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1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)?
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SUN DA Y, A UGUST 7 , 2 01 1
What is the relationship of money to the production
process (i.e., production of goods and services)?
The real issue in most discussions about money (MMT, debt, high
powered money, fractional reserve money, gold standard, etc) is the
question that is rarely fully discussed:
What is the relationship of money to the production process (i.e.,
production of goods and services)?
I believe this question needs to be answered fully and clearly and un-
ambiguously by economics before "money"can be fully understood.
I will take a stab at this question here:
Just imagine in your mind entrepreneurs, factories and labor turning
raw materials into finished goods (e.g., production of "loaves of
bread"). How does currency relate to this picture. I would suggest to
you that there are three primary relationships the production
process has to currency.
They are:
1. By spending currency consumers generate demand. Demand is
basically information (signals) which tells entrepreneurs what to
produce and how much to produce (spending generates demand).
2. Currency allows efficient trading of raw materials, labor and
finished goods and services between businesses and between
businesses and consumers (this is trading). Trading is exchanging
one’s produced output for produced output of another person.
3. Entrepreneurs and labor can and do work and produce real goods
and services just for acquiring currency itself with the expectation of
purchasing real goods and services later (this is savings).
Item number one above (generation of demand) and two above
(efficient trading) are not hard to understand. The last statement
(savings) is where the confusion lies. Let us go back to the image of
entrepreneurs, factories and labor turning raw materials into finished
goods. Now with this image of production in mind what is savings?
Savings is that portion of production (excess "loaves of bread"
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Aquinum's Razor: A Theory of Economics
In-depth analysis of the relationship between money, inflation, banking, credit, and gold,
production of goods & services and other topics relating to economics.
1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)?
aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 2/5
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produced) which is not consumed or traded for other real goods and
services immediately. Notice, when it comes to savings the acquirer
of currency (the saver) does not care whether it is freshly printed by
the government or whether someone who previously saved it is
giving it to them in exchange for real goods and services.
If these savings are not "used up"then we will have deflation. In this
case deflation is a signal to producers to produce less (and thereby
causing the economy to run below capacity).
This is where the philosophical divide exists. Should the government
step in and spend money (borrowed or printed) to "use up"the excess
productive capacity of the economy for social good?
The reverse is also true. If the economy heats up and private
spending causes inflation should the government tax and destroy
money and reign in inflation?
It seems to me that we as a society which cherishes private
management of economic resources have not settled on the above
two questions.
Why is printing money (via the FED) and "spending"it into the
economy is a problem if unused capacity of the economy is being
"used up"for social good?
In the end what really matters is productive capacity of the economy.
Monetary system is an accounting and control system to manage the
production system (i.e., the real economy).
Our monetary system is an accounting system in a sense it keeps
track of (and limits) who is "allowed"to spend (i.e., "use-up") what
portion of the available productive capacity. It is a control system
because it can be used to "reign"in spending when spending outpaces
production capacity (i.e., inflation ensues) via the FED's open market
operations or we may even need to tax and "destroy"money in order
to reign in inflation.
Y es. There is a lot of central planning involved in our "fiat"monetary
A factory does not care how much national debt exists or what our
unfunded liabilities are or even how much private debt exists the
factory is perfectly capable of producing "goods and services"no
matter what all these accounting entries say.
Long term we have to teach humanity that in a money economy Say’s
law is not true (or anywhere near it). What workers get paid and even
what business owners make even if completely spent is not sufficient
to use-up (liquidate) the production capacity of a modern economy.
That is what banks do they issue credit (new currency) to use-up this
slack capacity of the economy. But there is no reason to have banks
do this (this is what leads to recessions/depressions) as peak credit
causes no more ability to borrow and lowered production of goods
and services due to lowered demand (spending).
For centuries banks have propagated this lie. The proper thing to do
is to come up with an acceptable way to measure inflation and let the
1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)?
aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 3/5
government (not banks) use-up the slack capacity of the economy for
social good which could include regular monthly checks to the
Posted by Mansoor H. Khan at 1:17 AM
joebhed said...
Just wanted to thank you for your commentary, both here and at
NakedCapitalism on the subject, really, of what is wrong with this
monetary economic picture.
I hope that you have also followd my links to GGerman Prof Dr.
Bernd Senf:
Japanese monetary economist Dr, Kaoru Y amaguchi:
and the new Bill by Dennis Kucinich..
Y ours,
joe bongiovanni
feel free to contact me at joebhed@verizon.net.
September 25, 2011 at 4:48 PM
Approved to Share said...
I'm thrilled that I stumbled upon your blog after typing "we need a
new banking system"into google, and following a few links.
I'm quite interested on your take in regards to which direction the
world is spinning, now with the Global Occupation Movement.
I'd love to talk, whether in email, vid conference or (preferably) in
person. I'm a conscientious, international, multicultural,
university student at The Kogod School of Business at American
University in Washington DC.
My email is adungcs@gmail.com, I hope to hear from you.
October 18, 2011 at 3:48 AM
Suceso financiero said...
1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)?
aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 4/5
off the bar you think deflation is bad. Do you prefer to pay more
for goods and services? Y ou may conveniently answer yes if you
Back to reality. The savings do not need to be stolen, I mean used
up as you put it.
Y ou are trying to defend the little guy by stealing from them. Y ou
also think stealing from producers will motivate them to produce
more. Poor confused soul... Wake up man...
June 9, 2013 at 11:02 AM
Suceso financiero said...
Y ou got 1 point accurate. Savings are excess goods and services
stores in the currency.
Leaving the savings to their rightful owners motivates production.
The excess savings can be used to demand other goods and
Currency is nothing but cups holding the savings. The content in
the cups will simply dilute by adding more cups.
How folks with advanced degrees cannot figure this out says much
about our education system.
If adding more currency was an economic benefit, counterfeiting
would be legal.
June 9, 2013 at 11:20 AM
vic marcucci said...
The content in the savings cups will NOT dilute if the cups of
mechanical efficiency can keep up, which in a modern economy is
the reality.
It takes two to tango. Looking only at one thing as you do is an
error. Y ou have to look at both sides of the picture. As long as
supply can keep up with demand there is no problem, actually it's
a solution!
June 9, 2013 at 12:20 PM
Suceso financiero said...
Y ou are the one looking at one side. Y ou think diluting keeps
things going?
Than why has our output been falling year after year while the
amount of currency expanded? Hint, people are not stupid
morons and do not like being robbed.
1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)?
aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 5/5
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June 9, 2013 at 3:42 PM
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Aquinum's razor a theory of economics what is the relationship of money to the production process (i.e

  • 1. 1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 1/5 Followers Join this site w ith Google Friend Connect Members (24) More » Already a member? Sign in Blog Archive â–º 2 01 3 (1 ) â–¼ 2 01 1 (9 ) â–º Nov em ber (1 ) â–¼ Au gu st (1 ) What is the relationship of m oney to the produ ctio... â–º March (5 ) â–º Febru ary (2 ) â–º 2 01 0 (5 ) â–º 2 009 (5 ) About Me MA N SOOR H. KHA N I am a Pakistani Am erican im m igrant to the U.S. I hav e been a U.S. Citizen since 1 9 7 8. I am an Electrical Engineer by training (Bachelor of Engineering from Stev ens SUN DA Y, A UGUST 7 , 2 01 1 What is the relationship of money to the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? The real issue in most discussions about money (MMT, debt, high powered money, fractional reserve money, gold standard, etc) is the question that is rarely fully discussed: What is the relationship of money to the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? I believe this question needs to be answered fully and clearly and un- ambiguously by economics before "money"can be fully understood. I will take a stab at this question here: Just imagine in your mind entrepreneurs, factories and labor turning raw materials into finished goods (e.g., production of "loaves of bread"). How does currency relate to this picture. I would suggest to you that there are three primary relationships the production process has to currency. They are: 1. By spending currency consumers generate demand. Demand is basically information (signals) which tells entrepreneurs what to produce and how much to produce (spending generates demand). 2. Currency allows efficient trading of raw materials, labor and finished goods and services between businesses and between businesses and consumers (this is trading). Trading is exchanging one’s produced output for produced output of another person. 3. Entrepreneurs and labor can and do work and produce real goods and services just for acquiring currency itself with the expectation of purchasing real goods and services later (this is savings). Item number one above (generation of demand) and two above (efficient trading) are not hard to understand. The last statement (savings) is where the confusion lies. Let us go back to the image of entrepreneurs, factories and labor turning raw materials into finished goods. Now with this image of production in mind what is savings? Savings is that portion of production (excess "loaves of bread" Share 0 More Next Blog» aquinum114@gmail.com New Post Design Sign Out Aquinum's Razor: A Theory of Economics In-depth analysis of the relationship between money, inflation, banking, credit, and gold, production of goods & services and other topics relating to economics.
  • 2. 1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 2/5 Institu te of Technology -- Degree w ith Honor). I also hav e a Masters of Bu siness Adm nistration degree (MBA) from the Univ ersity of V irginia - I w as in Top 2 0% of the Gradu ating Class. I am an ERP consu ltant. I w ork as a an IT Fu nctional and Technical Analy st. My top fiv e fav orite historical personalities are: 1 . Prophet Moham m ad (Peace be u pon him ). He is the hu m an w hich Allah lov es the m ost. - - - - - - - 2 . Isaac New ton 3 . Clifford H. Dou glas 4 . Jam es Clerk Maxw ell 5 . Franklin D. Roosev elt (FDR) V iew m y com plete profile produced) which is not consumed or traded for other real goods and services immediately. Notice, when it comes to savings the acquirer of currency (the saver) does not care whether it is freshly printed by the government or whether someone who previously saved it is giving it to them in exchange for real goods and services. If these savings are not "used up"then we will have deflation. In this case deflation is a signal to producers to produce less (and thereby causing the economy to run below capacity). This is where the philosophical divide exists. Should the government step in and spend money (borrowed or printed) to "use up"the excess productive capacity of the economy for social good? The reverse is also true. If the economy heats up and private spending causes inflation should the government tax and destroy money and reign in inflation? It seems to me that we as a society which cherishes private management of economic resources have not settled on the above two questions. Why is printing money (via the FED) and "spending"it into the economy is a problem if unused capacity of the economy is being "used up"for social good? In the end what really matters is productive capacity of the economy. Monetary system is an accounting and control system to manage the production system (i.e., the real economy). Our monetary system is an accounting system in a sense it keeps track of (and limits) who is "allowed"to spend (i.e., "use-up") what portion of the available productive capacity. It is a control system because it can be used to "reign"in spending when spending outpaces production capacity (i.e., inflation ensues) via the FED's open market operations or we may even need to tax and "destroy"money in order to reign in inflation. Y es. There is a lot of central planning involved in our "fiat"monetary system. A factory does not care how much national debt exists or what our unfunded liabilities are or even how much private debt exists the factory is perfectly capable of producing "goods and services"no matter what all these accounting entries say. Long term we have to teach humanity that in a money economy Say’s law is not true (or anywhere near it). What workers get paid and even what business owners make even if completely spent is not sufficient to use-up (liquidate) the production capacity of a modern economy. That is what banks do they issue credit (new currency) to use-up this slack capacity of the economy. But there is no reason to have banks do this (this is what leads to recessions/depressions) as peak credit causes no more ability to borrow and lowered production of goods and services due to lowered demand (spending). For centuries banks have propagated this lie. The proper thing to do is to come up with an acceptable way to measure inflation and let the
  • 3. 1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 3/5 government (not banks) use-up the slack capacity of the economy for social good which could include regular monthly checks to the citizenry. Posted by Mansoor H. Khan at 1:17 AM 6 comments: joebhed said... Monsoor Just wanted to thank you for your commentary, both here and at NakedCapitalism on the subject, really, of what is wrong with this monetary economic picture. I hope that you have also followd my links to GGerman Prof Dr. Bernd Senf: http://blip.tv/file/4111596 Japanese monetary economist Dr, Kaoru Y amaguchi: http://www.old.monetary.org/yamaguchipaper.pdf and the new Bill by Dennis Kucinich.. http://kucinich.house.gov/UploadedFiles/NEED_Act_FINAL_11 2th.pdf Y ours, joe bongiovanni feel free to contact me at joebhed@verizon.net. September 25, 2011 at 4:48 PM Approved to Share said... I'm thrilled that I stumbled upon your blog after typing "we need a new banking system"into google, and following a few links. I'm quite interested on your take in regards to which direction the world is spinning, now with the Global Occupation Movement. I'd love to talk, whether in email, vid conference or (preferably) in person. I'm a conscientious, international, multicultural, university student at The Kogod School of Business at American University in Washington DC. My email is adungcs@gmail.com, I hope to hear from you. October 18, 2011 at 3:48 AM Suceso financiero said... Flaw..
  • 4. 1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 4/5 off the bar you think deflation is bad. Do you prefer to pay more for goods and services? Y ou may conveniently answer yes if you like. Back to reality. The savings do not need to be stolen, I mean used up as you put it. Y ou are trying to defend the little guy by stealing from them. Y ou also think stealing from producers will motivate them to produce more. Poor confused soul... Wake up man... June 9, 2013 at 11:02 AM Suceso financiero said... Y ou got 1 point accurate. Savings are excess goods and services stores in the currency. Leaving the savings to their rightful owners motivates production. The excess savings can be used to demand other goods and services. Currency is nothing but cups holding the savings. The content in the cups will simply dilute by adding more cups. How folks with advanced degrees cannot figure this out says much about our education system. If adding more currency was an economic benefit, counterfeiting would be legal. June 9, 2013 at 11:20 AM vic marcucci said... The content in the savings cups will NOT dilute if the cups of mechanical efficiency can keep up, which in a modern economy is the reality. It takes two to tango. Looking only at one thing as you do is an error. Y ou have to look at both sides of the picture. As long as supply can keep up with demand there is no problem, actually it's a solution! June 9, 2013 at 12:20 PM Suceso financiero said... Y ou are the one looking at one side. Y ou think diluting keeps things going? Than why has our output been falling year after year while the amount of currency expanded? Hint, people are not stupid morons and do not like being robbed.
  • 5. 1/7/14 Aquinum's Razor: A Theoryof Economics: What is the relationship of moneyto the production process (i.e., production of goods and services)? aquinums-razor.blogspot.com/2011/08/what-is-relationship-of-money-to.html 5/5 Newer Post Older Post June 9, 2013 at 3:42 PM Post a Comment Links to this post Create a Link Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom)