This document provides an outline and details of the National R&R Application for the Best External Relations Award by AIESEC FTU HCMC for the period of July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2014. It summarizes the applicant's work in supporting exchange programs through partnerships that provided over $8,000 in cash and in-kind sponsorships. It also describes efforts to sustain local committee finances through venue and cash partnerships totaling over $10,000, maintain customer relationship management systems, collaborate with other functions and local committees, and make national contributions to AIESEC.
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[AIESEC FTU HCM] National R&R - Best External Relation Award
2. Support Exchange Function
Sustain LCs Finance
Customer Relation Management
Collaborate with other functions
and LCs
National Contribution
3. Support Xchange Function
1. iChange Project
2 partners : Vietnam Australia
International School, Vietnamese
American School System and Hoa
Sen high school
$7500 in cash
1200 students engaged
2. iChange Summer Camp
3 partners: Avenue to Success, ERC
International, Luxe Dai Phat, Banh
Bong Lan Xiu Mai
1 venue partner (ERC) for 2 big
events of Summer Camp: Information
Seminar & Maturity Day
$550 cash sponsor from ATS
$133 food sponsor from Luxe Dai
Phat and Banh Bong Lan Xiu Mai
4. Support Xchange Function
3. Hope for Children
3 partners: Quy Doanh Nhan vi Cong
Dong, Tu thien anh sang and Nielsen
$150 in cash
200 pens, 100 notebooks and 300
books sponsored
Logistic sponsor (media, filming,
banner) from Tu Thien Anh Sang
4 shelters to set partnership for event
with Nielsen and for classes
4. Vietnam 3D
3 partners: Coi Viet, Tap chi Du
lich va Giai Tri, Yola
Official media sponsor from Tap
Chi Du Lich va Giai Tri
$4500 scholarship sponsor from
Yola Institution
Consultancy from Coi Viet Ltd.
5. Support Xchange Function
5.Global Citizen
3 partners: LIN, Wall Street English
and BMG
200 pens, 100 notebooks and 300
books sponsored
2 partners: American
International School, BMG
Venue partner from AiS
$705 scholarship sponsor from
Culture Exchange Day
2 partners engaged as guest
speaker to increase brand
credibility: Dana R.H. Doan -
Consultant at LIN CENTER &
William Hamson Wong - Director
of Wall Street English Vietnam
$700 scholarship sponsor from
Do Good, Grow Strong Conference
6. Sustain LCs Finance
2 venue partners are reraised
(Equest, TGM)
6 long-term venue partners (Equest,
Yola, ERC, Thu quan doanh Nhan,
On the way of signing contract:
Aten, Action English
7. Sustain LCs Finance
Cash and In-kind
$8333 in cash
$6038 inkind sponsor
More than 16 partners are engaged in
LCs activities
8. Revise venue partnership
system more user-friendly
and effective
Adjust benefits of venue
partner for win-win deal
Create customer experience
delivery on spreadsheet to
keep track service delivery
Create excel version and send
to partners to keep updated
service delivery
Customer Relation Management
9. Podio is usually updated.
Podio rules are regularly
Join partners events to
enhance customer relation
Send cards and flowers on
special days
Customer Relation Management
10. Collaborate with other functions and LCs
Collaborate with iGiP to
conduct sales training for
sales members in LC and for
account utility
4 big sales training with
engagement of alumni: Le
Hoang Long, Jancy Nguyen,
Bui Huong Giang, Linh Le,
Nguyen Khanh An
11. Collaborate with LC HCMC in
terms of venue partnership
with Yola
Introduce AIESEC in Ha Noi
region to Yola in Ha Noi
Learn from AIESEC FTU HN
about customer delivery keep
track tool
Collaborate with other functions and LCs
12. Contribution on National
Implement new strategy
making proposal
Engage sales people to
participate in National sales
National Contribution