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2175th Military Police Company, Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar

        APRIL 2012
  2175th Military
     Police Co
    CPT Shane Spellman

Executive Officer
     1LT John Bodkins

First Sergeant
      1SG Bobby Richards

HQ Platoon Sergeant
    SFC Ryan White

1st Platoon Leader
      2LT Thomas Goehring
1st Platoon Sergeant
      SFC Michael Lilly

2nd Platoon Leader
     2LT Randall Paton            Soldiers discuss last minute details before the record
2nd Platoon Sergeant
     SFC Ryan Williams            Army Physical Fitness Test.
3rd Platoon Leader
      1LT Tommy Ervie
3rd Platoon Sergeant
      SFC James Stark

                            2175th Soldiers get ready for lunch.
Yet another month has come      Soldiers have used the educa- Thanks to everyone for the
and gone. April is upon us      tion assets to their benefit. support and prayers.
and the weather is changing.    We strive to keep families    CPT Spellman
With that change though         updated through numerous
comes one month closer to       forms of media. From the
home. The Soldiers of the       newsletter to the
2175th are performing their     ARMYFRG.ORG website to
missions at a high level. The   the FACE-BOOK page.
opportunity for military        Please check out all of those
schools has presented itself    forms of media.
and we have had numerous        God Bless, As time were
Soldiers graduate from WLC      speed we know it wont be
recently. The educational       long until we are home with
opportunities are exceptional   our loved ones again.
here as well and countless

1SG PROUDLY PRESENTS                As I write this month, I want to wish you      for the camp with everything that they do. I
                                    all a Happy Easter and great month of          am so very proud of the work and dedication
                                    April. Over the last month we have en-         that our Soldiers have shown and continue to
                                    joyed a mild trend in the weather seeing       exude as we draw one more month closer to
                                    temperatures of only around 80-90 de-          our return home. Hopefully you have been
                                    grees. As we move into the month of            able to see more of the pictures of your loved
                                    April we are all going to miss this so         ones on our FACEBOOK site as well as
                                    called cool spell. During March we saw         through them. If not please let us know on
                                    the re enlistment ceremonies for some of       the site and we will do our best to capture
                                    our Soldiers that took place under the base    your Soldier on there as well. Once again I
                                    flagpole here on CAS. I want to con-           want to wish you a Happy Easter and upcom-
                                    gratulate all those that were a part of this   ing month of April.
                                    ceremony and have decided to extend
                                    their career with the Missouri Army Na-        1SG Richards
                                    tional Guard. As the months move by,
     FRG SPOTLIGHT                  our Soldiers are continuing to set the tone

An early spring, has us getting ready for the        Now, that we are on the down hill side of
5th annual golf tournament, this has kept the        this deployment, we all seem to be count-
FRG busy.                                            ing down the months, weeks and days until
Several of the ladies met to box up and mail         everyone is back safe and sound with us.
packages to the unit, hope you have received
them and enjoying the goodies.                       Our thoughts and prayers are with each and
                                                     everyone of the soldiers in the unit.
The next event after the golf tournament, will
be the Family Day which will be held in Mo-          Keep safe,
berly, in July. Thanks to Dana McCune, who
has been working with the City of Moberly            Mama Z
plus the businesses as it looks like it will be a
great event. The worst part is, not having the
full unit here to enjoy this.

Above SSG Chaney shows off his mus-
tache before going on duty.

Right SGT Johnston prepares to run a

Below SGM Hubbard finishes running
the 5K.

Bottom right 2LT Goehring has be-
come very attached to his mustache.

Soldiers of the 2175th took their semi annual Army Physical Fitness Test in March. The Army Physical
Fitness Test consists of Push Ups, Sit Ups, and a 2 Mile Run.

Here Soldiers perform Sit Ups

2 Mile Run

SGT Jackson runs the Qatar 5K.

SPC Goad coaches
hockey for local kids
hockey at a local mall.

SPC Douglas and SPC Allen from the 2175th and other Sol-
diers from the 175th MP BN Participate in the 2012 Qatar
Combat Run.

The all girl tribute band to AC/DC, ThundHerStruck, plays for the troops during an USO concert.

Page 10

                                                                                                                                       V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1

                                                   Morale, Welfare and Recreation for Deployed Soldiers
                                       Director of the MWR at Camp              ties for physical fitness to help         participate in water sports, surf
By: SPC Michelle Hurt                  As Sayliyah Qatar, the MWR               keep moral and welfare up.                the sand dunes, or even go on a
                                       mission doesn't change. Keep            They also organize for the
                                                                                                                          deep sea fishing trip.
                                       your Morale up, take care of             Armed forces Entertainment to
                                       your welfare and give you some           come through to provide enter-
As deployed soldiers, there are                                                 tainment for the troops. Here at
                                       kind of recreation to do that.
times throughout the deploy-                                                    CAS soldiers are luckier than            SPC Jamie Nichols has been on
                                       Thats what MWR does for
ment when we get down, get                                                      most according to Randall.               two MWR trips so far and says
                                       every base all over says Ran-
bored, and just want to go                                                      Here soldiers can take trips into         they really do help boost mo-
                                       dall. Camp As Sayliyah (CAS)
home. Of course that is not                                                     the city of Doha, experience the          rale. We really need this, really
                                       is unique and different than
possible, so that is why the                                                    culture, see the sights, and just         need to get out, need a break to
                                       other places in theater. At CAS
Army Morale Welfare and Rec-                                                    get away for a little while. Ara-         get out and sit down at a restau-
                                       the MWR can take trips off
reation (MWR) is here. The                                                      bian horse races, camel races             rant and shop for gifts for loved
                                       post, whereas other places in
MWR here in theater has it a                                                    and drag racing are some of the           ones said Nichols. Everyone
                                       theater, that is not a possibility.
little different than the MWR                                                   activities offered to soldiers at         on the trips agrees it is a chance
                                       On other posts in theater the
back home in the States, but                                                    CAS. There are also day trips             to go have some fun and see and
                                       MWR offers gyms, and swim-
according to Tony Randall,                                                      that can be taken to the beach to
                                       ming pools and other opportuni-

                                                                             experience something new.                  sonnel are very knowledgeable
                                                                             Nichols went on the inland sea             about the history and culture of
                                                                             picnic trip which included rid-            Qatar and are always telling you
                                                                             ing over sand dunes in a 4                 the background and history of
                                                                             wheel vehicle, having a tradi-             everything you see.
                                                                             tional BBQ at the beach, surfing
                                                                             the sand dunes on snow boards
                                                                             and riding camels. She also
                                                                             went on a city tour which took             Soldiers here at CAS also have
                                                                             them to see all the important              the opportunity to go off post in
                                                                             and historic sites around Doha,            groups or squads on their own.
                                                                             including the Pearl monument,              With the squad trip you get a
                                                                             all the government buildings               little more interaction with the
                                                                             and even the Amir's own per-               people and after going on MWR
                                                                             sonal mosque. The MWR per-                 trips and learning about the
                                                                                                                        people and culture it is a lot


 easier to interact with them           these trips, but it is worth it           is always something different to
 says Nichols. The Malls in              says Nichols.                              do. The biggest thing is, we
 Doha are popular places to visit                                                   are here to support you, you
 on squad trips. Doha has two                                                       guys are the ones that are stand-
 malls; The City Center Mall and                                                    ing on the wall protecting us
 The Villagio Mall. Both malls           The MWR is always planning                 and allowing us to do the things
 have ice skating rinks and big          something or offering some-                that we do every day. And a lot
 food courts with lots to choose         thing for the soldiers here to             of us take that for granted says
 from; including some American           keep you going. A calendar is              Randall.
 cuisine like McDonalds, Apple-          put out every month with sport-
 bee's, and Subway, and lots of          ing events such as flag football,
 unique stores to shop. There is         dart tournaments, or pool tour-
 definitely plenty to do here and        naments, as well as things such
 for most soldiers it's just finding     as bingo night or karaoke night.
 the time to do it I have sacri-        There's always something hap-
 ficed a lot of sleep to go on           pening on and off post and there
                                                                                                                          The Villagio Mall
Write me                                 April BIRTHDAYS

FIRST NAME LAST NAME                        SPC    BAKER KIRSTEN ANNE          30-Apr
2175TH MP CO                                SPC    BRANDON PETER EDMOND        19-Apr

BOX 523                                     SSG    CHANCE JASON KENNEDY        15-Apr
                                            SPC    HUDNALL WILLIAM RUSSELL      1-Apr
                                            SPC    HURT MICHELLE LYNN           5-Apr
                                            SSG    MALLETT CHERIE ANN          23-Apr
                                            SPC    NEUROHR HENRY MICHAEL       20-Apr
                                            SPC    OCONNOR SHANE ANDREW        15-Apr
                                            SPC    POMEROY JUSTIN ALAN         14-Apr
Important Phone Numbers                     SGT    SMITH MALCOLM WAYNE         16-Apr

Hannibal Armory (573) 221-4471              SPC    WEIDE CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL   20-Apr

State Chaplain (573) 638-9618
Red Cross (877) 272-7337

                                                      Yellow Ribbon
                                                  Reintegration Program
www.armyfrg.org                                            Events

Military Community and Family Policy                 Saint Louis, MO
Weekly Newsletter
                                                     October 20 & 21

                                                     December 1 & 2

                                                      Location TBD


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April 2012 Newsletter

  • 1. THE REGULATOR 2175th Military Police Company, Camp As Sayliyah, Qatar APRIL 2012 2175th Military Police Co Commander CPT Shane Spellman Executive Officer 1LT John Bodkins First Sergeant 1SG Bobby Richards HQ Platoon Sergeant SFC Ryan White 1st Platoon Leader 2LT Thomas Goehring 1st Platoon Sergeant SFC Michael Lilly 2nd Platoon Leader 2LT Randall Paton Soldiers discuss last minute details before the record 2nd Platoon Sergeant SFC Ryan Williams Army Physical Fitness Test. 3rd Platoon Leader 1LT Tommy Ervie 3rd Platoon Sergeant SFC James Stark 2175th Soldiers get ready for lunch.
  • 2. COMMANDERS CORNER Yet another month has come Soldiers have used the educa- Thanks to everyone for the and gone. April is upon us tion assets to their benefit. support and prayers. and the weather is changing. We strive to keep families CPT Spellman With that change though updated through numerous comes one month closer to forms of media. From the home. The Soldiers of the newsletter to the 2175th are performing their ARMYFRG.ORG website to missions at a high level. The the FACE-BOOK page. opportunity for military Please check out all of those schools has presented itself forms of media. and we have had numerous God Bless, As time were Soldiers graduate from WLC speed we know it wont be recently. The educational long until we are home with opportunities are exceptional our loved ones again. here as well and countless 1SG PROUDLY PRESENTS As I write this month, I want to wish you for the camp with everything that they do. I all a Happy Easter and great month of am so very proud of the work and dedication April. Over the last month we have en- that our Soldiers have shown and continue to joyed a mild trend in the weather seeing exude as we draw one more month closer to temperatures of only around 80-90 de- our return home. Hopefully you have been grees. As we move into the month of able to see more of the pictures of your loved April we are all going to miss this so ones on our FACEBOOK site as well as called cool spell. During March we saw through them. If not please let us know on the re enlistment ceremonies for some of the site and we will do our best to capture our Soldiers that took place under the base your Soldier on there as well. Once again I flagpole here on CAS. I want to con- want to wish you a Happy Easter and upcom- gratulate all those that were a part of this ing month of April. ceremony and have decided to extend their career with the Missouri Army Na- 1SG Richards tional Guard. As the months move by, FRG SPOTLIGHT our Soldiers are continuing to set the tone An early spring, has us getting ready for the Now, that we are on the down hill side of 5th annual golf tournament, this has kept the this deployment, we all seem to be count- FRG busy. ing down the months, weeks and days until Several of the ladies met to box up and mail everyone is back safe and sound with us. packages to the unit, hope you have received them and enjoying the goodies. Our thoughts and prayers are with each and everyone of the soldiers in the unit. The next event after the golf tournament, will be the Family Day which will be held in Mo- Keep safe, berly, in July. Thanks to Dana McCune, who has been working with the City of Moberly Mama Z plus the businesses as it looks like it will be a great event. The worst part is, not having the full unit here to enjoy this. 2
  • 3. MUSTACHE MARCH Above SSG Chaney shows off his mus- tache before going on duty. Right SGT Johnston prepares to run a 5K. Below SGM Hubbard finishes running the 5K. Bottom right 2LT Goehring has be- come very attached to his mustache. 3
  • 4. Soldiers of the 2175th took their semi annual Army Physical Fitness Test in March. The Army Physical Fitness Test consists of Push Ups, Sit Ups, and a 2 Mile Run. 4
  • 7. SGT Jackson runs the Qatar 5K. SPC Goad coaches hockey for local kids hockey at a local mall. 7
  • 8. SPC Douglas and SPC Allen from the 2175th and other Sol- diers from the 175th MP BN Participate in the 2012 Qatar Combat Run. 8
  • 9. The all girl tribute band to AC/DC, ThundHerStruck, plays for the troops during an USO concert. 9
  • 10. Page 10 V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1 Morale, Welfare and Recreation for Deployed Soldiers Director of the MWR at Camp ties for physical fitness to help participate in water sports, surf By: SPC Michelle Hurt As Sayliyah Qatar, the MWR keep moral and welfare up. the sand dunes, or even go on a mission doesn't change. Keep They also organize for the deep sea fishing trip. your Morale up, take care of Armed forces Entertainment to your welfare and give you some come through to provide enter- As deployed soldiers, there are tainment for the troops. Here at kind of recreation to do that. times throughout the deploy- CAS soldiers are luckier than SPC Jamie Nichols has been on Thats what MWR does for ment when we get down, get most according to Randall. two MWR trips so far and says every base all over says Ran- bored, and just want to go Here soldiers can take trips into they really do help boost mo- dall. Camp As Sayliyah (CAS) home. Of course that is not the city of Doha, experience the rale. We really need this, really is unique and different than possible, so that is why the culture, see the sights, and just need to get out, need a break to other places in theater. At CAS Army Morale Welfare and Rec- get away for a little while. Ara- get out and sit down at a restau- the MWR can take trips off reation (MWR) is here. The bian horse races, camel races rant and shop for gifts for loved post, whereas other places in MWR here in theater has it a and drag racing are some of the ones said Nichols. Everyone theater, that is not a possibility. little different than the MWR activities offered to soldiers at on the trips agrees it is a chance On other posts in theater the back home in the States, but CAS. There are also day trips to go have some fun and see and MWR offers gyms, and swim- according to Tony Randall, that can be taken to the beach to ming pools and other opportuni- experience something new. sonnel are very knowledgeable Nichols went on the inland sea about the history and culture of picnic trip which included rid- Qatar and are always telling you ing over sand dunes in a 4 the background and history of wheel vehicle, having a tradi- everything you see. tional BBQ at the beach, surfing the sand dunes on snow boards and riding camels. She also went on a city tour which took Soldiers here at CAS also have them to see all the important the opportunity to go off post in and historic sites around Doha, groups or squads on their own. including the Pearl monument, With the squad trip you get a all the government buildings little more interaction with the and even the Amir's own per- people and after going on MWR sonal mosque. The MWR per- trips and learning about the people and culture it is a lot SPC NICHOLS ON AN INLAND SEA TOUR easier to interact with them these trips, but it is worth it is always something different to says Nichols. The Malls in says Nichols. do. The biggest thing is, we Doha are popular places to visit are here to support you, you on squad trips. Doha has two guys are the ones that are stand- malls; The City Center Mall and ing on the wall protecting us The Villagio Mall. Both malls The MWR is always planning and allowing us to do the things have ice skating rinks and big something or offering some- that we do every day. And a lot food courts with lots to choose thing for the soldiers here to of us take that for granted says from; including some American keep you going. A calendar is Randall. cuisine like McDonalds, Apple- put out every month with sport- bee's, and Subway, and lots of ing events such as flag football, unique stores to shop. There is dart tournaments, or pool tour- definitely plenty to do here and naments, as well as things such for most soldiers it's just finding as bingo night or karaoke night. the time to do it I have sacri- There's always something hap- ficed a lot of sleep to go on pening on and off post and there The Villagio Mall 10
  • 11. Write me April BIRTHDAYS FIRST NAME LAST NAME SPC BAKER KIRSTEN ANNE 30-Apr 2175TH MP CO SPC BRANDON PETER EDMOND 19-Apr BOX 523 SSG CHANCE JASON KENNEDY 15-Apr SPC HUDNALL WILLIAM RUSSELL 1-Apr SPC HURT MICHELLE LYNN 5-Apr SSG MALLETT CHERIE ANN 23-Apr SPC NEUROHR HENRY MICHAEL 20-Apr SPC OCONNOR SHANE ANDREW 15-Apr SPC POMEROY JUSTIN ALAN 14-Apr Important Phone Numbers SGT SMITH MALCOLM WAYNE 16-Apr Hannibal Armory (573) 221-4471 SPC WEIDE CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL 20-Apr State Chaplain (573) 638-9618 Red Cross (877) 272-7337 IMPORTANT WEBSITES www.tricareonline.com Yellow Ribbon www.armyonesource.com Reintegration Program www.moguard.com www.armyfrg.org Events Military Community and Family Policy Saint Louis, MO Weekly Newsletter October 20 & 21 http://apps.mhf.dod.mil/mcfp/weekly December 1 & 2 Location TBD 11