The document discusses anxiety, its causes, symptoms, and methods for reducing it. Anxiety is described as distress or uneasiness caused by fear that can result from genetics, trauma, or stressful situations. Common physical symptoms include palpitations, dizziness, sweating, trembling, and difficulty breathing. While a little anxiety can be helpful, excessive anxiety can interfere with daily life. The document provides several strategies for reducing anxiety, including challenging negative thoughts, relaxation exercises, getting proper sleep and nutrition, gradual exposure to anxiety triggers, and seeking medical help if needed.
64. 4. Dispute this belief
This thought is not
helping me and this
event does not mean
there is something
wrong with me
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
65. This process helps you
change your belief about
what is threatening and helps
to limit your anxiety in the
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66. Another piece deals with
targeting your body¡¯s
responses to anxiety
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67. This can start with
relaxation exercises.
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68. Relaxation exercises such as
breathing slowly and relaxing your
muscles can help calm your body¡¯s
anxiety symptoms.
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69. Training your body
to relax is like
developing a muscle.
It takes some time.
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70. The more practice you get relaxing,
the better. It is also important to
take care of yourself.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
71. The more practice you get relaxing,
the better. It is also important to
take care of yourself.
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72. The more practice you get relaxing,
the better. It is also important to
take care of yourself.
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73. Make sure you get regular
exercise and enough sleep
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74. This can help get your body
to a relaxed state as well as
lower symptoms in the
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75. Also make sure to eat healthy
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76. eating a well balanced diet
and avoiding sugar and
caffeine can also help control
your anxiety.
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77. Tip
Try not to avoid the things
that make you anxious, but
take baby steps to face them.
You will discover they are not
as scary as they once seemed.
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78. So what can I do now if I
need immediate relief?
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80. Try breathing in to the count
of five and then exhaling to
the count of five. This should
start to give you some relief
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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84. Try focusing on a simple object
like your car keys . Describe
them in detail to yourself.This
can disrupt your panic cycle since
your brain can only focus on one
thing at a time.
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85. You might also want to talk to
your doctor or see a therapist or
get some medication.
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87. But keep a little anxious
energy around,
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88. In case you really do
encounter a bear!
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89. Special Thanks to
CAFA for help with the content:
and to Sandy Silverthorne for illustrations
For More Resources on Anxiety:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
90. bear background: BEAR IN LAKE
Ron Davey |
two chairs background: LAZY AT THE BEACH
Gina Smith |
Banol2007 | Dreamstime.com
Serghei Starus |
Ken Hurst | Dreamstime.com
Photo Credits
Content Credits
Negative thoughts release toxins into your body: Dr.Amen
Writing down activating event and beliefs:Albert Ellis and RET Therapy
Tuesday, November 2, 2010