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Supply chain managers are crucial to the global economy. They represent a unique discipline responsible
for supporting the global network of delivering products and services across the entire supply chain,
from raw materials to end customers. Specifically, supply chain managers engage in the design, planning,
execution, control, and supervision of supply chain activities with the objectives of creating net value,
building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand,
and measuring performance globally.

APICS The Association for Operations Management is the premier membership organization providing
education, certification, and career development opportunities to supply chain professionals worldwide.
The APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) Learning System and corresponding
certification gives professionals the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Knowledge and skills
combined with work experience create the competencies required for individuals to excel in their careers
and distinguish themselves in their field. In recognition of this, APICS developed the Supply Chain
Manager Competency Model to guide individuals considering careers in supply chain management,
supply chain professionals seeking to advance their positions, and human resource managers who are
hiring in this fast-growing field.

About the Model
The structure of the APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model follows guidelines set by the
Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor. The model is
visually represented in a diagram for easy reference, as seen on the following page. The model is organized
into tiers of competencies and includes descriptions of the activities and behaviors associated with each
competency. The Competency Model Clearinghouse defines competency as the capability to apply or use
a set of related knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform 'critical work functions' or
tasks in a defined work setting. In many cases, the competencies outlined in this model are adapted from
the APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge (OMBOK) Framework.

The APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model was a research project undertaken by the APICS
2009 Future Leaders. They were supported by the 2009 Body of Knowledge Committee, the 2009 Voice
of the Customer Committee, and staff in the Professional Development Division of APICS. In addition,
APICS leaders and staff used public domain information obtained from the Competency Model
Clearinghouse (www.Careeronestop.org) in the models creation.

   All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced or copied in any
 form or by any means  graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and
                             retrieval systems  without written permission of the publisher.

息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
                                                           Supply Chain Manager Specific requirements (Tier 7)
                                                           includes requirements such as certi鍖cation, licensure, and specialized educational degrees, or physical
                                                           and training requirements for Supply Chain Managers.

                                                           Bachelors or Equivalent Degree                 Supply Chain Industry Association Membership                            Supply Chain-Specific Certification

                                              Supply Chain Manager Technical Competencies (Tier 6)
                                              are specific to the role of Supply Chain Manager.

                                              Locating                 Distribution         Warehousing           Logistics               International         Strategic Sourcing/     Management           Management
                                              Facilities                                                                                  Regulations           Supplier Relationship   Customer             Applying Lean/Six

                                                                                                                                                                                        Relationship         Sigma Tools

                                              Supply Chain Manager Knowledge Areas (Tier 5)
                                              are broad knowledge areas used as a basis for specifying more detailed knowledge areas required for work as a Supply Chain Manager.
                                              Performance                     Warehouse                     Transportation                Supply Chain
                                                                                                                                                                         Risk                          Sustainability
                                              Trade-offs                      Management                    Management                    Synchronization

                                              Operations Management Technical Competencies (Tier 4)
                                              represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by all occupations within operations management, including Supply Chain Manager.
                                              Strategy Development        Supply Chain            Process Improvement/        Execution, Planning,        Project                  Lean Management          Enabling Technology
                                              and Application             Management              Six Sigma                   Scheduling Control          Management                                        Application

                        Workplace and Leadership Competencies (Tier 3)
                        represent those skills and abilities that allow individuals to function in an organizational setting.
                        Problem Solving/                          Teamwork                Accountability/          Customer Focus          Planning and                 Con鍖ict                  Enabling
                        Decision Making                                                   Responsibility           (Internal and External) Organizing                   Management               Technology

                        Academic Competencies (Tier 2)
                        are primarily learned in an academic setting, and include cognitive functions and thinking styles.
                        Math, Statistics,                           Reading and Writing      Applied Science             Supply Chain                 Foundations of                Fundamentals of           Operations and
                        Analytical Thinking                         for Comprehension        and Technology              Fundamentals                 Business Management           Technology                Enterprise Economics

                        Personal Effectiveness Competencies (Tier 1)
                        represent motives and traits as well as interpersonal and self-management styles and generally are applicable to a number of industries at a national level.
                        Awareness of the                                Integrity                     Continuous Learning                Effective Communication          Interpersonal Skills            Creativity
                        Needs of Others

               息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Personal Effectiveness                                       Effective Communication
                                                              Express information to individuals or groups
Competencies (Tier 1)                                          considering the audience and the nature of the
Personal Effectiveness competencies represent
                                                               information (e.g., technical or controversial);
motives and traits as well as interpersonal and self-
                                                               speak clearly and confidently; organize information
management styles, and generally are applicable
                                                               in a logical manner; speak using common English
to any number of industries.
                                                               conventions including proper grammar, tone and pace;
                                                               track audience responses and react appropriately to
Awareness of the Needs of Others
                                                               those responses; effectively use eye contact and non-
 Understand others' business needs and goals.
                                                               verbal expression.
 Have perspective into others points of view.
                                                              Receive, attend to, interpret, understand, and respond
 Build rapport and credibility with colleagues.
                                                               to verbal messages and other cues; pick out important
 Anticipate others needs and respond to their
                                                               information in verbal messages; understand complex
  concerns and problems.
                                                               instructions; appreciate feelings and concerns of
                                                               verbal messages.
                                                              Practice meaningful two-way communication by
 Demonstrate trustworthiness and professionalism
                                                               speaking clearly, paying close attention and seeking
  in dealing with clients, peers, and team members.
                                                               to understand others, listening attentively and
 Respond in a consistent manner to situations that
                                                               clarifying information and attending to nonverbal
  require honesty and candor.
                                                               cues and responding appropriately.
 Avoid conflicts between work and personal interests
                                                              Influence others; persuasively present thoughts and
  or activities.
                                                               ideas; gain commitment and ensure support for
                                                               proposed ideas.
Continuous Learning
 Demonstrate an interest in personal learning and
                                                             Interpersonal Skills
  development; seek feedback from multiple sources
                                                              Relate well to clients, colleagues, and team members.
  about how to improve and develop; modify behavior
                                                              Maintain a positive, supportive, and appreciative
  based on feedback or self-analysis of past mistakes.
 Take steps to develop and maintain knowledge,
                                                              Actively listen to others and demonstrate an
  skills, and expertise necessary to achieve positive
                                                               understanding of their point of view.
  results; participate fully in relevant training programs
                                                              Create an open environment that encourages people
  and actively pursue other opportunities to develop
                                                               to work together to solve problems and improve
  knowledge and skills.
                                                               practices and services.
 Anticipate changes in work demands and participate
                                                              Explore and resolve conflicts as they arise.
  in assignments or training that address these
                                                              Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstanding.
  changing demands; treat unexpected circumstances as
  opportunities to learn.
 Engage in personal career development by identifying
                                                              Demonstrate intellectual curiosity about why things
  occupational interests, strengths, options, and
                                                               are the way they are. Challenge the status quo.
  opportunities; make insightful career planning
                                                              Change, elaborate, adapt, and improve own ideas
  decisions based on integration and consideration of
                                                               or those of others.
  others feedback; seek out additional training to
                                                              Demonstrate a bias towards action; materialize
  pursue career goals.
                                                               thoughts into products or services.

息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Academic Competencies (Tier 2)                                      materials, and components into a finished product that
Academic competencies are primarily learned in an                   is delivered to the end customer.
academic setting and include cognitive functions and               Recognize the ways that supply chains link value chains.
thinking styles.
                                                                  Foundations of Business Management
Math, Statistics, and Analytical Thinking                          Understand all management activities carried out in
 Practice applied mathematics in collecting and                    the course of running an organization, including
  interpreting quantitative data.                                   controlling, leading, monitoring, adjusting, organizing,
 Demonstrate the ability to scrutinize and break down              and planning.
  facts and thoughts into their strengths and weaknesses.          Analyze financial statements and explain the implications
 Develop the capacity to think in a careful and                    of standard financial ratios and all components of the
  discerning way, to solve problems, to analyze data,               balance sheet and income statement.
  and to recall and apply information.                             Create interactive decision support models that
                                                                    allow the development of multiple scenarios and
Reading and Writing for Comprehension                               demonstrate the sensitivity of outcome to multiple
 Understand what has been read; gather information                 independent variables.
  from a text.                                                     Calculate project and organizational cash flow forecasts;
 Demonstrate an understanding of material read by                  present value investment comparisons and risk-adjusted
  forming opinions and sharing personal experiences.                return calculations.
 Apply the strategies of self-questioning, retelling, writing,    Demonstrate knowledge of visual presentation
  summarizing, predicting and verifying, story mapping,             techniques including charting, histograms, and flow
  role play, and responsiveness.                                    sheets, as well as oral and written
                                                                    presentation techniques.
Applied Science and Technology                                     Practice basic business communications.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that                 Understand fundamental organizational behavior.
  are considered important to the branch of knowledge
  or technology.                                                  Operations and Enterprise Economics
 Understand the use of technology and its interrelation           Understand the importance of and demonstrate the ability
  with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon             to take raw materials or knowledge and convert it into a
  such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied            product or service that has more value to the customer
  science, and pure science.                                        than the original material or data.
 Develop knowledge of specific tools and how they                 Determine the success or failure rate of a business
   affect a persons ability to adapt to and control his            using financial accounting, incorporating terms and
  or her environment.                                               techniques including: income; expense; cost of goods
 Demonstrate an ability to gain knowledge or                       sold; gross margin; balance sheet; return on assets;
  understanding to meet a specific, recognized need.                inventory turns; capital asset management; and
 Possess knowledge that is sufficiently general, clearly           cash management.
  conceptualized, carefully reasoned, systematically               Employ the technique of break-even analysis, which
  organized, critically examined, and empirically tested            finds the break-even point, the volume at which
  with regard to the specific science or technology.                revenues exceed total costs.
                                                                   Find the Best Operating Level (BOL), the level of capacity
Supply Chain Fundamentals                                           for which a process was designed. This is the also volume
 Understand that supply and logistics is a system                  of output at which average unit cost is minimized.
  of organizations, people, technology, activities,                Use cost accounting systems to keep track of all costs
  information, and resources involved in moving a                   of building products, labor, material, overhead, and
  product or service from supplier to customer.                     variances. These systems include activity-based costing
 Possess basic knowledge of supply chain activities,               (ABC) and cost analysis and control.
  including transformation of natural resources, raw

                                                                         息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Workplace and Leadership                                       Practice good customer relations management and
                                                                maintain a customer relations program.
Competencies (Tier 3)                                          Demonstrate ability able to balance the needs of the
Workplace competencies represent those skills and               organization and the needs of the customer.
abilities that allow individuals to function in an
organizational setting.                                       Planning & Organizing
                                                               Effectively plan what is to be achieved and involve all
Problem Solving and Decision Making                             relevant staff members.
 Practice goal-directed thinking and action in situations     Anticipate important or critical events, identifying
  for which no routine solutions exist.                         resource requirements and assigning responsibility
 Understand a problem situation and its step-by-step           for specific work, including deadlines and
  transformation based on planning and reasoning.               performance expectations.
 Demonstrate ability in choosing between alternative          Demonstrate the use of information-gathering
  courses of action using cognitive processes such as           techniques, analyzing situations and identifying
  memory, thinking, and evaluation.                             implications in order to make correct decisions.
 Demonstrate ability to map processes of likely               Demonstrate ability to monitor progress and to make
  consequences of decisions, to work out the importance         changes as required.
  of individual factors, and to choose the best course         Ensure that staff is aware they will be accountable for
  of action.                                                    achieving the desired results through planned program
                                                                evaluation and individual performance appraisal.
Teamwork                                                       Ensure that staff is provided with the necessary tools
 Demonstrate a commitment to the mission and                   to succeed.
  motivation to combine the team's energy and
  expertise to achieve a common objective.                    Conflict Management
 Understand the dynamics of effective teamwork in             Demonstrate ability to manage conflict by identifying and
  order to attain higher levels of team performance.            handling conflicts in a sensible, fair, and efficient manner.
 Demonstrate ability to work as part of a tight-knit          Demonstrate skill in effective communicating, problem
  and competent group of people.                                solving, and negotiating with a focus on party interests.
Accountability and Responsibility                             Enabling Technology
 Demonstrate a willingness to accept responsibility           Provide a means to generate giant leaps in performance
  or and accountability for ones actions.                      and capabilities of the user using equipment and
 Exhibit a moral, legal, or mental accountability in areas     methodology.
  for which one is responsible.                                Possess knowledge of hardware and software
 Understand that these two workplace competencies are          components which, when properly integrated,
  intertwined, and that both abilities must be present in       enable a specific process to be realized.
  order to succeed.                                            Understand that all technology enables something.
Customer Focus (Internal & External)
 Understand this is an organizational orientation toward
  satisfying the needs of potential and actual customers.
 Ensure that the whole organization, and not just
  frontline service staff, puts its customers first.
 Ensure all activities, from the planning of a new
  product to its production, marketing, and after-sales
  care, are built around the customer.
 Understand that every department and every employee
  should share the same customer-focused vision.
息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Operations Management Technical                             and carrying these through to the problems,
                                                            potential causes, and root causes of the problem.
Competencies (Tier 4)                                      Hold gains in process improvements by establishing
Operations management technical competencies                key performance measurements, benchmarking
represent the knowledge, skills and abilities needed        metrics, and continuous process improvement
by all occupations within operations management,            initiatives to improve process quality on continual basis.
including supply chain managers.

Strategy Development and Application                      Execution Planning, Scheduling, and Control
 Answer the questions: Where are we going? and          Determine the need for material and capacity to
  How are we going to get there?, and create a            address expected demand, execute the resulting
  specific and purposeful path when there are clear         plans, and update planning and financial
  answers to these two questions.                           information to reflect the results of execution.
 Create a strategy based on the companys core            Plan the management function by defining goals
  values, mission, and your vision.                         for future organizational performance and decide
 Determine core competencies, strategic challenges.        on the tasks and resources needed to attain
 Develop goals, objectives and specific strategies to      those goals.
  accomplish those goals.                                  Schedule a timetable of events and decide when
 Create priorities once objectives are determined.         and where certain events will occur.
 Deploy action plans throughout the organization.         Control and check errors, taking any corrective
 Establish a process for aligning day-to-day               action so that deviation from standards are
  decisions to the strategic plan.                          minimized and the stated goals of the organization
                                                            are achieved in a desired manner.
Supply Chain Management
 Demonstrate ability to manage the network of            Project Management
  interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate       Understand the discipline of planning, organizing,
  provision of product and service packages required        and managing resources to bring about the
  by end customers.                                         successful completion of specific project goals
 Understand that supply chain management spans             and objectives.
  all movement and storage of raw materials, work-         Achieve project goals and objectives while honoring
  in-process inventory, and finished goods from             the project constraints, typically scope, time,
  point-of-origin to point-of-consumption.                  and budget.
                                                           Optimize the allocation and integration of inputs
Process Improvement/Six Sigma                               necessary to meet pre-defined objectives.
 Understand the systematic approach to closing            Define the set of activities that use resources,
  of process or system performance gaps through             such as money, people, materials, energy, space,
  streamlining and cycle time reduction, and identify       provisions, communication, and motivation, to
  and eliminate causes of quality below specifications,     achieve the project goals and objectives.
  process variation, and non-value-adding activities.
 Maintain company processes that afford optimum
  operation and enhance the companys quality
  management system.
 Demonstrate ability to visualize the total process
  and aid in locating problem areas using process
  mapping, quality improvement, and visualization
  tools to locate, quantify, and correct root causes of
 Perform periodic evaluations to maintain processes
  by gathering pertinent information, such as
  problem symptoms from knowledgeable sources
                                                                息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Lean Management
 Identify and reduce or eliminate waste in all areas          Warehouse Management
  of a supply chain.                                            Control the movement and storage of materials
 Calculate the total system cost of delivering a                within a warehouse.
  product or service to the customer.                           Apply a total systems approach to designing and
 Develop systems that allow employees to produce                managing the entire flow of information, materials,
  perfect results by:                                            and services  from raw materials, suppliers, through
    Educating suppliers to create value for customers           factories and warehouses, and finally to the customer.
     by streamlining processes in the value chain.              Monitor the movement of products through a
    Using suppliers whose methods and core                      warehouse.
     competencies will align with lean requirements             Provide and transform inputs into products and
     and developing long-term relationships with them.           services, and link to the distribution network and
	 Reducing or entirely eliminating the cost of                  local service providers that localize the product.
     changing from one product or service to another.
                                                               Transportation Management
Enabling Technology Application                                 Manage transportation operations.
 Recognize that continuous process improvement                 Maximize freight loads while minimizing freight costs.
  is an accepted way of life in business and that few           Ensure efficient use of transportation resources while
  companies lack a continuing quality or process                 meeting the needs of the customer.
  improvement effort.                                           Integrate movement demands with vehicle resources.
 Implement improvement methods, such as business
  process reengineering, Total Quality Management              Supply Chain Synchronization
  (TQM), Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, and                     Balance supply with demand, considering both lead time
  Theory of Constraints.                                         and demand variability created by supply patterns not
 Understand that technology and process functionality           matching demand patterns.
  has an interconnected relationship and that each
                                                                Effectively collaborate and communicate with supply
  helps transform the other.
                                                                 chain members.
 Initiate process improvements that are enabled
                                                                Integrate activities across organizations on the supply
  and supported by technology.
                                                                 chain by ensuring information visibility in inventory
                                                                 levels, anticipated productions, and material-in-transit.
Supply Chain Manager                                            Mitigate the bullwhip effect.
Knowledge Areas (Tier 5)
Supply chain manager knowledge areas are broad                 Risk Management
knowledge areas that can be used as a basis for                 Accurately identify risks affecting supply,
specifying more detailed knowledge areas required                transformation, delivery, and customer demand.
for work as a supply chain manager.                             Develop strategies, for example dual sourcing,
                                                                 buffering, forward buying, etc that minimize financial
Performance Trade-Offs                                           impact uncertainties, such as yields, timing, pricing,
 Design a responsive, agile and efficient supply chain that     and catastrophic events.
  has the ability to:                                           Effectively analyze the probability, control, and impact
    Meet the changing and diverse needs of customers.           of risks identified.
    Manufacture and deliver a broad range of high-
     quality products and services in the shortest reliable
     lead times and in varying volumes to provide
     enhanced value to customer.
    Deliver high-quality products with short lead times
     at low cost.

息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Supply Chain Manager Technical                                   Place high-turn items closest to packing and shipping
                                                                  areas, which will reduce picking, put-away times, and
Competencies (Tier 6)                                             transportation within the warehouse.
Supply chain manager technical competencies are specific         Select random locations when travel distances are not an
to the role of supply chain manager.                              important consideration and when overall utilization of
                                                                  warehouse space is important.
Locating Facilities
 Apply qualitative techniques when quantifiable data           Logistics
  are not available or when measures for different criteria      Obtain, produce, and distribute materials and products
  relevant to the logistics decisions are used.                   in the proper places and in the proper quantities.
 Apply quantitative techniques when solving logistic            Apply logistics with the movement of personnel, as well
  problems, such as the designing of routes and the               as the design and development, acquisition, storage,
  scheduling of vehicles.                                         movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and
 Incorporate the transportation model to find the optimal        disposition of material.
  allocation of sources of supply, typically                     Develop and implement a formal logistics strategy.
  plants, to meet demand at destinations in the network,
  typically warehouses.                                         International Regulations
 Efficiently distribute products among suppliers,               Comply with international regulations in decision
  manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, warehouses,     making in the distribution system, including customs
  and customers through a logistics network.                      regulations on what is restricted from entering a country;
 Reach optimal efficiency of all vehicle assets within a         trade tariffs and duties on imported goods; security
  network through a vehicle routing process.                      regulations, such as those contained in the 2007 SAFE
                                                                  Ports Act; and trade agreements, such as NAFTA or those
Distribution                                                      of the European Union.
 Move material, usually one organization's finished goods       Ensure the competitiveness of a country or protect a
  or service parts, from the manufacturer or distributor          countrys distribution and manufacturing systems by
  downstream to the customer.                                     incorporating international regulations.
 Transfer goods and services from the raw materials             Effectively bring material into a free trade zone (FTZ).
  suppliers and producers to the end users or consumers.         Consider import and export taxes, relative currency
 Choose shipping methods, considering the trade-offs             valuation and volatility, and special agreements between
  between costs and benefits.                                     cooperating countries when designing and operating a
 Apply the cross-docking technique when                          supply chain.
  bringing items into a distribution center for
  immediate dispatch.                                           Strategic Sourcing/Supplier Relationship
 Divide truckloads of homogeneous items into                   Management
  smaller, more appropriate quantities for use by break-         Effectively locate and source key materials suppliers,
  bulk handling.                                                  while analyzing the total cost associated with procuring
 Consolidate several items into larger units for fewer           an item or service.
  handlings, for example placing items in boxes loaded           Focus on developing and maintaining long-term relationships
  and wrapped as a pallet by unitization packaging.               with trading partners who can help the purchaser meet
                                                                  profitability and customer satisfaction goals.
Warehousing                                                      Integrate automation of request for quote (RFQ), request
 Receive, store, and ship materials to and from production       for proposal (RFP), electronic auctioning, business-to-
  or distribution locations by incorporating warehousing          business commerce (B2B), and contract management
  activities.                                                     processes when using a strategic
 Configure warehouses to have formal storage locations           sourcing approach.
  that identify the row, rack section, level, and shelf          Establish methods of meeting customer satisfaction goals.
  location, typically with an alphanumeric location bar
  code or label.                                                       息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Customer Relationship Management
 Effectively collect and analyze sales and marketing
  information to understand and support existing and
  potential customer needs.
 Effectively link delivery and service with customer needs
  in the design process.
 Incorporate contract management and administration
  when holding suppliers and customers accountable for
  meeting the work specified in a contract.
 Evaluate contract responsiveness, negotiate changes to a
  contract, and ensure that contractors are compensated for
  products or services provided.
 Measure customer satisfaction and develop loyal
  customers by using performance metrics taken from
  the customers perspective, with criteria such as on-time
  delivery, perception of quality, percentage of complaints,
  and length of wait times.

Applying Lean Tools/Six Sigma
 Establish improvement initiatives focused on the
  reduction or elimination of waste in all areas of the
  supply chain.
 Execute ways of eliminating unnecessary steps in product
  design, as well as aligning suppliers
  processes with the delivery schedules required for
  lean manufacturing.
 Demonstrate an understanding of unit acquisition cost
  by examining the total cost of ownership (TCO).
 Demonstrate the knowledge and experience to actively
  participate in Lean teams using tools such as:
    Kaizen events
    Value Stream Mapping
 Demonstrate the knowledge and experience to actively
  participate in Six Sigma teams to define, measure,
  analyze, improve, and control processes (DMAIC).

息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
Supply Chain Manager Specific                                Certifications
                                                              Once the professional is in the workplace, it is desirable
requirements (Tier 7)                                          to obtain a supply chain specific certification. While
Supply chain manager specific requirements such as
                                                               there are a number of supply chain certifications related
certification, licensure, and specialized educational
                                                               to specific industries, general certifications include:
degrees, or physical and training requirements for
                                                                 Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
supply chain managers.
                                                                   APICS The Association for Operations
Post Secondary Education
                                                                 Certified in Production and Inventory
 The majority of supply chain management
                                                                  Management (CPIM)  APICS The Association
  professionals hold post secondary degrees  a
                                                                  for Operations Management
  Bachelor's or equivalent.
                                                                 Certified Professional in Supply Management
 While a number of supply chain professionals
                                                                  (CPSM)  Institute of Supply Management
  have degrees related to supply chain or operations
                                                                 SCOR/P  Supply Chain Council
  management, the majority hold degrees in other fields
                                                                 Certification in Transportation and Logistics (CTL)
  including, but not limited to, business, economics,
                                                                   American Society for Transportation
  engineering, or liberal arts studies.
                                                                  and Logistics
Association Membership
 Professional association membership ensures that the
  supply chain professional is able to link into a network
  of practitioners to share best practices, develop their
  careers, and continue their professional education.
  There are a number of supply chain associations related
  to specific industries, including but not limited to:
    APICS The Association for Operations
     Management (APICS)
    Institute of Supply Management (ISM)
    Supply Chain Council (SCC)
    Council of Supply Chain Management
     Professionals (CSCMP)
    American Society for Transportation
     and Logistics (ASTL)
    Warehousing Education and Research
     Council (WERC)

                                                                      息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management

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Apics Competency Model

  • 2. INTrODuCTION Supply chain managers are crucial to the global economy. They represent a unique discipline responsible for supporting the global network of delivering products and services across the entire supply chain, from raw materials to end customers. Specifically, supply chain managers engage in the design, planning, execution, control, and supervision of supply chain activities with the objectives of creating net value, building a competitive infrastructure, leveraging worldwide logistics, synchronizing supply with demand, and measuring performance globally. APICS The Association for Operations Management is the premier membership organization providing education, certification, and career development opportunities to supply chain professionals worldwide. The APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) Learning System and corresponding certification gives professionals the knowledge and skills they need to be successful. Knowledge and skills combined with work experience create the competencies required for individuals to excel in their careers and distinguish themselves in their field. In recognition of this, APICS developed the Supply Chain Manager Competency Model to guide individuals considering careers in supply chain management, supply chain professionals seeking to advance their positions, and human resource managers who are hiring in this fast-growing field. About the Model The structure of the APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model follows guidelines set by the Employment and Training Administration of the United States Department of Labor. The model is visually represented in a diagram for easy reference, as seen on the following page. The model is organized into tiers of competencies and includes descriptions of the activities and behaviors associated with each competency. The Competency Model Clearinghouse defines competency as the capability to apply or use a set of related knowledge, skills, and abilities required to successfully perform 'critical work functions' or tasks in a defined work setting. In many cases, the competencies outlined in this model are adapted from the APICS Operations Management Body of Knowledge (OMBOK) Framework. Acknowledgements The APICS Supply Chain Manager Competency Model was a research project undertaken by the APICS 2009 Future Leaders. They were supported by the 2009 Body of Knowledge Committee, the 2009 Voice of the Customer Committee, and staff in the Professional Development Division of APICS. In addition, APICS leaders and staff used public domain information obtained from the Competency Model Clearinghouse (www.Careeronestop.org) in the models creation. All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by the copyright herein may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems without written permission of the publisher. 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 3. Occupation-related Supply Chain Manager Specific requirements (Tier 7) includes requirements such as certi鍖cation, licensure, and specialized educational degrees, or physical and training requirements for Supply Chain Managers. Bachelors or Equivalent Degree Supply Chain Industry Association Membership Supply Chain-Specific Certification Supply Chain Manager Technical Competencies (Tier 6) are specific to the role of Supply Chain Manager. Locating Distribution Warehousing Logistics International Strategic Sourcing/ Management Management Facilities Regulations Supplier Relationship Customer Applying Lean/Six Profession-related Relationship Sigma Tools Supply Chain Manager Knowledge Areas (Tier 5) are broad knowledge areas used as a basis for specifying more detailed knowledge areas required for work as a Supply Chain Manager. Performance Warehouse Transportation Supply Chain Risk Sustainability Trade-offs Management Management Synchronization Management Operations Management Technical Competencies (Tier 4) represent the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by all occupations within operations management, including Supply Chain Manager. Strategy Development Supply Chain Process Improvement/ Execution, Planning, Project Lean Management Enabling Technology and Application Management Six Sigma Scheduling Control Management Application Workplace and Leadership Competencies (Tier 3) represent those skills and abilities that allow individuals to function in an organizational setting. Problem Solving/ Teamwork Accountability/ Customer Focus Planning and Con鍖ict Enabling Decision Making Responsibility (Internal and External) Organizing Management Technology Foundational Academic Competencies (Tier 2) are primarily learned in an academic setting, and include cognitive functions and thinking styles. Math, Statistics, Reading and Writing Applied Science Supply Chain Foundations of Fundamentals of Operations and Analytical Thinking for Comprehension and Technology Fundamentals Business Management Technology Enterprise Economics Personal Effectiveness Competencies (Tier 1) represent motives and traits as well as interpersonal and self-management styles and generally are applicable to a number of industries at a national level. Awareness of the Integrity Continuous Learning Effective Communication Interpersonal Skills Creativity Needs of Others 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 4. FOuNDATIONAL COMPETENCIES Personal Effectiveness Effective Communication Express information to individuals or groups Competencies (Tier 1) considering the audience and the nature of the Personal Effectiveness competencies represent information (e.g., technical or controversial); motives and traits as well as interpersonal and self- speak clearly and confidently; organize information management styles, and generally are applicable in a logical manner; speak using common English to any number of industries. conventions including proper grammar, tone and pace; track audience responses and react appropriately to Awareness of the Needs of Others those responses; effectively use eye contact and non- Understand others' business needs and goals. verbal expression. Have perspective into others points of view. Receive, attend to, interpret, understand, and respond Build rapport and credibility with colleagues. to verbal messages and other cues; pick out important Anticipate others needs and respond to their information in verbal messages; understand complex concerns and problems. instructions; appreciate feelings and concerns of verbal messages. Integrity Practice meaningful two-way communication by Demonstrate trustworthiness and professionalism speaking clearly, paying close attention and seeking in dealing with clients, peers, and team members. to understand others, listening attentively and Respond in a consistent manner to situations that clarifying information and attending to nonverbal require honesty and candor. cues and responding appropriately. Avoid conflicts between work and personal interests Influence others; persuasively present thoughts and or activities. ideas; gain commitment and ensure support for proposed ideas. Continuous Learning Demonstrate an interest in personal learning and Interpersonal Skills development; seek feedback from multiple sources Relate well to clients, colleagues, and team members. about how to improve and develop; modify behavior Maintain a positive, supportive, and appreciative based on feedback or self-analysis of past mistakes. attitude. Take steps to develop and maintain knowledge, Actively listen to others and demonstrate an skills, and expertise necessary to achieve positive understanding of their point of view. results; participate fully in relevant training programs Create an open environment that encourages people and actively pursue other opportunities to develop to work together to solve problems and improve knowledge and skills. practices and services. Anticipate changes in work demands and participate Explore and resolve conflicts as they arise. in assignments or training that address these Communicate clearly to avoid misunderstanding. changing demands; treat unexpected circumstances as opportunities to learn. Creativity Engage in personal career development by identifying Demonstrate intellectual curiosity about why things occupational interests, strengths, options, and are the way they are. Challenge the status quo. opportunities; make insightful career planning Change, elaborate, adapt, and improve own ideas decisions based on integration and consideration of or those of others. others feedback; seek out additional training to Demonstrate a bias towards action; materialize pursue career goals. thoughts into products or services. 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 5. FOuNDATIONAL COMPETENCIES Academic Competencies (Tier 2) materials, and components into a finished product that Academic competencies are primarily learned in an is delivered to the end customer. academic setting and include cognitive functions and Recognize the ways that supply chains link value chains. thinking styles. Foundations of Business Management Math, Statistics, and Analytical Thinking Understand all management activities carried out in Practice applied mathematics in collecting and the course of running an organization, including interpreting quantitative data. controlling, leading, monitoring, adjusting, organizing, Demonstrate the ability to scrutinize and break down and planning. facts and thoughts into their strengths and weaknesses. Analyze financial statements and explain the implications Develop the capacity to think in a careful and of standard financial ratios and all components of the discerning way, to solve problems, to analyze data, balance sheet and income statement. and to recall and apply information. Create interactive decision support models that allow the development of multiple scenarios and Reading and Writing for Comprehension demonstrate the sensitivity of outcome to multiple Understand what has been read; gather information independent variables. from a text. Calculate project and organizational cash flow forecasts; Demonstrate an understanding of material read by present value investment comparisons and risk-adjusted forming opinions and sharing personal experiences. return calculations. Apply the strategies of self-questioning, retelling, writing, Demonstrate knowledge of visual presentation summarizing, predicting and verifying, story mapping, techniques including charting, histograms, and flow role play, and responsiveness. sheets, as well as oral and written presentation techniques. Applied Science and Technology Practice basic business communications. Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that Understand fundamental organizational behavior. are considered important to the branch of knowledge or technology. Operations and Enterprise Economics Understand the use of technology and its interrelation Understand the importance of and demonstrate the ability with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon to take raw materials or knowledge and convert it into a such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied product or service that has more value to the customer science, and pure science. than the original material or data. Develop knowledge of specific tools and how they Determine the success or failure rate of a business affect a persons ability to adapt to and control his using financial accounting, incorporating terms and or her environment. techniques including: income; expense; cost of goods Demonstrate an ability to gain knowledge or sold; gross margin; balance sheet; return on assets; understanding to meet a specific, recognized need. inventory turns; capital asset management; and Possess knowledge that is sufficiently general, clearly cash management. conceptualized, carefully reasoned, systematically Employ the technique of break-even analysis, which organized, critically examined, and empirically tested finds the break-even point, the volume at which with regard to the specific science or technology. revenues exceed total costs. Find the Best Operating Level (BOL), the level of capacity Supply Chain Fundamentals for which a process was designed. This is the also volume Understand that supply and logistics is a system of output at which average unit cost is minimized. of organizations, people, technology, activities, Use cost accounting systems to keep track of all costs information, and resources involved in moving a of building products, labor, material, overhead, and product or service from supplier to customer. variances. These systems include activity-based costing Possess basic knowledge of supply chain activities, (ABC) and cost analysis and control. including transformation of natural resources, raw 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 6. FOuNDATIONAL COMPETENCIES Workplace and Leadership Practice good customer relations management and maintain a customer relations program. Competencies (Tier 3) Demonstrate ability able to balance the needs of the Workplace competencies represent those skills and organization and the needs of the customer. abilities that allow individuals to function in an organizational setting. Planning & Organizing Effectively plan what is to be achieved and involve all Problem Solving and Decision Making relevant staff members. Practice goal-directed thinking and action in situations Anticipate important or critical events, identifying for which no routine solutions exist. resource requirements and assigning responsibility Understand a problem situation and its step-by-step for specific work, including deadlines and transformation based on planning and reasoning. performance expectations. Demonstrate ability in choosing between alternative Demonstrate the use of information-gathering courses of action using cognitive processes such as techniques, analyzing situations and identifying memory, thinking, and evaluation. implications in order to make correct decisions. Demonstrate ability to map processes of likely Demonstrate ability to monitor progress and to make consequences of decisions, to work out the importance changes as required. of individual factors, and to choose the best course Ensure that staff is aware they will be accountable for of action. achieving the desired results through planned program evaluation and individual performance appraisal. Teamwork Ensure that staff is provided with the necessary tools Demonstrate a commitment to the mission and to succeed. motivation to combine the team's energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. Conflict Management Understand the dynamics of effective teamwork in Demonstrate ability to manage conflict by identifying and order to attain higher levels of team performance. handling conflicts in a sensible, fair, and efficient manner. Demonstrate ability to work as part of a tight-knit Demonstrate skill in effective communicating, problem and competent group of people. solving, and negotiating with a focus on party interests. Accountability and Responsibility Enabling Technology Demonstrate a willingness to accept responsibility Provide a means to generate giant leaps in performance or and accountability for ones actions. and capabilities of the user using equipment and Exhibit a moral, legal, or mental accountability in areas methodology. for which one is responsible. Possess knowledge of hardware and software Understand that these two workplace competencies are components which, when properly integrated, intertwined, and that both abilities must be present in enable a specific process to be realized. order to succeed. Understand that all technology enables something. Customer Focus (Internal & External) Understand this is an organizational orientation toward satisfying the needs of potential and actual customers. Ensure that the whole organization, and not just frontline service staff, puts its customers first. Ensure all activities, from the planning of a new product to its production, marketing, and after-sales care, are built around the customer. Understand that every department and every employee should share the same customer-focused vision. 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 7. PrOFESSION-rELATED COMPETENCIES Operations Management Technical and carrying these through to the problems, potential causes, and root causes of the problem. Competencies (Tier 4) Hold gains in process improvements by establishing Operations management technical competencies key performance measurements, benchmarking represent the knowledge, skills and abilities needed metrics, and continuous process improvement by all occupations within operations management, initiatives to improve process quality on continual basis. including supply chain managers. Strategy Development and Application Execution Planning, Scheduling, and Control Answer the questions: Where are we going? and Determine the need for material and capacity to How are we going to get there?, and create a address expected demand, execute the resulting specific and purposeful path when there are clear plans, and update planning and financial answers to these two questions. information to reflect the results of execution. Create a strategy based on the companys core Plan the management function by defining goals values, mission, and your vision. for future organizational performance and decide Determine core competencies, strategic challenges. on the tasks and resources needed to attain Develop goals, objectives and specific strategies to those goals. accomplish those goals. Schedule a timetable of events and decide when Create priorities once objectives are determined. and where certain events will occur. Deploy action plans throughout the organization. Control and check errors, taking any corrective Establish a process for aligning day-to-day action so that deviation from standards are decisions to the strategic plan. minimized and the stated goals of the organization are achieved in a desired manner. Supply Chain Management Demonstrate ability to manage the network of Project Management interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate Understand the discipline of planning, organizing, provision of product and service packages required and managing resources to bring about the by end customers. successful completion of specific project goals Understand that supply chain management spans and objectives. all movement and storage of raw materials, work- Achieve project goals and objectives while honoring in-process inventory, and finished goods from the project constraints, typically scope, time, point-of-origin to point-of-consumption. and budget. Optimize the allocation and integration of inputs Process Improvement/Six Sigma necessary to meet pre-defined objectives. Understand the systematic approach to closing Define the set of activities that use resources, of process or system performance gaps through such as money, people, materials, energy, space, streamlining and cycle time reduction, and identify provisions, communication, and motivation, to and eliminate causes of quality below specifications, achieve the project goals and objectives. process variation, and non-value-adding activities. Maintain company processes that afford optimum operation and enhance the companys quality management system. Demonstrate ability to visualize the total process and aid in locating problem areas using process mapping, quality improvement, and visualization tools to locate, quantify, and correct root causes of problems. Perform periodic evaluations to maintain processes by gathering pertinent information, such as problem symptoms from knowledgeable sources 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 8. PrOFESSION-rELATED COMPETENCIES Lean Management Identify and reduce or eliminate waste in all areas Warehouse Management of a supply chain. Control the movement and storage of materials Calculate the total system cost of delivering a within a warehouse. product or service to the customer. Apply a total systems approach to designing and Develop systems that allow employees to produce managing the entire flow of information, materials, perfect results by: and services from raw materials, suppliers, through Educating suppliers to create value for customers factories and warehouses, and finally to the customer. by streamlining processes in the value chain. Monitor the movement of products through a Using suppliers whose methods and core warehouse. competencies will align with lean requirements Provide and transform inputs into products and and developing long-term relationships with them. services, and link to the distribution network and Reducing or entirely eliminating the cost of local service providers that localize the product. changing from one product or service to another. Transportation Management Enabling Technology Application Manage transportation operations. Recognize that continuous process improvement Maximize freight loads while minimizing freight costs. is an accepted way of life in business and that few Ensure efficient use of transportation resources while companies lack a continuing quality or process meeting the needs of the customer. improvement effort. Integrate movement demands with vehicle resources. Implement improvement methods, such as business process reengineering, Total Quality Management Supply Chain Synchronization (TQM), Six Sigma, lean manufacturing, and Balance supply with demand, considering both lead time Theory of Constraints. and demand variability created by supply patterns not Understand that technology and process functionality matching demand patterns. has an interconnected relationship and that each Effectively collaborate and communicate with supply helps transform the other. chain members. Initiate process improvements that are enabled Integrate activities across organizations on the supply and supported by technology. chain by ensuring information visibility in inventory levels, anticipated productions, and material-in-transit. Supply Chain Manager Mitigate the bullwhip effect. Knowledge Areas (Tier 5) Supply chain manager knowledge areas are broad Risk Management knowledge areas that can be used as a basis for Accurately identify risks affecting supply, specifying more detailed knowledge areas required transformation, delivery, and customer demand. for work as a supply chain manager. Develop strategies, for example dual sourcing, buffering, forward buying, etc that minimize financial Performance Trade-Offs impact uncertainties, such as yields, timing, pricing, Design a responsive, agile and efficient supply chain that and catastrophic events. has the ability to: Effectively analyze the probability, control, and impact Meet the changing and diverse needs of customers. of risks identified. Manufacture and deliver a broad range of high- quality products and services in the shortest reliable lead times and in varying volumes to provide enhanced value to customer. Deliver high-quality products with short lead times at low cost. 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 9. PrOFESSION-rELATED COMPETENCIES Supply Chain Manager Technical Place high-turn items closest to packing and shipping areas, which will reduce picking, put-away times, and Competencies (Tier 6) transportation within the warehouse. Supply chain manager technical competencies are specific Select random locations when travel distances are not an to the role of supply chain manager. important consideration and when overall utilization of warehouse space is important. Locating Facilities Apply qualitative techniques when quantifiable data Logistics are not available or when measures for different criteria Obtain, produce, and distribute materials and products relevant to the logistics decisions are used. in the proper places and in the proper quantities. Apply quantitative techniques when solving logistic Apply logistics with the movement of personnel, as well problems, such as the designing of routes and the as the design and development, acquisition, storage, scheduling of vehicles. movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation, and Incorporate the transportation model to find the optimal disposition of material. allocation of sources of supply, typically Develop and implement a formal logistics strategy. plants, to meet demand at destinations in the network, typically warehouses. International Regulations Efficiently distribute products among suppliers, Comply with international regulations in decision manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, warehouses, making in the distribution system, including customs and customers through a logistics network. regulations on what is restricted from entering a country; Reach optimal efficiency of all vehicle assets within a trade tariffs and duties on imported goods; security network through a vehicle routing process. regulations, such as those contained in the 2007 SAFE Ports Act; and trade agreements, such as NAFTA or those Distribution of the European Union. Move material, usually one organization's finished goods Ensure the competitiveness of a country or protect a or service parts, from the manufacturer or distributor countrys distribution and manufacturing systems by downstream to the customer. incorporating international regulations. Transfer goods and services from the raw materials Effectively bring material into a free trade zone (FTZ). suppliers and producers to the end users or consumers. Consider import and export taxes, relative currency Choose shipping methods, considering the trade-offs valuation and volatility, and special agreements between between costs and benefits. cooperating countries when designing and operating a Apply the cross-docking technique when supply chain. bringing items into a distribution center for immediate dispatch. Strategic Sourcing/Supplier Relationship Divide truckloads of homogeneous items into Management smaller, more appropriate quantities for use by break- Effectively locate and source key materials suppliers, bulk handling. while analyzing the total cost associated with procuring Consolidate several items into larger units for fewer an item or service. handlings, for example placing items in boxes loaded Focus on developing and maintaining long-term relationships and wrapped as a pallet by unitization packaging. with trading partners who can help the purchaser meet profitability and customer satisfaction goals. Warehousing Integrate automation of request for quote (RFQ), request Receive, store, and ship materials to and from production for proposal (RFP), electronic auctioning, business-to- or distribution locations by incorporating warehousing business commerce (B2B), and contract management activities. processes when using a strategic Configure warehouses to have formal storage locations sourcing approach. that identify the row, rack section, level, and shelf Establish methods of meeting customer satisfaction goals. location, typically with an alphanumeric location bar code or label. 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 10. PrOFESSION-rELATED COMPETENCIES Customer Relationship Management Effectively collect and analyze sales and marketing information to understand and support existing and potential customer needs. Effectively link delivery and service with customer needs in the design process. Incorporate contract management and administration when holding suppliers and customers accountable for meeting the work specified in a contract. Evaluate contract responsiveness, negotiate changes to a contract, and ensure that contractors are compensated for products or services provided. Measure customer satisfaction and develop loyal customers by using performance metrics taken from the customers perspective, with criteria such as on-time delivery, perception of quality, percentage of complaints, and length of wait times. Applying Lean Tools/Six Sigma Establish improvement initiatives focused on the reduction or elimination of waste in all areas of the supply chain. Execute ways of eliminating unnecessary steps in product design, as well as aligning suppliers processes with the delivery schedules required for lean manufacturing. Demonstrate an understanding of unit acquisition cost by examining the total cost of ownership (TCO). Demonstrate the knowledge and experience to actively participate in Lean teams using tools such as: Just-in-Time Kaizen events Kanban Value Stream Mapping Demonstrate the knowledge and experience to actively participate in Six Sigma teams to define, measure, analyze, improve, and control processes (DMAIC). 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management
  • 11. OCCuPATION-rELATED COMPETENCIES Supply Chain Manager Specific Certifications Once the professional is in the workplace, it is desirable requirements (Tier 7) to obtain a supply chain specific certification. While Supply chain manager specific requirements such as there are a number of supply chain certifications related certification, licensure, and specialized educational to specific industries, general certifications include: degrees, or physical and training requirements for Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) supply chain managers. APICS The Association for Operations Management Post Secondary Education Certified in Production and Inventory The majority of supply chain management Management (CPIM) APICS The Association professionals hold post secondary degrees a for Operations Management Bachelor's or equivalent. Certified Professional in Supply Management While a number of supply chain professionals (CPSM) Institute of Supply Management have degrees related to supply chain or operations SCOR/P Supply Chain Council management, the majority hold degrees in other fields Certification in Transportation and Logistics (CTL) including, but not limited to, business, economics, American Society for Transportation engineering, or liberal arts studies. and Logistics Association Membership Professional association membership ensures that the supply chain professional is able to link into a network of practitioners to share best practices, develop their careers, and continue their professional education. There are a number of supply chain associations related to specific industries, including but not limited to: APICS The Association for Operations Management (APICS) Institute of Supply Management (ISM) Supply Chain Council (SCC) Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) American Society for Transportation and Logistics (ASTL) Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) 息2009 APICS The Association for Operations Management