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The Ultimate ASO Guide for:
App Store
ASO Guide
ASO, or App Store Optimization, is an essential strategy for
mobile businesses - the process of optimizing mobile apps and
games to maximize the visibility on the app stores and improve
the conversion rate to download.
What is ASO?
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
ASO Strategy
The App Store Optimization strategy consists in 3 main
1. Market & Keyword Research
2. Product page optimization & A/B testing
3. Tracking and monitoring
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
1. Market & Keyword
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
1. Keyword Research
This is most often the 1st step of the ASO process, carried out
even before launching an app / game.
Just like for SEO, keywords optimization is crucial in ASO and in
discoverability in Search & Explore.
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
a. Brainstorm the initial list of all the keywords related to
your app - what your app does, its main features, its in-app
purchases, its characters & gameplay if its a game. What
does your app solves? Whats its added value?
b. Amplify the list with suggestions - you can check them in
the App Store toolbar, or use a speci鍖c tool for keyword
research such as TheTool.
1. Keyword Research:
How to select the right keywords?
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
1. Keyword Research:
Keyword suggestions in TheTool
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
1. Keyword Research:
Keyword Density Spy in TheTool
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
1. Keyword Research:
How to identify the best keywords?
The best practice is to target mid / long-tailed keywords at
the beginning, i.e. combinations of keywords that have a high
enough traf鍖c & low competition.
You can usually 鍖nd this information within the research tool
you use, as its the case with TheTool.
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Product page
optimization & A/B
2. Product page optimization & A/B testing
The next important step is to work directly on the App Store
product page elements. There are two types of ranking factors
in ASO:
 On-metadata factors: app name, subtitle, description, icon, screenshots,
videos, promotional text, in-app purchase name, listing localization
 Off-metadata factors: downloads, user ratings & reviews
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
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The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
App Name
 One of the strongest ranking factors + an impact on
conversion rate
 Up to 30 characters
 Make it short & memorable + include core keywords
 Keywords included in the App Name perform twice as good as the ones
in the keywords 鍖eld.
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
 Summarize product + highlight best features
 Up to 30 characters
 Impacts keywords rankings: add keywords
 Appears on app snippets (everywhere) and has an impact
on CTR and on Conversion Rate
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
App Name & Subtitle
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
App name
This 鍖eld is limited to 100 characters, so follow the best
practices to make the most out of them:
 Dont include plural word forms if you already added the singular
 Separate words with commas and dont use spaces - Apple will mix
and match your keywords & create combinations to rank your app
 Dont include keywords already added in the App Name (it already
has the biggest weight for Search & Explore ranking)
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Keywords 鍖eld
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Keywords 鍖eld - How to edit it on App Store Connect
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
 Can only be updated when submitting a new version
 Up to 4.000 characters, but the 1st sentence is the most
important one (users dont need to click on read more to
see it)
 Does not impact keywords ranking but Conversion Rate
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Description - Our tips 
 Highlight key features, focus on uniqueness
 Be clear and concise, share the core values of your app / game
 Use the brands tone to communicate with your target audience
 Mention your awards (or keep it for the Promotional Text for more highlight)
 No keyword stuf鍖ng
 Avoid mentioning prices - might not be accurate for all countries
 Localize your description!
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Promotional Text
 On top of the description, can be updated anytime
 Up to 170 characters
 Does not impact keywords ranking but Conversion Rate
 Include special offers, promotions, latest news or
upcoming features
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Developer Name
 Below the Description 鍖eld  hardly has any effect on
Conversion Rate
 A positive historic record can have a great impact on
rankings + help appear on Featured
 Affects Search
 Cant be changed
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
 First element that users see when
searching or browsing the store
 Has a strong effect on click-through
rate & conversion rate
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Icon - Our tips 
 Make it simple & recognizable - it should give a clear idea of what the app is about
 Dont overload it - work with simple forms & harmonized colors
 Think of scalability - your icon should be visible in any size
 Follow the overall style of the app
 Match your icon not to create confusion
 Avoid text
 A / B test different icons to identify the best performing one
 Test your icon with different background - with the new iOS 13 dark mode,
your icon should be visible in clear AND dark mode
 Read more: App Icon: 17 Ultimate Tips to Improve It + Tools to Create It
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
App Previews (Video)
 Up to 3 preview videos (max. 30 sec. each), displayed
before screenshots
 Encourage users to visit the product page
 Autoplay on mute - a strong on-metadata factor
 Show app experience in an attractive, clear way
with visual explanations of the features
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
App Previews (Video)
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
App Previews (Video) - Our tips 
 Show real experience - use footage captured on device, avoid overproducing
 Focus on the 鍖rst videos, the one that will autoplay
 Make the 鍖rst seconds really compelling - catch users attention and convince them to watch
the whole video + go to the product page
 Get the audience excited - showcase the app / games best features
 Use copy & CTA to drive interest + provide explanation for when autoplayed
 Dont forget about localization - provide narration & copy on
different languages
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
 Important on-metadata factor for CTR & Conversion Rate
 Up to 10 screenshots (at least 1 per localization)
 Displayed right after video previews: highlight main
features + provide details
 Aim to convince users to download the app
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Localizing screenshots is very important when making
an app / game available in different countries!
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Screenshots - Our tips 
 Display the best features on the 鍖rst 2 screenshots
 Preferably work with portrait orientation so the users can see 2 screenshots in Search results
instead of just 1
 Follow the design of your app to be consistent
 Make the most of the 10 screenshots possibles
 Work on a challenging copy to encourage users to install your app
 Showcase special offers & promos
 Mention any award you might have
 A / B test your screenshots to know what works best!
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
Ratings & Reviews
 The all-time ratings are displayed on
the product page + users reviews and
the developers answers are quite
 Apps ratings appear on Search - its
important to take care of users
experience & ensure their positive
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
2. Optimizing App Store product page:
A / B testing
 Use A / B testing to 鍖nd out what provides your app with
the best Conversion Rate
 With A / B testing, traf鍖c is sent to 2 different versions of
the product page to determine which works best
 Crucial to ASO + only way to know the most effective
content in attracting users
 Tools: Testnest, SpliteMetrics, Storemaven
 Common mistakes in A / B testing - Make sure you avoid them!
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
3. Tracking
& Monitoring
3. Monitoring the results
It is vital to check on your KPIs on a regular basis:
 Keywords rankings
 Top charts rankings
 Reviews & ratings
 Conversion Rate to visit / download
 Volume of organic downloads
Keep in mind that to be successful, it is crucial to
have a great product, i.e. a quality app.
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
Final thoughts
The App Store has gone & is still going through many changes.
Its important you keep everything in mind & stay up to date.
Always work on your strategy to improve rankings, convince
users to download your app & drive more organic installs.
Happy optimizing!
The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
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The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
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The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE

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App Store Optimization (ASO) - 2020 Ultimate Guide for Apple App Store (iOS 13)

  • 1. The Ultimate ASO Guide for: App Store ASO Guide iOS updated
  • 2. ASO, or App Store Optimization, is an essential strategy for mobile businesses - the process of optimizing mobile apps and games to maximize the visibility on the app stores and improve the conversion rate to download. What is ASO? The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 3. ASO Strategy The App Store Optimization strategy consists in 3 main processes: 1. Market & Keyword Research 2. Product page optimization & A/B testing 3. Tracking and monitoring The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 4. 1. Market & Keyword Research The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 5. 1. Keyword Research This is most often the 1st step of the ASO process, carried out even before launching an app / game. Just like for SEO, keywords optimization is crucial in ASO and in discoverability in Search & Explore. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 6. a. Brainstorm the initial list of all the keywords related to your app - what your app does, its main features, its in-app purchases, its characters & gameplay if its a game. What does your app solves? Whats its added value? b. Amplify the list with suggestions - you can check them in the App Store toolbar, or use a speci鍖c tool for keyword research such as TheTool. 1. Keyword Research: How to select the right keywords? The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 7. 1. Keyword Research: Keyword suggestions in TheTool The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 8. 1. Keyword Research: Keyword Density Spy in TheTool The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 9. 1. Keyword Research: How to identify the best keywords? The best practice is to target mid / long-tailed keywords at the beginning, i.e. combinations of keywords that have a high enough traf鍖c & low competition. You can usually 鍖nd this information within the research tool you use, as its the case with TheTool. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 10. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE 2. Product page optimization & A/B testing
  • 11. 2. Product page optimization & A/B testing The next important step is to work directly on the App Store product page elements. There are two types of ranking factors in ASO: On-metadata factors: app name, subtitle, description, icon, screenshots, videos, promotional text, in-app purchase name, listing localization Off-metadata factors: downloads, user ratings & reviews The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 12. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 13. Want more downloads? START FREE TRIAL NOW The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 14. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: App Name One of the strongest ranking factors + an impact on conversion rate Up to 30 characters Make it short & memorable + include core keywords Keywords included in the App Name perform twice as good as the ones in the keywords 鍖eld. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 15. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Subtitle Summarize product + highlight best features Up to 30 characters Impacts keywords rankings: add keywords Appears on app snippets (everywhere) and has an impact on CTR and on Conversion Rate The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 16. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: App Name & Subtitle The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE App name Subtitle
  • 17. This 鍖eld is limited to 100 characters, so follow the best practices to make the most out of them: Dont include plural word forms if you already added the singular Separate words with commas and dont use spaces - Apple will mix and match your keywords & create combinations to rank your app Dont include keywords already added in the App Name (it already has the biggest weight for Search & Explore ranking) The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Keywords 鍖eld
  • 18. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Keywords 鍖eld - How to edit it on App Store Connect
  • 19. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Description Can only be updated when submitting a new version Up to 4.000 characters, but the 1st sentence is the most important one (users dont need to click on read more to see it) Does not impact keywords ranking but Conversion Rate The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 20. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Description - Our tips Highlight key features, focus on uniqueness Be clear and concise, share the core values of your app / game Use the brands tone to communicate with your target audience Mention your awards (or keep it for the Promotional Text for more highlight) No keyword stuf鍖ng Avoid mentioning prices - might not be accurate for all countries Localize your description! The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 21. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Promotional Text On top of the description, can be updated anytime Up to 170 characters Does not impact keywords ranking but Conversion Rate Include special offers, promotions, latest news or upcoming features The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 22. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Developer Name Below the Description 鍖eld hardly has any effect on Conversion Rate A positive historic record can have a great impact on rankings + help appear on Featured Affects Search Cant be changed The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 23. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Icon First element that users see when searching or browsing the store Has a strong effect on click-through rate & conversion rate The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 24. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Icon - Our tips Make it simple & recognizable - it should give a clear idea of what the app is about Dont overload it - work with simple forms & harmonized colors Think of scalability - your icon should be visible in any size Follow the overall style of the app Match your icon not to create confusion Avoid text A / B test different icons to identify the best performing one Test your icon with different background - with the new iOS 13 dark mode, your icon should be visible in clear AND dark mode Read more: App Icon: 17 Ultimate Tips to Improve It + Tools to Create It The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 25. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: App Previews (Video) Up to 3 preview videos (max. 30 sec. each), displayed before screenshots Encourage users to visit the product page Autoplay on mute - a strong on-metadata factor Show app experience in an attractive, clear way with visual explanations of the features The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 26. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: App Previews (Video) The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 27. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: App Previews (Video) - Our tips Show real experience - use footage captured on device, avoid overproducing Focus on the 鍖rst videos, the one that will autoplay Make the 鍖rst seconds really compelling - catch users attention and convince them to watch the whole video + go to the product page Get the audience excited - showcase the app / games best features Use copy & CTA to drive interest + provide explanation for when autoplayed Dont forget about localization - provide narration & copy on different languages The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 28. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Screenshots Important on-metadata factor for CTR & Conversion Rate Up to 10 screenshots (at least 1 per localization) Displayed right after video previews: highlight main features + provide details Aim to convince users to download the app The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 29. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Screenshots Localizing screenshots is very important when making an app / game available in different countries! The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 30. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Screenshots - Our tips Display the best features on the 鍖rst 2 screenshots Preferably work with portrait orientation so the users can see 2 screenshots in Search results instead of just 1 Follow the design of your app to be consistent Make the most of the 10 screenshots possibles Work on a challenging copy to encourage users to install your app Showcase special offers & promos Mention any award you might have A / B test your screenshots to know what works best! The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 31. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: Ratings & Reviews The all-time ratings are displayed on the product page + users reviews and the developers answers are quite visible Apps ratings appear on Search - its important to take care of users experience & ensure their positive feedback The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 32. 2. Optimizing App Store product page: A / B testing Use A / B testing to 鍖nd out what provides your app with the best Conversion Rate With A / B testing, traf鍖c is sent to 2 different versions of the product page to determine which works best Crucial to ASO + only way to know the most effective content in attracting users Tools: Testnest, SpliteMetrics, Storemaven Common mistakes in A / B testing - Make sure you avoid them! The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 33. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE 3. Tracking & Monitoring
  • 34. 3. Monitoring the results It is vital to check on your KPIs on a regular basis: Keywords rankings Top charts rankings Featurings Reviews & ratings Conversion Rate to visit / download Volume of organic downloads Revenue COMPETITORS Keep in mind that to be successful, it is crucial to have a great product, i.e. a quality app. The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
  • 35. Final thoughts The App Store has gone & is still going through many changes. Its important you keep everything in mind & stay up to date. Always work on your strategy to improve rankings, convince users to download your app & drive more organic installs. Happy optimizing! The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE
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  • 37. Thank you! The Ultimate ASO Guide for APP STORE