This document outlines how literature should be taught in language arts classes. It recommends using literature to teach reading and language arts skills, as literature emphasizes their connections and engages students. It presents themes to explore like appreciating oneself and linking with the world. Literature should be taught based on Philippine works from different periods rather than by genre. Informative texts can complement literary works by expanding themes and teaching media literacy. A communicative grammar approach is advocated using elicitation, generalization, practice, and expansion. Culminating student performances should integrate study strategies and balance individual and group work.
5. Literature
ï‚— Literature for Language Arts,
Language Arts through Literature.
ï‚— The teaching of reading and the other language
arts must be done in the context of good
literature. Not only does literature emphasize the
connectedness of the various language arts, it also
provides opportunities for greater personal
involvement and thus develops the student’s
lifelong interest in and ownership of learning
7. Literature Based. . .
Not Genre Focused
ï‚—Philippine Literature in English in Four
ï‚—The traditions and aspirations of the
Filipino people
8. The Use of Informative Texts as
Parallel Texts
ï‚—To enrich/expand thematic focus
ï‚—To link students to current affairs,
issues and concerns
ï‚—To teach media literacy
ï‚—Philippine Folklore in Translation
ï‚—Period of Apprenticeship (1925-1945)
ï‚—Period of Emergence (1946-1972)
ï‚—Contemporary Period (1973-present)
11. Focus on
Common Areas
of Diificulty in
ï‚—Common errors
included in standard
English proficiency
12. Use of Culminating Performance
ï‚—Typically weaves study strategies,
especially for information
ï‚—Balance between individual and
cooperative learning
Literature in
English in Four
Informative Text
(Basic Grammar
Points based on
the competencies
and Common
Approach to
ve Approach
16. L inking life, literature,
and language
I ntegrating themes, texts,
and tasks
G aining mastery of language
forms and rules of usage
H oning independent study
T hinking through a variety
of texts and tasks
#2: What else do we need to knowwhen we teach the Grade 7 LANGUAGE ARTS Program? Well, the Instructional Context.
#5: Let’s look at the dynamism of the three Olympic rings. First, the three most important L’s. LIFE. It has to be life-likeLITERATURE. It is an enduring expression of significant human experiences captured in words that are well-chosen and well-arranged.After the training in PISAY, mas naging ma-eL ako... Joke. Their intersections/overlapsThe integrations will be truly/sincerely felt by the students.
#7: True or false: Are the themes reflective of the development needs of the Grade 7 learners?
#10: A basis of materials selection and development is the recognition of the need to ensure that the literary texts follow a coherent, chronological arrangement. The sequence shows how Philippine Literature and Philippine History are interlinked. What better way to begin than to study Folk Literature, where we will find pieces of who we are as Filipinos. You see, today’s students know foreign gods and heroes than they do in their local myths and legends.Apprenticeship is about Learning. This period corresponds to US colonization. Here, the American colonizers mentored our writers to write literature in English. You may noticed that we had a 333 year leap. The Spanish Period. We deliberately skipped Spanish period. Another feature of the K to 12 is that, where another subject can teach a competency in greater depth, we don’t have to repeat it to avoid overlap. We do not teach Philippine Historyu the way AP Teachers do it. One thing more, if we include Spanish Period, we will be devoting two quarters for translated literature knowing that there was no significant text produced in English at that time.Can we substitute? Yes, as long as it falls under the theme and period and you don’t sacrifice the historical value and content.
#17: The five features of the Language Arts Program are rolled into one acronym. Light! We hope we see the light