SHIFT+Rotate tool from Corner Extend Line along same angle SHIFT+Resize Nudge object one grid unit Arrow Key Nudge object one pixel CTRL+Arrow Key Temporarily release Grid/Guide ALT Snap Show/Hide Guides (toggle) ALT+F9 Show/Hide Grid (toggle) SHIFT+F9 PAGE 13 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 14. 際際滷 Show Actions Action Shortcut Keys Begin slide show F5 ENTER, Spacebar, N, Right Next slide Arrow, Down Arrow, Page Down (or click the mouse) BACKSPACE, P, Left Arrow, Previous slide 14 Up Arrow, Page Up Go to 際際滷 <number> <number>+Enter Redisplay hidden pointer and/or CTRL+A change the pointer to an arrow Redisplay hidden pointer and/or CTRL+P change the pointer to a pen Hide the pointer and button CTRL+H immediately Hide the pointer and button in 15 CTRL+U seconds Erase on-screen annotations E Go to next hidden slide H Use mouse-click to advance while M rehearsing Use original timings while O rehearsing Set new timings while rehearsing T Show/Hide black screen B or Period Show/Hide white screen W or Comma Show/Hide pointer & button A or = ESC, CTRL+Break, Minus, End slide show END Go to the first or next hyperlink TAB Go to the last or previous SHIFT+TAB hyperlink PAGE 14 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 15. Run the 際際滷 Show and Press F1 Key for all shortcuts available while running a slide show: 15 PAGE 15 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 16. Microsoft Outlook- 2007 General Actions Action Shortcut Keys Send (post) a Message Ctrl + Enter or Alt + S Reformat an email message from Ctrl + Shift + O RTF to plain text 16 Delete Message from message Ctrl + D window New Contact Dialog Ctrl + Shift + C New Office Document Ctrl + Shift + H Read Warning Header Ctrl + Insert + W To Save Non-Email Item in Alt + S Current Folder Cancel the current operation Escape Key Move up current level of treeview Up Arrow Move down current level of Down Arrow treeview Collapse current branch of Left Arrow treeview Expand current branch of Right Arrow treeview Open the Inbox Ctrl + I Open the Outbox Ctrl + O Launch go to folder dialog Ctrl + Y Save unfinished item in Drafts Ctrl + S folder Move selected item to Deleted Delete Key Items folder Open print dialog box Ctrl + P To delete current item Ctrl + D Mark message as unread or read Ctrl + Q or Ctrl + Enter Select all Ctrl + A Copy highlighted items/text to Ctrl + C clipboard Cut highlighted items/text to Ctrl + X clipboard Paste items/text from clipboard Ctrl + V Open application menu (to Alt + Spacebar maximise, minimise etc) PAGE 16 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 17. Create new item / Open or post a Ctrl + N new message Undo Ctrl + Z Move cursor to top of email list Home Move cursor to end of email list End Move edit cursor to top in new Ctrl + Home email message window Move edit cursor to end in new Ctrl + End email message window 17 Switch among Edit, Source, and Ctrl + Tab Preview tabs Check Names Ctrl + K Move cursor to Menu Bar Alt + or F10 Launch Advanced Find (find a Ctrl + Shift + F or F3 message) Move to next Window pane F6 Launch spell checker F7 Insert signature Ctrl + Shift + S Move directly to Inbox Ctrl + Shift + I Move directly to Outbox Ctrl + Shift + O Copy selected item(s) to a folder Ctrl + Shift + Y Create new folder dialog Ctrl + Shift + E Move selected item to folder Ctrl + Shift + V Create a new email message Ctrl + Shift + M Create a new appointment item Ctrl + Shift + A Create a new contact item Ctrl + Shift + C Create a new task item Ctrl + Shift + K Create a new note item Ctrl + Shift + N Message options (from a new Alt + P message window) Open address book Ctrl + Shift + B Launch flag for follow up dialog Ctrl + Shift + G box Reply to sender Ctrl + R Reply to all Ctrl + Shift + R Forward message Ctrl + F PAGE 17 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 18. Calendar Week View Action Shortcut Keys Go to todays date Alt + D Go to a date Ctrl + G Move to next date Down Arrow Down Arrow Up Arrow Move forward one week Page Down Move backwards one week Page Up Move to appointments on current Tab (hit enter twice to open 18 date item) Main Outlook Actions Action Shortcut Keys Say Line Insert + Up Arrow Say All Insert + Down Arrow Say Selected Text Insert + Shift + Down Arrow Move focus to attachments list Insert + A In spellchecker read misspelled Insert + F7 word and suggestion Read Header Field One Alt + 1 Read Header Field Two Alt + 2 Read Header Field Three Alt + 3 Read Header Field Four Alt + 4 Read Header Field Five Alt + 5 Click Cc Button Alt + Shift + 4 Click To Button Alt + Shift + 3 Launch Global keystrokes listbox Insert + F8 Close Office Assistant Ctrl + Insert + F4 PAGE 18 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.
  • 19. Reference: 19 www.preservearticles.com/201104095181/importance-of-time.html www.worlditc.org/f_13_rodiehr_time_0.htm www.computerhope.com/shortcut/excel.htm http://support.microsoft.com/kb/134787 Wishing the very best!! Anubhaw Kumar Shandilya PAGE 19 Knowledge| Skill| Innovation| Manage your Time so that you can Manage yourself to Others.