An embedded system is a combination of computer hardware and software designed for a specific function and embedded within the device it operates. Examples of embedded systems include appliances like dishwashers, microwaves, and cell phones. A smart card is a small electronic device about the size of a credit card that contains memory and an embedded integrated circuit. Smart cards are used for applications like banking, mobile communications, ID verification, and access control.
2. An embedded system is some combination of
computer hardware and software, either fixed in
capability , that is specifically designed for a
particular function.
and embedded within the equipment which it
Examples: Dishwashers, stoves, videos, remote
controls, toys, toasters, cell phones, microwave
ovens, automobiles (electric windows, ignitions,
airbags, brakes, suspensions )
dikshant ghimire
4. A small electronic device about size of a credit card that
contains electronic memory and possibly an embedded
Integrated Circuit (IC).
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