This planning chart provides examples of effective learning strategies that can be applied in the workplace. It lists strategies such as building on existing roles to support growth, planning achievable challenging activities, modeling positive learning, using rich language, encouraging peer support, utilizing indoor and outdoor environments, and using observations to improve organization, management and resources. The chart also prompts the user to consider how they might evaluate strategies and develop further leadership activities.
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Appendix b for_st18_activity_7
1. Appendix B
Planning chart
Effective learning (examples) Strategies in workplace How I might evaluate this Leadership activity I might develop
Building on the role parents have
adopted in supporting the growth and
development of their children
Planning ‘experiences and activities that
are challenging and achievable’
Modelling positive approaches to
Engaging children in sustained
conversation, using rich language
Encouraging children to support one
another’ learning
Using environment to promote learning
both indoors and outdoors
Using observations of children’ learning
to identify areas for improvement in
terms of organisation, management,
extending resources