The accident in Harwich/GB caused by the DFDS Seaways-ferry Sirena Seaways on June 22, 2013 together with the DFDS Annual Report's lines on a new Social Media Strategy (p.45 and 60) made me come up with some case studies and some suggestions for a possible new strategy. I hope that DFDS Seaways listens and acts ;-) ...
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A New Social Media Strategy at DFDS Seaways
1. 息 Dennis M. Tomiola, 2013 v1.1 25-Jun-13
A Draft Social Media
Strategy for !
3. Settings!
DFDSs Annual report 2012:
Communications with passengers!
DFDS puts high emphasis on informing all
passengers about the various important matters of
their journey. () Developments range from service
calls prior to departure to increased social media
presence that help to ful鍖ll DFDS responsibility of
informing passengers on all matters of importance.
The approach to social media is decentralized
and country speci鍖c, supported by an
overarching DFDS social media guideline that
ensures consistency across markets. (p.60)
4. Settings!
DFDSs Annual report 2012:
DFDS and Corporate Responsibility!
Plans for 2013/2014:
Development of social media strategy (p.45)
5. Status quo!
DFDSs decentralized Social Media Channels:
≒ DFDS Seaways Danmark
≒ DFDS Seaways UK
≒ DFDS Seaways Nederland
≒ DFDS Seaways NO
≒ DFDS Seaways Eesti
≒ DFDS Seaways Deutschland
≒ DFDS Seaways Sverige
≒ DFDS Seaways LT
≒ DFDS Logistics
6. Status quo!
DFDSs decentralized Social Media Channels:
@ DFDS Seaways (German Channel)
@ DFDS Seaways (discontinued GB-Channel)
@ DFDS Seaways UK (new GB-Channel)
@ DFDS Seaways (Dutch Channel)
@ DFDS Seaways (Af鍖liate Program Channel)
@ DFDS Seaways (Baltic Channel)
@ DFDS Logistics (Logistics Program)
@ DFDS Rotterdam (Transport News from ROT)
12. Case study!
International Airline from Scandinavia
International Ferry Company from Scandinavia
Main Countries involved
3 - (DA, NO, SE)
10 - (DA, NO, SE, DE, GB, FR, NL, LT, RU, EE)
3 - (plus the destination countries)
at least 10 - (plus the cargo destinations)
Type of Company
was decentralized (now more centralized)
Social Media Approach
Central (from Stockholm)
Decentral (from all Countries)
Social Media Channels
1 per Medium
(Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram,
Several per Medium
(everybody does what he wants)
Language used in
Communication with Users/
mainly English
(but also Danish, Norwegian, Swedish)
all involved languages
Personnel for Social Media
2-3 (from 8am-10pm)
(in times of crisis, an extended Social-
Media-team is inforced in order to give an
extended Customer Service)
many (only during local business hours)
(at least one person in each country)
13. Case study!
Social Media is used for
≒ Special O鍖ers
(both local and global)
≒ Tra鍖c/Flight Information
≒ Customer Contact/Service
≒ Emergency Communication
≒ Getting Social with Passengers (Photos,
Videos, Quizes, etc.)
≒ Special O鍖ers
(only local, country-speci鍖c)
≒ Tra鍖c/Ferry Information
≒ Customer Contact/Service
≒ very limited Emergency Communication
≒ Getting Social with Passengers (Photos,
Videos, Quizes, etc.)
Way of communicating with
passengers via Social
Media in emergency
≒ pro-active
≒ fast
≒ informative
≒ cross-medial
≒ Customer Center works closely together
with Social Media folks in order to give
best Customer Support
≒ defensive re-acting
≒ rather slow
≒ rather limited information to customers
≒ mostly linking to website and telling people to
call Customer Center
*See also: Strategisk bruk av Sosiale Medier i SAS, presentation made by Christian Kamhaug, former Head of Social Media at SAS,
March 21, 2012
14. Case study EmCom*!
DFDS Communication via Social Media in an
Emergency Situation
M/F SIRENA SEAWAYS hitting the dock in Harwich
Saturday, June 22, 2013, @12:00pm
≒ Ferry and Dock badly damaged
≒ 489 Passengers stuck on Ferry, nobody injured
≒ Many Passengers stuck in Harwich and Esbjerg
≒ Cancelled departures from DK and GB until 28/6
*Emergency Communication!
15. Case study EmCom!
SAT 12:00* M/F SIRENA SEAWAYS hits the dock
SAT 13:49*
First comment from Passengers on "
SAT 16:37* First re-action of DFDS on GB-Facebook
*Local British Time is used!
16. Case study EmCom!
SAT 18:32 Passengers asking for news via GB-FB
SAT 18:45 (19:45 CEST) First information on Danish
SAT 20:19 First short answer from DFDS on GB-FB
SENEST OPDATERET: 22/06/2013 kl. 19:45.
For seneste opdatering om skibsinformation ring p奪 3342 3000 (hverdage ml. 9-17)
17. Case study EmCom!
SUN 11:54 (12:54 CEST) First and only pro-active
information on Danish
18. Case study EmCom!
≒ was not used pro-actively
≒ UK-Facebook reacted 鍖rst after 4遜 hours
≒ DK-Facebook reacted 鍖rst after almost 23 hours
with one single active posting
≒ very limited information and communication "
with Passengers
≒ DFDS relying on Passengers taking a look on "
≒ no coordinated information/EmCom via Facebook
(due to decentral Social Media strategy!)
≒ was not used at all!
19. Case study EmCom!
Passengers are angry with DFDS,
because they have to ask for
information on Social Media
22. Draft Strategy!
How should DFDS use Social Media?!
Basically The DFDS way:!
≒ Pro-actively in Emergency Situation (to decrease
negative mentions in online conversations)
≒ As an addition to (not replacement of) existing
Customer Support via Phone, Chat and Mail
≒ Work on your Customer Support through quick
action or reaction
≒ Show that you care for your Customers in good
and bad times make people feel happy, when
they talk to DFDS on Social Media
23. Draft Strategy!
How should DFDS use Social Media?!
≒ Establish DFDS as an active and trustworthy
company in online conversations
≒ Making mistakes is OK, nobody is perfect!
≒ Saying I dont know right now is OK
≒ Ask for Peoples advice
≒ Social Media is not free spend some money
and ressources on them
≒ Use your Users to make DFDS even better!
≒ Analyse and follow-up Campaigns/Channels!
24. Draft Strategy!
How can this be achieved?!
≒ Think of some centralized areas within your
Social Media Appearance (i.e. EmCom)
≒ Let Social Media folks across DFDS work
closer together
≒ Have Marketing folks (or someone who has
knowledge about this) analyse and follow up
≒ Create synergies / more similar Common
Guidelines for DFDS use of Social Media
People are using Social Media think of Social
Media as a quick way to contact Passengers,
also when Call Center is not manned
26. Draft Strategy!
In General!
≒ Find your Social Media enthusiasts"
(鍖nd them in the Customer Services)
≒ Set one or two People in every country to work
with/on all Social Media Channels every day
(have them on std-by Sat/Sun!)
≒ Ensure quick responses via Social Media
≒ Have an Emergency Support Team ready!
≒ Get online on the yet missing Social Media
Channels and connect the Channels with each
other (i.e. Instagram w. Facebook & Twitter)
≒ Create similar Guidelines to all (i.e. how you
want to talk to people)
27. Draft Strategy!
DFDS on Facebook!
(Customer Support / Broadcast Channel)!
≒ Offer an excellent and extended Customer
Support (i.e. 8-22) have a backup person in
every Customer Call Center, if something goes
wrong or speci鍖c information is needed
≒ Post local and DFDS-wide Offers"
(you can also add other local Offers across the
National webpages i.e. DK-GB Offers might
be interesting for People in the Baltic)
≒ Post job vacancies
≒ Give travel hints for all relevant countries
≒ Videos & Pictures from Users and inside DFDS
28. Draft Strategy!
DFDS on Twitter!
(Customer Support / Broadcast Channel)!
≒ Get a DK, SE and NO Twitter-Channel!
≒ Perfect way to offer an quick, excellent and
extended Customer Support (i.e. 8-22)
≒ Post job vacancies
≒ Press news
≒ News and Campaigns
29. Draft Strategy!
DFDS on Youtube!
(Broadcast Channel)!
≒ Show Product Movies
≒ Special Offers / Adverts as seen on TV
≒ DFDS Behind the Scene Movies
(I do not know, how the Movies are produced, if on a
separate national basis or one-for-all, and if you have them
internally or externally produced but, if possible, you could
create some synergies here, too!)
already achieved
30. Draft Strategy!
DFDS on Google+!
(Broadcast Channel)!
≒ Show Pictures of DFDS-ferries, Destinations,
≒ Make announcements like you would do as on
≒ Mostly same content as on Facebook, but not
as detailed as on FB
≒ Monitor/Follow discussions/comments from
31. Draft Strategy!
DFDS on Instagram!
(Broadcast Channel)!
≒ Show Pictures of DFDS-ferries
≒ Pictures of Destinations
≒ Pictures of DFDS-coworkers
≒ Create Picture Contests with various topics
≒ Get People involved with DFDS in a Social
32. Draft Strategy!
DFDS on Pinterest!
(Broadcast Channel)!
≒ is not used so commonly
≒ Mostly Pictures/Photos as eye-catcher
≒ Pin to other Ferry- or Tourist/Travel-related
pages (VisitDenmark, etc.)
34. Draft Strategy!
In General!
≒ Create a Social Media Team that works "
across the countries and on all Channels
≒ Set People to work with/on all Social Media
Channels every day (and have at least one
person on stand-by Sat/Sun!)
≒ Ensure quick responses via Social Media
≒ Have an Emergency Support Team ready!
≒ Get online on the yet missing Social Media
Channels and connect the Channels with each
other (i.e. Instagram w. Facebook & Twitter)
35. Draft Strategy!
In General!
≒ Create Common Guidelines to be followed by
all (i.e. how you want to talk to people)
≒ Follow the same channel-speci鍖c outlines as
mentioned earlier
≒ Use Social Media more aggressive than
you used it until now!
36. Draft Strategy!
Is one single Social Media Team better than
several on a national basis?"
(in emergency situations it might be better with
one single person/team, because you can
react faster to peoples need for information
and do not need to have two (or more) teams
doing and writing the same!)
37. Draft Strategy!
Which values and attitudes does DFDS want to
re鍖ect on Social Media and in general?"
How would you like to be recognized as by
your Customers?"
(is DFDS just a multi-national Ferry Company
with no speci鍖c home or does DFDS have
some speci鍖c roots, i.e. does DFDS want to be
recognized as a speci鍖c Danish/Scandinavian
38. Draft Strategy!
No matter what you decide or what way you
choose for your future Social Media Strategy
all of your decisions will be noticed by your
customers! They will be the 鍖rst to give you
thumbs up or thumbs down
39. Draft Strategy!
Some Expected Results of a new and improved
DFDS Seaways Social Media Approach!
≒ More satis鍖ed Customers"
(because of an improved Customer Support!)
≒ More traf鍖c to your Websites
≒ A stronger brand amongst Customers
≒ Less negative mentions in online conversations
≒ Growing passenger rates in the future?