The document discusses mobile libraries and their role in communities. It provides links to websites and summaries of conferences about how mobile libraries can better serve citizens. The key points are that mobile libraries aim to be accessible, periodic in their visits, engage citizens through intimacy and friendship, and see their staff as the most important resource. Partnerships with other organizations and using social media are seen as ways to optimize resources and expand their reach to citizens.
to meet citizens!
Mobile Library = Library;
Values that guide the mobile
libraries: Proximity, Periodicity,
Complicity, Intimacy ,
Most important resource of mobile
libraries: staff
7. The measurement of 壊看界庄艶岳霞
WEB 2.0 Social Networking (blogs)
(important tools to approach the service with their users)
small sponsorships together = great
mobile library and school library are
partners, not enemies
congresses are fundamental in
strengthening the ties that bind us
10. more social networking
mobile library is a cultural and social service
users are our biggest supporters
partnerships are essential to optimize
social networks increase our radius of action
enhance and expand the humanistic aspect of
our services
the trust of our users and our commitment as
professionals are the basic principle of our
13. new challenges, new 壊艶姻厩庄界艶壊
we are to where our users are
new functional areas: collection,
preservation, protection, promotion
of intangible heritage as an element
of regional identity and national
use and abuse of new mobile
technology to provide added value to
our usual services (QR codes, mobile
applications for smart phones)