The document discusses mobile application management solutions and Apperian's EASE platform. It notes that while organizations recognize the productivity benefits of mobile workflows, securing corporate data on personal devices remains a challenge. EASE aims to empower users while maintaining security. It provides a single admin console for managing app sourcing, inspection, distribution and updates across devices. The platform scales easily and supports bringing your own devices through a catalog app and HTML5 version. It also includes developer tools and user features like search, ratings and single sign-on.
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Apperian Ease Datasheet
1. the the
IT is recognizing the productivity potential of workforce mobility, but struggle with finding a liberate your
Apperians Mobile App
management platform, EASE速,
solution to both empower users and simultaneously secure data. The efforts of deploying COMPANYthe
puts the users first, not
custom-built apps to a workforce often are underestimated beyond initial pilots. BYOD, the
- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --- device. With EASE, workers get
latest mobile trend, presents additional challenges and leaves device-based solutions
- ---- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---
an easy-to-use App catalog,
ineffective from a legal and security standpoint. Organizations today are looking for the next developers get tools to create
step in their mobile strategy. and deploy enterprise-class
Apps and IT gets a way manage
it all securely.
-------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
ease for it ease for developers ease for workers
The EASE platform was built from the The EASE SDK provides a continually The Apperian EASE Catalog looks and feels
ground up to be a full-service, cloud-based growing set of enterprise-class functions similar to native mobile App stores with
mobile app management solution for to support Native and 3rd party apps. intuitive ways to sort, search and install the
organization of all sizes. Everything IT EASE also makes it easy for developers to corporate Apps they need. Only the Apps
needs to manage all aspects of sourcing, manage the lifecycle stages of building available to each user will be displayed in
inspecting, protecting, managing & an app from beta testing to full their catalog, based on their roles.
publishing apps is provided in one unified deployment to thousands of users with
IT Admin console. Targeted app security one-click App publishing.
allows IT to support BYOD easily on iOS and
Android devices. Turn this page up to view more features
2. ease for it ease for developers ease for workers
The platform is cloud based and The EASE SDK gives developers a The EASE catalog is a
scales effortlessly. No hardware, number of capabilities that may simple-to-use App designed for
no worries. be integrated into their corporate users to find and install their
Apps including notifications, corporate mobile Apps. The
version checking and forced App catalog can be branded with your
APP INSPECTION & updates. companys colors and logo.
Create self-protecting apps with APP LIFE CYCLE SEARCH &
App Wrapping powered by MANAGEMENT
Mocana to defend against CATEGORIES
malicious code and people. Code Behind the scenes, developers
Just like the native App store on
inspection gives an x-ray view into can use the EASE platform to
mobile devices, the EASE catalog
apps to understand their behavior manage the development stages
has all the familiar capabilities,
and identify malware. of App. Beta users can be invited
such as filtering by category and
to download a new App, hiding it
from the corporate Catalog of live
Managing hundreds or thousands
of mobile users and their apps is
ONE-CLICK Users can express their opinions
no small task, but EASE makes it a
breeze with a web-based admin PUBLISHING and provide feedback as well as
portal. submit ideas for new apps and
EASE hides the logistics of getting
features to developers directly
new Apps and updates published
within the App Catalog.
into the catalog.
Rather than having to wipe an CONTENT DELIVERY APPS
entire device if it is lost or stolen
or if a worker leaves the SDK Both personal and corporate Apps
company, IT can remotely remove This powerful feature is available can live on the same device with
only the corporate Apps, leaving for developers to integrate into no special software required to
all personal Apps and data their applications. (see Content give IT access to manage just the
untouched. Delivery for users) work Apps.
Users wont have to sift through
The EASE platform will every corporate App in the
There is no need to maintain a
automatically manage App catalog, instead will only see the
separate user directory within
versioning and alert users to new Apps available to them based on
EASE. Users will be able to access
updates. New updates may also their role.
the Catalog and corporate apps
be forced to ensure all users have
using the same username and
the latest version of an App.
password they do for other IT
In addition to Apps being in the
SECURITY& SSO catalog, EASE can also store
Developers can confidently non-App content, such as PDFs,
DEVICE SUPPORT secure their apps with routines Office files, videos and more. This
that are tied to the corporate content may be made available
The EASE catalog App is available
directory. SSO support also directly through the EASE Catalog
on the most popular mobile
provides a better user experience. or programmatically through an
devices running iOS, Android &
App. The benefit to this is that
Blackberry. There is also a
content may be stored externally
dynamic HTML5-based version of USER FEEDBACK from the App allowing it to be
the catalog for users who dont
The EASE Catalog provides for updated without forcing an App
have the EASE Catalog App
users to communicate directly update. Additionally,
installed. See the Apperian
with developers when they have non-developers can update the
website for the most up-to-date list
questions, problems or content easily without the help of
of supported devices and OSs.
suggestions developers.