This document contains profiles for 5 passengers boarding an Apis crew spaceship. Each profile lists the passenger's name, age, country, jobs, likes, and dislikes. The passengers come from countries like the USA, Japan, South Africa, Mexico, and Spain and have jobs as commanders, scientists, doctors, pilots, and an automatic helper. Their interests include various sports, hobbies, films, foods and activities.
2. Passenger # 1
Name, mark johnson
Age, 38
Country, USA
Job, commander,
Science doctor, electric
and robotics technician.
Likes, Playing basketball,
Playing videogames,
reading romance books,
eating hamburgers.
Doesn¡¯t like, insects,
broccoli, playing cards.
3. Passenger # 1
Name, ryu hikari
Age, 37
Country, japan
Job, commander,
Science doctor, electric
and robotics technician.
Likes, judo,
Playing the piano, horror
movies, eating sushi.
Doesn¡¯t like cats,
children, playing golf.
4. Passenger # 2
Name, Lorraine Djali
Age, 35
Country, south Africa
Job, medicine doctor,
Biologist, studies living
Likes, Playing basketball,
Going to the cinema,
reading mystery books,
eating vegetables.
Doesn¡¯t like, loud noises,
rainy days, cheese or meat.